Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 609, Miaoyu Fairy's Self-Redemption

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Looking forward to the state of this moment, Ye Chen doesn't know what to do. What is the situation in her now is immersed in self-cultivation, and then develops a new knowledge that is known to know.

Ye Chen thought of twitching fingers, but he was held by the other party to fight, and he also thought that he wanted to wake up directly, but I thought about the previous Miao Yu fairy's shyness, if it really awakened each other , Afraid that there is such an embarrassment, and Miao Yu fairy will be ashamed directly to commit suicide.

For a time, Ye Chen couldn't help but think about it, but in order to give Miao Yu Xianzi's fragile spirit, he still set up ideas, sacrifice his fingers for a while, and the right to compensate for it before.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's heart was released a lot, and then appointed as a martial arts that was in a drunken, it was so hard to dance, and it was more and more natural, and it was stunned.

I haven't been succulent, Ye Chen can clearly feel that the big finger is in the mud, but it is even more fun, unlimited surges have a magical feeling of cave.

In this state, I don't know how long it lasts. The warm sun outside the bamboo house has already hidden, it is replaced by a bit of white colorful moonlight. In the whole house, it adds a layer of mysterious outlet.

Under this gauze, Miaoyu fairy's dramatic fluctuation, and it seems to reach the final stage.

Time has passed for a long time, and Miao Yu fairy has long, and I don't know if it is affected by Ye Chen, it is still so tough, and it is very extraordinary.

However, when the last time, Ye Chen also learned that the next short time is the most violent time, he has to wait until the ultimate cloud is light, it is him. The freight of the hand.

However, when Ye Chenqing is finally ended, a faint man, suddenly resounded in his ear, and shocked him to look at Miaoyu Fairy.

I saw his micro-tuning eyelashes, starting slightly, and then didn't have a while, and the eyes closed were also shake, as if it was possible to open at any time.

It is also under this opportunity, Ye Chen also felt that when you grabbing your own little hand, it is like it to be prepared for the last pilings, so that you have to let him go all right to go to dance. .

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, don't want to expose your Ye Chen, you can't take care of the wonderful fairy, or what is otherwise, the whole person suddenly takes out the residual shadow, rushing out from the window.

On the occasion of his hand left the wonderful jade fairy, suddenly the loss of empty falling, it is also made that the little hand that is originally wants to let go, the weight of the consciousness replaces Ye Chen enter himself.

Soon with a crisp sound, Miaoyu fairy is a bit vibrating beauty, the more you open, then she died, the end of the death, is also in the movement of the body , Completed the final self-salvation.

Under the silver moonlight, the crazy danced wonderful fairy came to an abrupt, and a slender silver and white lines were also increasingly incorporated below the sun.

Even the Ye Chen flying out of the house is also through the window space, clearly saw the flying, and slowly landing the perfect scenery, can't help but swallow the throat water.

Although there is no other idea in your heart, it is a man who is once again, and it is also a matter of consciousness.

Ye Chen stood outside the window. She was still waiting to leave this way to avoid embarrassment, but when he didn't come and lifted, the bamboo house was suddenly coming out of a breath of breath.

"Why, this is over."

When I heard this, Ye Chen couldn't stand back and looked at the self-salvation within the bamboo house. When I didn't move, I couldn't help but secretly said: How long is it? It's still unknown, I still want How long does it occupy me?

Thinking, Ye Chen also looked at it under the moonlight, slightly smeared between the twins, and gently wipe it.

Just haven't waited for him to get clean and bamboo house, and he passed away, and he passed away.

"Why, the last thing that satisfies enough, inexplicably disappeared, clear, you are not idle."

When the voice falls, Ye Chen is looking forward to seeing the wonderful fairy in the house. It is lifting a slender slim hand in front of himself, through the very serious end of the moonlight.

It seems to be in the moment, why is the last moment of the last, and the erotic is unwilling to wake up, but suddenly makes it unfamiliar, it is all his own hands, but it feels so much different.

Seeing that Miaoyu fairy is very energetic, Ye Chen is quietly separated from Beishan Mountain, he feels more than a second, afraid that it will be the danger of exposure, or leave it early, so as to discover, Thus, the wonderful jade fairy rises a large series of delusions, and the unique ending occurs.

After flying from the mountain waist, Ye Chen quickly came to the Hall of the mountain, and the familiar roads will go to the second floor of the red residence of the second floor.

These past have passed, and I don't know how to become the red situation of Su Su, and the origin of the origin is stable.

Looking at the door in front of you, Ye Chen raised his hand and wanted to push away, but just dry fingers have not touched the door, and a soft asking will pass from the house.

"Who is outside, is it ... Ye Mori brother?"

The voice has a short pause, but it is very fast to guess the personality.

Ye Chen didn't avoid it. After light, he smiled and said: "It's me, you will open the door, let you go in and take a break."

Ye Morphic sounds, the room has passed a little finely broken voice, then, after a look, wearing a loose raise, the neck and innocent Tu Mountain, and then appeared in front of Ye Chen. .

Loose hair, Micimi's beauty, seems to have just woke up, give people a lazy feeling.

And the little delicate body under the loose raise is completely covered by the green shirts, and the wind is slow, and there is a painting angle. It will be a little bit of white scenery. It will be introduced to Ye Chen eye blind.

Such a scene, let me have just received the Ye Chen, who has just suffered from Miaoyu Fairy ', and I have a bit of the beast blood. After the exploration, I will have a lot of time to accommodate the beauty. Above the wooden bed in the distance, sounding a little bit sound.

"Ye Mori brother is not, Su Su ........"

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