Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 630 misunderstanding, I am right!

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Sleeping, actually triggered such a tragedy.

Thinking about the Ye Chen in this place as soon as possible, there is only one thought in my mind, that is, I don't have this thing, and the speed leave is wonderful.

Just, I was dragging the wet in Ye Chen, flying out after shorting 100 meters, a fierce voyage, but suddenly came from him.

"Deuts, I will escape here!"

Listening to this words, the fighting gas in Ye Chen is even more boiling, and the speed of flushing is also increased.

Then just a second, he flew out a few hundred meters, the speed of the rush, simply arrived.

However, when the speed of Ye Chen is very fast, he is a more rapid sound explosion when he fled from the stream, but his ear is more rising, and the distance is also getting closer and closer.

In the heart, Ye Chen wants to look back, just in the moment it turned back, a white crane that is thin and smooth, but suddenly answered to his eyes.

The beautiful body line, one more and the white feather of the snow, and the fog cloud fog in the side of the body, even if it is only flying crane, it seems to have a different alien beauty.

But compared to aesthetic, the body of the white crane, but the Ye Chen can't help but make the whole body, the body, the body, and burst out more powerful flight.

However, Ye Chen seems to work hard, the soft white crane, but always fly in his back, the distance is more close to the distance.

Turning that only the white crane that only chased, the slim body suddenly broke out a powerful energy fluctuation, but the whole hundreds of white cranes were twice as big as the people, they were already in front of Ye Chen, and they were forced to stop under.

Immediately, more different energy magnetic field breath, also rapidly from the rear, did not have a while, the Ye Chen, who is above the air, will be hidden by a group of clothes that are not covered with Yan Yan Yan, group of groups. live.

It seems to be a bit anxious, and it seems that Ye Chen flew too fast, so that the pretty girls who came back, each dress was confusing, the chest reveals a large piece, and it was a big fruit that was bathed in the water. Seeing, more strange temptation.

Rao is the Ye Chen in the Warrhery. At this moment, it can hold its own state after being surrounded by the beautiful girls of this group.

The face is not red and not red, the whole person seems to be calm, there is no half-point show.

"The debate, I want to run, you are free and easy."

At this time, the huge white crane in Ye Chen was taken in the body, and after the white smoke, the whole white crane body was degraded to a young girl.

Dressed in the cloud texture white yarn, petistive, the mind is magnificent.

When you just see the appearance, many of the pretty girls around are general, all the best colors, skin white gel, delicate.

It's just that the white crane girl earlides, hangs a single white feather earrings, makes the whole person's temperament, looks quite different from other girls, more and more graceful.

Looking at the white crane girl in front of the words, Ye Chen did not enlighten his eyes around, and those who were taking out the clothing.

After the cough, he was twice, and this is a courteous response: "What is the debut, Ye Mou is not, just falling the stream, just to lose, but also hope that this girl, and the sister of the sister forgive me, I really I didn't want to see you. "

Ye Chen is also innocent, deeply, he is sleeping, the dream is incense, he doesn't want to fall, increasing trouble.

However, in the face of Ye Chen's statement, the white crane girl didn't come and spoken, and the girls who have already organized the wrong clothes, and the beautiful eyes have exposed an angry eye, reach out only a soft finger. Morning.

"Oh ~, you will fall, that is, when you haven't lost it before, you have been stealing. Good Vanfei, the courage is so big, and dare to steal this fairy bath, it is really a penalty, crime Excest! "

"When I peal, I got to fall into the water from the tree next to the stream, but I didn't work very much. I don't know what dirty things in my mind. nausea."

"For the right, and even if it is lost, it is impossible to smash it. The face is facing the chest of the godzhi sister. It is not an inexpensive, or the gathered sister is too beautiful, but said. Get up, this mortal looks quite good, it can be able to run, it is not like a dust, it is difficult to be a cultivator. In this case, then it is even more no teeth ......... "

A group of girls who have been fairy, constantly make their own opinions against Ye Chen, one by one, but also endless, do not give Ye Chen's opportunity to refute.

Only a little red girl is in the final party of the poppper, and the peeks of the mountains are peeking.

When Ye Chen's view is swept away, the girl is also very fast, I'm very popular, I don't dare to look at it, a pair of little hands is more Ming's tightness, strange, clearly, clear her clothing It is very neat, not exposed.

"Hey, mortal kid, what are you still in the east? Say, you are the disciple of the Xianxianmen, which is the lower bound, the newspaper, you will not be flying into the immortal after you."

Suddenly, a call to interrupt Ye Chen's line of sight and thought, just for the meaning, Ye Chen was shaking his head.

"You have a sister of the fairy, Ye has no door, just a diamond. Also, it is really a misunderstanding, I have already taken a rest on the tree next to the stream, who knows it. Go down, disturbing the fairy sister sister. But I'm looking at it, I seem to be all, I blew Ye Sleep, I will lose the stream, Ye Mou didn't be wrong, it is you ......... "

Ye Chen's brain thoughtfully turned, and immediately came up with a polite and unreasonable explanation. Immediately, his eyes were looking at the line of light, and he was looking at the team. Live your own fairy, the corner is laughing.

"However, the scene just now, I really have a ritual, so who is wrong, Ye will not pursue it. But in this, I still have a saying, I have to say a clear, I have to say it clearly. That is, don't speak all the people, after all, you are not all from the fairy, which is the Jade Emperor who is sitting in the town Tiangong, is also cultivating how many years, only to visit the fairy, and achieve the jade emperor! "

Ye Mori words show, and sentence is reasonable, for a time, there is a fairy around, and all face red eyes don't know what to say, each is anxious.

Obviously, they were the whole body being looked, and they were bullied!

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