Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 197 Protecting Little Girl, Confusing Identity

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Seeing such a scene, Ye Chen suddenly felt that the whole person was not good, because the guy who touched the little girl's boudoir turned out to be a big stinky boy. Seeing that he was close to the little girl vigilantly, it should be just the first offender.

But no matter what, this kind of thing is better not to be done.

Sensing the boy close to the little girl in the room, Ye Chen had already guessed the identity of the two. There was no strong breath around him, and he didn't know whether the guy protecting the little girl was going to bed or was lazy.

Regardless of the three or seventy-one, under the perception of mental power, the kid has reached the edge of the little girl's bed, and his hand has also reached mid-air.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen didn't hesitate, pushed open the door, and immediately shouted in a low voice: "I advise you to stop, you will learn badly at a young age, and if you do many things, you will die. Your father never taught you. ?"

"who are you?"

Seeing the extraordinary Ye Chen, the boy's outstretched hand suddenly froze in the air, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Me? You don't care who I am, get out, or I will call someone, and you don't want to be arrested."

Hearing this, the boy's eyes suddenly showed a sense of wisdom that was not like a child, and immediately after taking his hand back, he fled and ran out.

Looking at the figure who fled in embarrassment, Ye Chen didn't know what the other party did for this action, but fortunately, he stopped it.

After shook his head, Ye Chen sighed, before closing the door to leave.

It was just that he had just held the doorknob of the house, and a timid soft voice suddenly came from the room: "Thank you, uncle!" Immediately, a pair of clear and hazy eyes lit up in the dim space. In the moonlight shining through the window, the glittering tears were even more eye-catching.

Obviously, the little girl who heard the movement woke up and knew what had happened just now, so she wanted to cry.

"It's okay, you sleep at ease, and I will be guarding outside the house."

Looking at the beautiful little girl who was only about four years old, Ye Chen closed the door without saying much, and then sat in front of the door and took a nap.

Although the automatic training speed did not have a percentage overlap, it still had a very good effect when practicing. After Ye Chen summoned the artifact Demon Abyss and held it in his hand, the inner sword demon divine power was continuously absorbed by it.

After being tempered by the automatic training system, it quickly turned into the purest energy to increase Ye Chen's cultivation base, but the divine power in the Demon Abyss Sword is very strong, and for the moment, all he can absorb is only the power of the last minute. That's it.

But when his cultivation base gets stronger and stronger, the effect of absorption and refining will become stronger, and the growth of his cultivation base will become faster and faster.

It's just a pity that after the divine power in the Demon Abyss was absorbed by itself and turned into a divine tool, there was not much divine power left, and he didn't know which realm he could quickly cultivate to Ye Chen.

While thinking deeply, Ye Chen suddenly felt a black shadow appear in front of his closed eyes, and immediately after he opened his eyes suddenly, he stabbed forward with his sword.

"Ah! Uncle, it's me."

A crisp voice came from a little girl who was less than half a meter tall, with delicate and delicate eyebrows, although she was still small, she was still eye-catching, and she would be an incredible beauty when she grew up.

Ye Chen looked at her and said helplessly: "Didn't you let you sleep well, what are you doing out?"

"I... I can't sleep, it was scary just now, uncle, can you coax me to sleep? Mom used to coax me, but when I came here..."

Next to Ye Chen, the little girl's eyes flashed with tears, but she stood there stubbornly, holding back the urge to cry, very pitiful.520 novel

She was sent to the Xiao Clan to leave her relatives since she was a child, and she encountered something like that again tonight, this little girl should be terrified.

Looking at Chuchu's poor little girl, Ye Chen couldn't help rubbing the other's head, and then smiled: "Okay, but I can only tell a story, and then you can sleep well."


The little girl turned from sadness to joy, hugging Ye Chen's arm affectionately, waiting for his story quietly.

He touched his chin with his left hand. Ye Chen really had nothing to say for a while. He didn't have much experience in caring for children. At the moment, his mind was blank. The short story of "Blessing the Lovers" that has been circulated since ancient times was suddenly remembered. .

Ever since, Ye Chen started telling stories.

"Once upon a time, there was a woman named Zhu Yingtai who was very eager to learn. She dressed as a man and mixed into the academy to study, but she didn't read much but fell in love with a classmate who was more handsome than Liang Shanbo.... The last two were caught Ma Wencai was forced to die, and both changed into butterflies when he was buried, and they were together forever."

Ye Chen's narrative ability is not too strong, and many details can't be remembered clearly, but the little girl listened with gusto, even showing a look of yearning, and she didn't know what was thinking in her little head.

After that, she grabbed Ye Chen's arm and pouted and said, "Is there any more, I still want to listen."

"Ahem, you should go to bed."

Without intending to go on, Ye Chen grabbed the little girl's hand and forced her to take her back to the house, who didn't want to sleep. It was just that those crystal-clear, commanding little eyes stared at Ye Chen pitifully, which made people see a little bit. Can't bear to refuse.

Right now, Ye Chen couldn't help but smirk at the corner of his mouth, and then began to tell the horror story of'don't look back after 12 o'clock in the morning'.

For a while, the little girl was so scared that she got under the covers and never dared to show her head again.

Seeing this, after walking out of the house, don't shake your head and smile: "A child is a child. If you are not honest, you will behave if you are scared."

After that, Ye Chen sat on the stone steps in front of the door and fell asleep again. It was not until the daylight dawned that he returned to the cabin that had just arrived to make up for his sleep.

Time passed quickly. Ten days passed in the blink of an eye. There was no sign of the system task being released. Ye Chen stayed in the Xiao Clan to live a stable life. Apart from telling a story to the little girl every night, basically Just do some chores like night patrols.

The progress of his cultivation is fairly stable. He has cultivated from a six-star fighter to an eight-star. Ye Chen didn't want to run around in a short time. He is really too weak now, but more importantly, his identity. Those question marks must have eccentric.

It was another day that night fell. Ye Chen told the little girl a story and after the night tour was completed, he wanted to wash and rest, but when he entered the door, a dark shadow appeared in his room.

Immediately after the door was suddenly closed, the tightly wrapped man in black immediately said to Ye Chen: "How is the situation? Is there any news about that thing? The family didn't send you here to patrol and sweep the streets all day. "

The man in black seemed to be a little angry, but Ye Chen was also a little inexplicable, and said in his heart: What's the situation?What is that thing?family?Could it be that he has a family for such a weak chicken?

Seeing that Ye Chen did not reply, the man in black felt that he had not received any news, and immediately shouted in a low voice, "Remember your mission. As soon as there is news about Tuoshe Gudiyu, immediately go to the casino in Utan City to contact me. , If you know where it is, you must tell me as soon as possible, you know?"

With that, the person disappeared from the house. Ye Chen touched his chin, carefully guessing the identity of the other party and himself from the information in the words.

However, at this moment, another tall black dress appeared in front of him. The two looked at each other. When they saw each other, they said, "You'd better stay away from the young lady. Don't look for her all day. If you are exposed If you lose your identity, believe me, you will be more uncomfortable than death. Also, since you are in the Xiao Clan, stay for a while before returning to the soul world. Although you are weak, don't forget your mission." Completely disappeared into the night.

"Tuoshe ancient emperor jade? Soul world? Don't go to the lady?"

Ye Chen touched his chin and frowned slightly. Judging from these few words, his identity seemed to be getting more and more complicated, which was really a headache.

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