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Next moment, the high-level high-end supply of the body was bright, " ····" The rhythm is endless.

Two yellow, two purple, five black!

It's a strange soul ring configuration, but this configuration has three sets, and the whole twenty-seven soul rings!

Chest, waist, knee, these three parts, each of which have nine exactly the same soul ring configuration.

When everyone is amazed because of this strange phenomenon, his fourth soul ring on his knees glanced. I saw that the tall figure slightly, suddenly dozens of exemplaries, galloping four sides.

This is obviously a step method, similar to Lin Xiaoshu's illusion, relies on speed and soul to create a lot of vain masking ontology true attack.

Just then, suddenly drunk suddenly, "Do you dare!?"

A strong wind spread toward the four weeks, sharp energy fluctuations, and shredded all the figures wearing the senior offerings to the four sides, showing the body that did not move the root.

The martial art hall is from this place to float in half of the air, and the cold is looking to three people who have never been moved.

He also wore a bunch of golden robe silver embroidery, and saw that he was placed in his eyes, and his body was shrouded on a fine golden scales.

The old man has one of the golden crocodiles, one of the top martial arts.

Thousands of Douro and Demon Douro have been very strong, but the old man's appearance, completely masked the huge soul of the two.

The dedication of this Wushu Temple is just in the long-term power only in a thousand streams, ranking second gold crocodile.

Nowadaydays, it is more than one hundred and fifty years old, and the strength has also reached the ninety-eight levels of terror.

After the Term Forest Wars, the Thousands of snow will returned the veteran of the venue.

In the capital of the Tiangou Empire, there is such a huge power, and this matter has attracted thousands of streams.

He not only sent Shuolong and the blood of the blood, but also sent a selection of nine long before going to the store.

With the moon, ghost, the nine elders found a few extreme horrible breath in the most middle tits, and the two were different, he did not hesitate, directly return to the old hall, and returned this to the big dedication.

The number of so many seals Douro actually lurked near the Huangcheng. If you want to have a tribute to the royal family, I am afraid that it is only a moment, which is not a matter of nothing.

Although there are many decisions, there is a lot of things in a thousand streams and the Pope, but the two are consistent with the goal of the Wushu Temple.

A huge force that is comparable to the martial arts may be in secret to the ownership of the Tiangou Empire, what is the meaning?

If there is a huge force in a huge force in the face of the Empire, it suddenly appeared to the Empire, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

The most unforgivable is that this guy dares to reach the hand to thousands of snow!

She is the only bone of blood in the world.

After the death of the Dynasty, all the blood all poured all the blood in the angel family.

She is not only a thousand people in this world, but also the most likely an angel family descendants!

Therefore, the thousands of snow is a thousand way of stream!

No one has to touch!

The auction field stretched out to thousands of snow, which is equivalent to declaring war!

Declare war to the Wushu!

The big supply of thousands of roads immediately dispatched the second to wept, with the elite of the elder temple, came to give this sudden anapatist auctioned a lesson.

Jinzang Luo Ming, the "lesson" mentioned under this tone, the meaning of the literal is the root!

Therefore, when he is moving, he has decided to completely erase the shootout from Douro's mainland!

The golden crocodile slammed, the left foot suddenly stepped forward, the body was rotated, the giant tail behind, quickly asked electricity, with a series of golden shadowsrews the high-level offer.


The tall figure is looking for everything, it seems that I still think about who will shoot, and the golden light shadow has been bracked.

Just listening to "!", The body of the four meters high is flying directly, and the heavy falls on the ground.

The tall body was directly fell into three flaps!

So unrest?

Everyone in the Wushu Temple looks at what happened.

Next, a weird thing happened again.

The three somatas sounded rolling, and she climbed up, and the monthly relations and ghosts on the side were all sleepers, and they were pushed.

What is the fraud?

The face of the moon is getting worse.

"Mom, this old guy sneaks us." The body was screaming.

Everyone is going to see it, it is actually a little old man with a height, my little arm calf, my face is full of wrinkles. At first glance, it is like a small monkey.

"I want to take him flat!" Another body also climbed with panting.

This is a fat old man. He is the highest in the three people, but only about six or so, but the shoulders are wide, and the whole person looks round.

The last old man gets up, although only one meter is high, but it looks more than the other two.

At this time, I waved more than a long gun than I heard, I pointed to the golden crocoda Luo: "Old things, you don't want to face, do you know?"

These three people are three twin brothers, big brothers are stunned, the second brothers and pagons and the three brothers are stupid, the three people's martial arts are the beast martial arts, the soul is ninety, ninety-first and ninety two .

Like the thousands of killers, the two Douraro, they are born together, and they grow up, the shape is not in the week, and the tacit understanding of the cooperation is more even more.

Three people will take advantage of it, they may not lose to thousands of and devil.

From the perspective of generations, the Jinzuoulo is even more than a thousand channels, and the generation of Tang Hao is doubled, and the highest power of the Muslim Hall.

Therefore, he has been respected in the Wushu Temple. Even if the Pope will ask him to ask him to ask him, even if it is a big trip, it is also a trip to him, but now Three strangely strange guys pointed to the nose, and suddenly the eyes murder.

A huge crocodile vitious appeal from the back of the golden crocodile, and the sixth soul ring on the body lit. The huge vain was like a real body, roaring, and fell to the three.

"Hand!" Three brothers called.

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