Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 653, small rabbit, bunny?

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The more crisp sound words, the words that spit out are more and more smooth.

It seems that it is not to speak, but I haven't communicated with people for a long time, and I have shown a sense of life.

For a sudden speech, Ye Chen is also quite curious to turn to the source, and the bottom is also thinking, this is a small fairy, the sound is very young, the mouth is not small.

Actually, saying that he is .

In the words, the fairy is mixed in the sky, and the Tiando Palace is admiring. What is the fairy of each palace, and it has become a raw?

Ye Chen's self-recognition is not in a small number, but it is still a woman who is touched like a fairy.

This is also more interested in this heart, raising the fairy that has never seen too much, raised more rich.

Turned and looked at the sound source, Ye Chen was in place, and the shabby garden door direction, actually even one person.

So, let Ye Chen can't help but smash: "Who is there?"

At its voice, the crisp women just rang immediately.

"It's intimate, how do you even look good? Low head, your grandmother is here!"

The response sound is slightly spicy, and the temper is very bad.

After the Ye Chen listened, the eyebrows were also slightly frozen, and then the eyes of the eyes were also under the opening of the door, and the weed position was seen.

Soon, a double eye is bright, and the haired white rabbit is covered into his eyes.

And with the eyesight, the eyes are like a small white rabbit, and suddenly rushing to Ye Chen's old manway.

"Where the kid, in the realm of this, in the many pursuits of my owner, it is like a diloy in the sea, and the weak is slightly invisible.

Both your grandmother persuaded you, or hurry back to the heart, don't go to the moon.

Because, depending on you, even the guards of my owner's palace, but also talk about what I like, love love.

Where is it, go back! "

The little white rabbit is just finished, but it is awkward and suddenly sounds.

"I lost, the rabbit spoke, this is the rhythm of the exquisite."

"What happened, I am a fairy rabbit, you become fine, the mortal under the eyes."

"Ha? Is the rabbit? Is it a very fragrant thing?"

"Mortal, you ..."

The qi's words, suddenly squeezed, just hiking the red eye whitening rabbit, and the white hair started.

It seems that the body is like a big, more delicious.


Soon, a weak swallow sound in the courtyard, suddenly sounded.

Although the sound is not very large, it is particularly obvious and harsh in the ear of the small white rabbit.

Therefore, between the moment, her fried hair, suddenly turned up.

The little rabbit is a bow, and the four claws caught the ground, and there is a very eye-catching anger in the eyes of the red rabbit.

"The mortal, this jade rabbit is good to persuade you not to be self-purple, but you guys will be envited.

Ok, I am so good.

Today, Both your grandmother teaches you, how to be a real person. "

The little white rabbit said the fierce, four-petal-shaped rabbit lips, and some of the beast-stamped grit grit, obviously not light.

Just, I saw her Ye Chen, but the corner of his mouth was Shijan's harmony, turning a smile, turned to shrug a little and laughing.

"Oh, I really have a good life, actually sent a small rabbit, and to teach the leaves.

Surprisingly, I am a person, you said, the little rabbit! "

Ye Chen is like a star, like a big gray wolf, and looked down under the garden. The small white rabbit will be ridiculous.

The view of the other party is filled with a breath. Ye Chen can see that the small jade rabbit in front of you will touch the side of Tianxiang.

Although it is not good, the truth, Ye Chen is not afraid, and even the seven or eighth layers of the seven-year-old.

After all, how much can I have all the battle experience of rabbits around you?

"Live your mouth, my name is Yu rabbit, not a small rabbit chicken!

If you dare to speak, I just ... I will be your mouth, hit you will not speak. "

Yushen is angry, I want to take Ye Chen to the sky, but I have been waiting for beauty or cultivation. She is a one-class .

It is in this paragraph, there is no talent, quite weak.

After Ye Chen heard this words, I couldn't help but laugh. I secretly said that this jade rabbit is so cute. I can't will charge her for pets, love does not release.

", rabbit?"

Suddenly, Ye Chen suddenly thought about anything, and then his eyes kept staring at the jade rabbit in front of the front, seeing himself.

That kind of eyes are unfold, and the feelings of life, and they are really trembled by the jade rabbit.

At the foot of the foot, it is also a few steps that are not from the autonomous face, and the red eyes are also revealed.

"What is this guy? Is this jade rabbit to see? I am not a master, what should he look like this?"

The annoyed jade rabbit, she had a lot of question marks in her heart. She didn't understand that she was just a bad guy who was a small rabbit chicken. Now she looks at her eyes, and it is awkward ... Some are too serious, as if it is like Feelings, I hope, usually ..........

At all, there is no jade rabbit that is involved in the world, it can't understand Ye Chen's eyes at the moment, so that I think about it, I understand some somewhere.

After all, the long-lasting follower, the jade rabbit will see many men from time to time, as in the moment, Ye Chen generally looks at the home owner, and I can't transfer the line for a long time.

Those men who see fascinating, no exception, all coveted three feet of their own owners, admire the five-body investment.

Even if the owner said: Let them die, you can get her, there may be a lot of people will really do it.

After the brain, the jade rabbit was blocked with Ye Chen once in the eyes of Ye Chen once, and he was blurred.

I don't know if the little bunny is in my brain, I have a strange strange idea.

When she stared at her, Ye Chen, I was also in a long time, suddenly patted my hands, and I sent a loud loud noise.

Immediately, he looked up and said that he belongs: "Haha, I Ye Chen, it is a genius!"

When I said, Ye Chen suddenly walked in the past, while pulling the slap while tapping the sound while tapping the sound.

"Small rabbit is , open the door ... ah, is it fun to play with my brother? Will you be happy!"

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