Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 627 Zhizhi Square Mountain

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Such a decisive words refuse, Ye Chen did not have any drag with water, completely reflected in his heart.

Middle-aged farmers heard Ye Chen's 'I refused', the original two slightly appreciated eyes, suddenly revealed that it was confused.

According to the reason, Ye Chen and the monkey came to the Lingtai Fang Yushan. It is to make a teacher, cultivate long life.

The fundamental purpose is to get a cultivation of fairy law, becoming powerful, and self-awaiting the sky, or dominating one.

It is just that this kid in front of you refuses yourself, clearly, and he has already appointed enough powerful strength, proves that he can trust, thank him as a teacher, it is not white.

Such a good opportunity, in any person, the other party will firmly grasp.

But in front of you, it is simply fast, even if it is, so that middle-aged farmers have never responded.

"Reject the present? Kid, are you kidding?"

Middle-aged farmers full of eyes, eyebrows picked up the Ye Chen, who was controlled by himself, produced a hundred question marks for a while.

He really don't understand, why is there a little weak in the power of even the fairy world, what is the courage to refuse himself? If you know, in the entire square, you only have the cultivation of the teacher. .

Thinking of this, the heart born in the middle-aged farmer who is unbalanced in the heart, taking advantage of Ye Chen still has no reply, and said a sentence.

"I want to know the present, if you worship me as a teacher, how can I get on the sky? With your qualifications, as long as I am willing to work hard, I will get a generals of Tianstrooms, and I'm going to Lingshan. This respect may always be better than the old ancestors, but I will do my best to teach your kid. After all, you are the first disciple of the present. I rarely look at anyone, chaos. "

Middle-aged farmers orally, continue to advise Ye Chen to carefully consider, and it is also the strength to make yourself, more than the shoulder.

And the words are very amazing, what is the Tianstro, Lingshan called Buddha, in short words, the meaning of middle-aged farmers is that when his apprentices absolutely have big things.

And can say that this is a madman, I know that I'm seeing, it seems that there is an extraordinary in the simple middle-aged farmer, and it is more Tongtian.

Just, in the face of such a temptation, I heard Ye Chen in the ear, but I suddenly wrinkled.

"Xiongtai, Xiaozi said that you are a predecessor, but the teacher, Ye Mou is also considered, no legendary Bodhi old ancestor, sorry, I think I still have to reject you once."

The Kung Fu between Ye Chen said, the layer of layers trapped his power, and it was also in its constant efforts, finally collapsed.

Immediately got the free Ye Chen, also arched in the middle-aged farmer, and then turned towards the mountain.

It may be a middle-aged farmer that does have this good master, but Ye Chen also knows that he is not slowly pressing a thousand years, he doesn't have that time.

In the plan with Sun Wuki, Ye Chen is thinking of a fairy trick to get into the Bodhi gate, learn quickly and stronger, with this way to have an absolute power to control the plan step.

But if you don't enter the Bodhi door, then continue to stay in this spiritual platform, it will become meaningless.

After all, the system's sign-in goddess mission has been released.

When the time of the square mountain consumes, Ye Chen also wants to make up for returning as soon as possible, and become a few people in this gods, there is enough capital.

Ye Chen flying quickly, did not have a while, people have already fly below the foot of the square.

Looking at the middle-aged farmers who are far away, they still stand in place, constantly swaying, and there is a sigh in the mouth.

Just now Ye Chen broke himself, the middle-aged farmers saw it, and the heart clearly understood that this child is not in the pool, and it will only be counterproductive.

Immediately, the middle-aged farmer's heart is also more and more wants to receive Yushen, but it did not continue to use tough means, and did not continue to speaking, just turned to go to the face of the mountain temple to step, the mouth is also Must muttered.

"I have never been over the mountain for a long time, and I don't know how the outside world has happened!"

On the occasion of the sound, the middle-aged farmers' figure instantly disappeared before the mountains.

The Moon Sanxing Cave, the teaching hall of a huge venting hole, the figure of the middle-aged farmer, quietly appeared on the blooming water lotus, and then stepped into the room, it was also coming. Many plates of knees are sitting on the chief disciple of Pu, slowly sitting down.

At the same time, in front of the disciple of the disciples, Sun Wukong is double knee, and the fairy style is the same, and a fairy style is a good night.

It's just that the three knocks, Sun Wukong is a face, and his eyes are straightforward.

"Master, the old grandson still doesn't understand, why you are not willing to accept my big brother Ye Chen, please tell me the reason, otherwise, the old grandson will be more difficult to sleep every night. Clearly We have two together, but it can eventually only have the old grandson to stay again, this is why, master! "

Sun Wukong, who has once again worshiped, has a problem in my heart, still didn't hold back, he really wants to know why Ye Chen is not qualified to pay into the next three-star hole, clearly, big brother, he is very qualified, Can you ...

Just when Sun Wukong had to solve it, his postpartum suddenly came to a voice.

"Bold, you have a monkey, just went to the teacher, you dare to make such a rude, don't accept your big brother, naturally there is his consideration, you have a monkey, you can't make it fast, so you can respect you. Ignorant of ignorance. "

This sound came out, many of the teachers and brothers who were sitting on the futon, and one by one, making it a look, letting it don't have more words.

After all, how many years they got started, and only the master's brothers dared to talk to the Master. This newly introduced little monkey, the courage is too fat.


Sun Wukong, who has never swallowed, looking at many brothers, and suddenly wants to refute one or two, he just wants an answer, so that you don't let your big brother is so unknown, this is wrong. ?

However, when Sun Wukong wants to say, it is not exported, the Bodhi old ancestors above the high platform will change the white smoke appear before he followed, and then raised his hand and knocked three times.

" !"

After the words, the Bodhi old ancestors disappeared in the cave hall, so that they did not get the answer to Sun Wukong, suddenly scratched the squat, or the question mark full.

After Bodhi, the middle-aged farmer who was first sitting in the disciple was also obedient with disappearance.

I didn't have a while, the Samsung's Foundation Mountain is behind the jungle, and the figure of the Bodhi old ancestors gradually appeared. He looked back at the middle-aged farmer who appeared in the figure.

I heard the words, the middle-aged farmer suddenly respected to the archway: "Master is popular, why don't you know what disciples follow?"

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