Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 608 treatment begins, just in a while

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It's just that I think about it, but it is really hard to agree, Ye Chen is still ... I really can do it.

There is not much thought, Ye Chen is just a force, Miaoyu fairy is so fast that it has been reddish and red, and suddenly makes a huge sound, followed by a slightly shocking scene, Let Ye Chen can't help but frown.

I saw that the wound has caused a very serious fine scar due to excessively cracking, and the intensive spread is all, and the inside is deep, and it is definitely a small damage, and the blood flow is not there. Scenes.

The sight of the blood and blood, broken traces, happened to a girl's most soft place, I don't want to think about Ye Chen, how difficult it is to suffer.

Just, when it examines the other party's injury, Miaoyu fairy is once again panicked.

"Don't look, don't look, you will go, I will work hard, you don't worry."

But she finished, Ye Chen has encountered his own fight, slowly moved to the wounds that were scared, and explored the treatment.

"All this, you are still insisting, relaxing, I can recover you soon. Don't think more, I won't be what, rest assured."

After that, Ye Chen began to close his eyes, using spiritual power and feeling, starting a inch, fixing the body for Miaoyu fairy.

This is the sin of him, Ye Chen is also what you want to make up for this poor girl. Although it is aware of the consciousness to control the wonderful fairy, it is a black fox bride, and it is also necessary to save people. But the truth is that Miaoyu fairy, the huge pain, which is also left today.

"Seniors, I ..."

Looking at Ye Chen closed up, lying in the bed skirt, wonderful fairy, Suddenly I don't know what to say.

At this moment, she only felt that countless stocks were warm to extreme warmth. They not only shed in wound pain. Little nourish cure, they were unclear, from inside, without a feeling of uncomfortable, but in Ye Chen's treatment Below, the feeling of unbearable pain before, and dissipated.

Only the warmth of warmth is soft and comfortable, and the wound has always spread to your full body. Inside and outside, it seems that it is like soaking in hot water, which is not allowed to leave.

So that she even wanted to reject the words, I forgot to have been immersed in the brain.

After waiting to go back, Miaoyu fairy is not saying any more. After all, the wood has become a boat, and it is gone to look at it, and there is anything to discuss.

So, I was exquisite, Xiaoxiao, I immediately lifted a gourd and drunk wine, I understand that the gourd is equipped with a gourd, quietly accepted the treatment of Ye Chen.

Time passed by a second, and the Ye Chen, who was treated under the wonderful jade fairy, was also in a strong sense of spirituality, and saw that a little bit of the delicate wound was healed.

Next, it is the more serious damage area internally, only the treatment is good, the embarrassment in his heart will disappear.

When you think of this, Ye Chen didn't hesitate. After felt the size of the mouth, his gesture took a few fingers, and immediately turned into.

Soon, Ye Chen found the core area of ​​wonderful fairy injured, which followed, he would not stop the truncation, and repair it for its careful treatment.

The attention of all heart gods, Ye Chen also felt the flow of time, and the spiritual power is also the injury in the core area of ​​the wound, and the picture is gradually repaired.

Ye Chen is very careful, and it is very patient, and it is not allowed to exist.

However, it is close to the treatment. When any other, the wonderful fairy that is cured by Ye Chen's heart, but the whole person began to become abnormal as the injury is constantly improved.

First, the pretty face suddenly turned into a large piece. Then the slim focus is also inexplicably twisted. She also closed her eyes, but she didn't look at other, but the slender eyelashes were not known why it was thriving.

And as the treatment time has been removed, the wonderful fairy whole body is also moving, and especially the position of the disaster area, which is being invaded by Ye Chen.

I have already begun to present a few strange undulation, I don't know, I don't know why, only the frequency between the state is gradually getting up, and the speed is still exhibiting different degrees of increase.

The beautiful jade fairy, but also as if it didn't realize that he was in the moment, but it was just a body that gradually had a weird act, and he slowly started, but she didn't know, thin. A small mouth of mouth, only one of the elements that look very comfortable, this is only.

As if, she forgotten all her pain, completely immersed under the treatment of Ye Chen, cannot be self-extricted.

Ever since, the small mountainside bamboo house, although the two were connected together, but they all felt different things, the minds of different things, only Miaoyu fairy, the unhealthy, the body is getting more active Unparalleled.

Time passed very quickly, and Ye Chen's treatment is also very smooth.

After entering the core area, the powerful Dun Emperor is repaired, and the interior of the district excessive damage is broken, and it is simply nothing to say to him.

In Ye Chen's self-perception, there is no time to spend too much, and all the injuries under Miaoyu fairy are all cured by him, not left a scar imprint, can be said to be perfect.

However, after treatment, Ye Chen also had to say that there is such a smooth healing process, and it will be more than a lot of money, and it is difficult to treat himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen also wanted to pull out a lot of time, then explained the explanation of Miao Yu fairy, after all, he is also for his excessive injury, it should be forgive.

Thinking, Ye Chen opened his eyes and immediately wanted to raise his hand.

Just, between the flash of open eyes, it is constantly infected, and the weapon is hung up, and there is a sudden huge feeling, and there is a thunder's hammer, and the Ye Chen is shocked.

Therefore, he has some forgetting so that I have been in place for a few seconds. After the next reaction, I want to recover myself to use the big hand.

However, its hand is moving, a pair of slim jade arms, but also overfast from its eyes, and immediately have a big hand that is now in an instant.

At the same time, Ye Chen's ear is there, and it has never letting him leave the magazine of the disaster of his hand: "If you have a little more, you will be fine ..."

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