Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 628 Matches Fairy, sleep?

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I heard the middle-aged farmer said that the Bodhi old ance suddenly shakes his head, looked at each other, and said indifferent.

"Is it for that Ye Chen?"

"Just! Master, in fact, the disciples are also very curious, why don't you get in the door of Ye Chen with Sun Wukong, the kid is still in the third world, and even if it is in the three worlds. Receive it as a person, this child will be a future. "

The middle-aged farmer said that the mouth is not minus, and it will be integrated with Ye Chen between the mountains and says that it is clear.

It is also to break away from Ye Chen from your own constraints, and it is notified, but I have made my own opinion and evaluation.

The bodhi old ancestors looked at the middle-aged farmers said that there was a non-stop, each speech was a peerless genius to Ye Chen, and even more than a thousand years. Do not say.

Just in the middle-aged farmer, I spit out the words of the 'Master for the consideration of', the Bodhi old ancestors waved the white hair in the hand, interrupted his speech.

"This matter doesn't have to make anything, you have done it for the teacher, you and take it."

Said, the Bodhi old ancestors rose a group of white clouds, driving it to boil off.

But in the middle-aged farmers of this situation, it is raised his hand again and asked: "Master, even if you don't accept it, let the disciples know why, you can rest assured that the disciples will not be with other teachers. "

The voice came down, and the Bodhi old bodhi, which flew on a hundred meters, suddenly stopped, and then saw the old ancestral shape slowly, and looked at the middle-aged farmer.

"Why do you have to ask for a matter of this, your way is still unpaid, and go down on the mountain. When you have a hard work, you will be a full day, and the truth is true."

"But the teacher, the hard work is really useful? The disciples have been planning, I know this answer, I will go to the mountain, and I will be able to have a red dust."

Middle-age farmers said, he really wanted to know the answer about Ye Chen, after all, in the reason, the Bodhi teacher is accepting people, can carry the Ye Chen, who is waiting for, why not income Month Sanyue Cave, he is very unexpected.

If it is really unable to know the reason, when it is in the future, the heart will also be alive, and you can't wait.

When I saw the persistence of the middle-aged farmer's answer to the answer, the Bodhi old ancestors shook his head, and the flying fell to the most valued, but also the most hopefulness to catch up with their own disciples, raise hands Forting points in the opponent.

"Stay is calm, don't think about it, in fact, it is a teacher who doesn't accept that Ye Chen. It is worried that it is worried that the whole three-critical pattern will have a huge shake. "

"A Sun Wukong, it will make the teacher's heart. If you add that more people who have more encouragement, the people who are more survey, I am worried about teaching him, and the three worlds will completely chaotic, caught in the unknown fascinating "

The Bodhi old ancestors said, and the eyes of vicissitudes were also revealing a little vigilance.

After listening to the middle-aged farmers he explained, it immediately became a little dumb, and his head looked at his own teacher.

"Teacher, is Ye Chen really as the danger of what you said? Also, in this world, there is still something unknown? That Ye Chen, what is the sacred?"

Middle-aged farmers are somewhat amazing, he has never seen the teacher's respect for such a weird look, the Dao Buddha is double repair, the realm has a three-year master, is it still not to wear a small fairy is not a small child, how will ......

"He Fang is sacred, I really want to know, but even my Bodhi, I also felt a force that could not be speculated, and it was still a few spring and winter days on Fangshan, as a teacher Slightly perceived one or two. The vague of this child, the future of the future, even let the teacher feel that he is, it is three people. "

At this point, the body of the Bodhi old ancestors is also disappearing, and I know that the middle-aged farmers who don't know the case, it is also a long time to stand in the original place, revealing the color of the thoughts.

It can be in the back of the forest, from the daytime to the night, and from the night station to the day, but always frowned, the mystery of the mystery, never disappeared.

But I don't think I don't understand, I know some of the middle-aged farmers of some answers, but it is a kid who knows that I want, why is it different.

Immediately, the eyes were slowly revealed, and the mouth was spit out in the mouth. After the kid ', the middle-aged farmer's figure, he quickly became a faint white smoke, and completely disappeared in the square mountain.

................................................ ....

"Yawning! Who is talking about this emperor behind it, it is unlucky."

I left the square in the mountains early, I have fly back to Ye Chen in Dongsheng Shenzhou, I can't help but suck the nose, I will get striing around the mountain.

He didn't worship him, I don't know where to go for a while, the system's sign-in task is, but it can be within the heavens.

This this, this allows Ye Chen who speechless, with his current cultivation, it is afraid that the South Tianmen can't enter, let alone Tianting.

The system is true. How to sign in the task, I have released a difficult object.

In depressed, Ye Chen can't help but reject the system to issue a verbal situation.

When he was still waiting in his inquiry mountain, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

[, System mission release .......]

[First sign-in goddess mission: in the peach feast, dance with the White Crane Fairy 'is a song!

[The second sign to the goddess mission: in the moon palace, sleep in the palace hall!

[Task Reward: After the task is completed, get the white crane immediately, and the two fairy have a good feeling of 300%, and the host 'Sheng Peng Lei' will be a book.

Recalling the automatic cultivation system, two tasks actually gave a reward, Ye Chen's heart suddenly raised a little speechless.

This task, but the Tiantian is speaking in the fairy, hegesize the extremely difficult task of .

The tuning fairy is the behavior of the sky, this is still in the Tianding, and there are many moon palaces who have a lot of fairy gods.

So, the task is completed, and Ye Chen feels that his future will be inevitably.

Maybe, he has not completed the .

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