Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 654 is also .... Rabbit?

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When a voice, when you listen, you will have a bad idea in your heart, and some fantasies of the seven turning eight.

And at this moment, Ye Chen is still constantly being close to the small white rabbit in the same place, the face is not good, if it is a very common girl, even if he is handsome, it will scare the color, the square is chaotic. .

However, the brain circuit of the jade rabbit seems to be the same as the way of the usual woman's thinking.

After seeing Ye Chen like this, she had a white hair that was originally fried, and it was a smooth.

At the same time, the foot claws of the limbs are also Mumming toward Ye Chen, and it is going to be close to it.

Usually, but the Tianstroom is near the moon, there is no exception to see the immortal of her owner.

More or less courtesy, all kinds of gifts, are also all belonging to their own owners.

And the pet and the jade rabbit in the moon palace, but every time, it can only look far away.

Although there are a lot of big numbers, her heart is very none to the beautiful fairy gods, the beauty of their own owners, but it is much more than seen, I am used to the pride when I am used to reject everyone.

Naturally, the jade rabbit will have a different kind of emotion.

Obviously, she is also a female flow, and it is a thing that is like human girls. It is also a thing that secretly tricks.

The same is the same as the woman as the , then I used to have so many men, I will think about the diligent jade rabbit. I will think about it. How can no one gives her a gift, a few times of diligent.

Think about there are so many people who have hundreds of people, they should be very happy.

This makes the jade rabbit never experienced, the more curious, and is treated by people. What kind of experience is it.

After this idea, the jade rabbit sometimes, will also take a rest, no time to take care of the gods of the moon palace, the chance to be worried, secretly into the adult shape, be careful, and a few times have seen itself. The reaction is in appearance.

Just, let her are extremely disappointed, in addition to the initialization of people, there is no other reaction outside of the group of fairy gods.

Perhaps, the fairy is like a cloud, a good lookout, and it is also under the full shroud of his own master.

She is a small jade rabbit, even if it is a bright and eye-catching, the closing of the moon, but it is still the first beautiful person in the upper three, and the people of the master is beautiful.

But now, a man, even if it is only in all years, when I haven't seen my daughter, she is so fascinated by her rabbit.

This is also attached to, and I have been condensed, and I have never had a jade rabbit that I have never had this experience.

Even at this moment, think about the fun and interesting that Ye Chen will go to what he said, can make people happily.

The idea of ​​a refusal in my heart has not yet produced, and the well-clever appearance is very different from the previous spicy phase.

Yu rabbit didn't know what he was. It was the same as the mushing in the bottom of the heart, but she made her nerve striking, and I was all for forgetting that this man said that it is a small rabbit chicken that is difficult to listen to.

The emotional changes in the jade rabbit, from being spicy, Ye Chen has perceived.

Even if you let it make it so obedient, Ye Chen has not cared, because his goal is, it is also another figure.

Before and after coming to the small white rabbit, the smile of the Ye Chen's mouth was also increasingly increasing.

The rotation, he didn't hesitate, and the jade rabbit became the time period of the rabbit, and two big hands were probably, and the jade rabbit was firmly held from the weed.

Then, after the end of the eyes, the turn is called to turn the system to open the system space.

At the same time, by Ye Chen, it is close to the front, and when the eyes of the red fruit is close to the distance.

The entire rabbit of the jade rabbit began to have an inexplicable hot situation, and the red rabbit is also slightly shaking.

In the bottom of my heart, I have also begun to make my brain. I will do what I have to do next Ye Chen, I have to do my body.

Is it like those fairy gods, and the strong accountout desire to show in the owner is general, is it self-contained?

When I think of these, the small white hairy rabbit ear of jade rabbit was suddenly uncontrolled.

Then four foot claws started gently in Ye Chen's hands, slightly rubbing.

It is like going to escape at any time, as if it is too much nervous, and the incident is scared.

However, her messy moves, the Ye Chen, who has just awakened the system open space, also a very fast spotted.

See this scene, Ye Chen immediately smiled and touched the jade cerebellar, and smiled and said.

"I can't hold the little rabbit, and I have to go to me, I have to wait for a while!"

In the words, Ye Chen held the body of the jade rabbit and sent it to his chest.

Seeing the pure jade rabbit he moved so, he is tightly beat the severe beating in the heart.

In the mind, it is completely filled by a sentence, and you can't go.

"Go to him for a while?"

Such a tiger wolf word, even if he only heard of the jade rabbit that is, I can't help but connect, this is going to stand, is it?

Obviously, listen to other fairy, the kind of thing between men and women should not be Ye Chen to come here for a while?

In the case of unknown, the more I want to be confused, the little jade rabbit is so silly, slightly closed, directly by Ye Chen ...

Feeded into your own system space.

The warm warm sun is empty, and the golden beach seas is a wave, come back and return, everything is so beautiful and quiet.

Suddenly appeared in the jade rabbit in another unfamiliar domain, immediately stunned in the original place, I didn't understand what this is what 'inside.

But very quickly, a piece of gravel shake friction, suddenly caused the attention of the jade rabbit.

Immediately, when it turned to look at the roots of the roasting of the paws under the beach, it was also a big white hairy rabbit that was more than ten times, and the smile of excited smiling is also a big mouth. Match a big step in a step, fast and rapidly charter, it is a flying.

Seeing that another huge plush giant rabbit came from himself, and the jade rabbit has a bit of the thoughts, and there is a bit of the idea that she can't believe in her own.

"Is it, the guy is also .... Rabbit?"

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