Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 631 gives an opportunity, Ye is going to look bright

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However, it is bullied, and it is a bit ambiguous.

Among the many fiasms present, almost no one remembers that they first arrived in the stream, and Ye Chen was taking a rest on the water shore.

Ye Chen's inexplicable, no one cares about him until it falls from the tree, and many fairy are panicked. When they are in the water, there is a man's existence.

"Scrub, talk nonsense, what evidence you have prove, you are in the first arrival than our sister? Today, you don't want to leave here, let's talk clearly."

Like a white crane girl who is unified, suddenly opens, talking, talking, a white feather on the whitaking and earlings, but also slightly excited emotions, slightly.

It seems that she doesn't believe that Ye Chen can take a key evidence, prove that the end is coming, so, this is once again turned to many fairy.

After all, if there is no evidence, no one can prove that all of them, and all the defenses before Ye Chen have become a valerian, and the word is said.

The white crane girl was refuting the remarks, and he suddenly heard the other anxious girl, and nodded.

"Yes, the Baihe sister said that, all things pay attention to evidence, you said that you are coming, our sisters are not believed."

"Well, we don't believe it."

A group of poses of the majestic swings, suddenly grabbed the handle of Ye Chen and started the words of counterattack.

Just faced the sophistry of the girl, Ye Chen was full of shrugs and smiled.

"Evidence, right, evidence? You said that I am stealing, evidence? Do you say that you will come first, evidence? Everything can be paying attention to evidence, you can't get evidence, you can't fall into good people."

"You, strong words to defend?"

When I heard Ye Chen, a group of bad fairy, I was so angry with him.

If this kind of thing I came, I was using the anti-way self. It was simply to treat him with his people. He said that he Ye Chen did not care, then they, it seems to become ignored, big There is a space hole.

It can be paid to Ye Chen's work. If this is, it will be more unclear. Before and after, who can really break it.

However, they unclear that Ye Chen is again seized the opportunity and the opening continues.

"Since we are not clear, there is no evidence, then this matter will be, Ye Mou doesn't want to investigate what it is. After all, who has not made a mistake, who has not been mistaken,, I am unlucky. You have a fairy sister sister, Ye Chen will leave, don't send it! "

In the words, Ye Chen looked at a group of faces of the girl, as if they accepted his forgiveness in the heart, and the inquiry is fortunate.

See this, Ye Chen slowly walked towards the surrounding crowd, and many beautiful girls didn't stop him again, standing in half an air, quite a little unknown, seems to be afraid of Ye Chen if.

This situation, Ye Chen is also self-knowledge, nothing, it is not allowed, and after slowly squeezing the crowd, sprinkle the feet, just flew towards the mountain forest.

Another rush, Ye Chen also pulled the speed directly. After a while, he flew out of the mountain forest, and there was a small town in the tide of a crowd in front of him, just around the mountain forest, no small meeting. Child, you can arrive.

Once you enter this lively town, Ye Chen is also grasped, even if the group of fiasms chase again, it will never find him anymore.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's mouth could not help but show a smile, the mood is smooth, and the speed is also more rapid. I can't wait to plant the tide of the tide, solve the worries.

"Thief took away!"

Suddenly, a delicate drink is a laminated role in Ye Chen's ear, the sound is extremely close, Ye Chen has not reacted, a slim sleeper shadow, once again, after the Ye Chen, constantly Catch it.

I saw Ye Chen, who had the speed of the opponent, I feel that flying in the heart, it is not, I want to stay away from the trouble, but the delicate distress is always wrapped around him.

Ye Chen has not hesitated, and that a light gauze, the ear hangs white feather, and the girls, and suddenly, it is directly in front of him.

Looking at the white crane girl who is chasing in front of it, Ye Chen suddenly said: "This fairy girl, what do you want to do? My Ye Chen's life, in addition to this big body, really One is there, you shouldn't be ... look like Ye? Hey, you said straight, big, my Ye Chen went to accompany you for a night, satisfying you still not? "

"You ... you, the silver is full of words, simply in cultivating people. Now, your peek is to read behavior, it is premented, it is impossible."

The white crane girl was blushing by the words of Ye Chen's speech. She didn't seem to have experienced personnel, or even a friend didn't talk, so that Ye Chen's simple symptoms were the same. The face is red and an apple, and the red is not a long time.

Even if it is the harsh wording, it is still red, but it doesn't dare to look directly with Ye Chen.

See this scene, Ye Chen did not help but slammed his head, and then he had a great achievement.

"Yes, it seems that there is no love in the Tianstrium, and there is no love between ordinary men and women. Talking about love is a feet. So, this white crane girl, should not live for a long time, or a young "

On the occasion of Ye Chen, there was a forest in the woods, and suddenly rushed out of the many fairy people. After the emergency flying, the Ye Chen gave a group.

"Okay, your men's mouth, really every truth, what is your forgive us, clear, it is forgived, it is your debut."

"Yes, it's right, the man's mouth is a ghost of the people. He just sneaked first. Well, um, must be!"

The fairy who reacted the things, all angryly, the Ye Chen, the pair of waters, as if to squeeze out the water to swallow the general, let people itchy ... Oh is not It is straightfart ...

"Cough, you have a fairy sister sister, this deceptive, I can't. Ye once swear again, there is no intention to steal the meaning of the fairy, but ..."

When I said, Ye Chen suddenly paused a moment. After the mouth rapidly evacuated a smile, he suddenly raised dozens of decibels.

"But the fairy girl sister is so beautiful, even if Ye Chen is not intentional, just pass by, I will not help but leave the footsteps, enjoy the colorful immortal of the fairy sister, if I give me a chance, I Ye Chen swears, it will be great to enjoy the fairy sister sister, even if there is no longer tomorrow, I will do it. Because the fairy girl sister, you are really beautiful, nothing can be, even the jade The female seven fairy in front of you seems to fall as flowers, not worth mentioning! "

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