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The big move forward, and the momentum of the momentum was jumped on that, and the squat was jumped on his shoulder. The three stupid flew, jumped into the shoulders of the embarrassment.

Their sixth soul rings simultaneously lit up, and the three hanging up nearly 100 pockets. The big mouse faint shadow of the weapon, which except for the body, the appearance did not have any respective respectively.

The big mouse is like human beings. Its eyeballs turn, and seven hands and eight feet have taken a lot of weapons, pockets, and a brain lost.

Boom - Boom - Boom -!

The explosion sounded, and the sixth soul skill of Jinzen Luo was actually offset by these three brothers.

Three stupid: "The old is not dead, it is still so arrogant."

Squash: "The old age, the fire is also so big, I have to pay for it for a long time."

Dad: "I put him down, I sat flat with him, send him peace of mind!"


Jin Gocat, "A group of small mice, I don't know where to come out, when the old man is in the continent, the store is a business dealer, even if she has a few title, but it is a hiding in the dark. Shocked turtle. "

Sanmelon said: "Don't put some noble guns, there is a kind of three war!"

"What are the three things that are considered, not to fight with me." The Jinzie is very disdainful.

"You have a old king eight eggs ···· Wan Years Old Turtle ····" The three stupid broke.

"Live your mouth!" A burst sounded, this voice is also a woman, it is very good, "Don't quarrel again, you go to deal with the two guys, give him to me!"

"What do you count, these three kids, I want to be, no one can't keep it!"

The highlights of the tambon suddenly broke out from the Jinzua Luo, and every scales on his body have erected, and a white hair turned into a heavy horny, and the head shrouded, and the upper body was slightly downtown. Just like a huge crocodile, the nine soul of the body shines, and the last soul ring is also red.

"That is to see if you have any means of being left!" The person who speaks is ahead.

His height is in two meters seven, eight, at this time, the cold staring at the opposite goldense, there is no fear in the eyes.

A huge shadow appeared behind the high-priced.

This vivid shadow is two backs to grow together, a red, one blue, double head, four hands, four feet, long corners on the head, highlights, green, teeth, .

This is a variant martial art, called the ice flame magic, is a combination of two poles, and the destructive power is extremely amazing martial arts.

It is different from the ordinary variation of martial arts, the ice flames come from the ultimate martial art.

The ultimate martial arts appeared in the same kind of martial arts soul.

This martial art is generally practiced before the 30th level, and the 30th stage to seventy-level cultivation can get a seventy level, the cultivation speed will become very fast.

The ultimate Wuhan is more pure, more tough, and more toughness than other martial arts.

Originally this martial art is the ultimate ice - ice magic, but it has changed in the practice process.

In the ultimate ice, there is another extreme - extreme fire!

The temperature of this two poles appears, the variation will inevitably develop in a bad direction, and even lead to the destruction of the soul of these two attributes.

However, the miracle happened, this thought that the two poles that could be fused together were miraculous!

This not only makes the martial arts mutual change toward the benign development, but even makes it strong enough to have its owners!

This variation has never appeared in the entire historical process of the Dulan continent.

With the emergence of Wuhun and the soul ring, a huge pressure suddenly came, so that the body of the strong Wuhun's Temple is not hidden by the autonomy.

This kind of perplement has exceeded the powerful golden crocodile, and even more than many.

"Survey!" Golden crocodard was shocked, his heart was shocking.

The people in front of me have tried to provide thousands of voices in the Wushu Temple!

More than 95th, the difference between the first level is the difference between heaven.

Although the gap between 97 and 95th, the gap is 20%, but the gap between 97 and 98th is 30, ninety-eight to ninety-nine gaps. It arrived by 40%.

That is to say, a ninety-nine-ninteen, at least four ninety-fifth level below, which is just a general demon truck, and there is more meticulous in this level. The division, the strength is not the same as the same day.

"Yes, Taina," Three brothers didn't seem to be willing, but still agreed.

Then they rushed to the Sixth, seven of the Wushu Temple with Thunder, and in the three people's people, only these two brothers were equipped with their opponents.

At this time, the veteran and the row and the row of the row, and the ghost will become a group.

As far as the current situation, the overall combat power of the shootout is completely overwhelming, and there is still one in the seven people. I didn't say a word from the beginning, and I still silently set it.

Will this person will talk about the woman before?

Is his strength be more powerful?

If not, what existence will then be a woman who makes a letter?

Everyone in the Wushu Temple is so thinking.

I don't know why, the elders of the Wushu Temple and the dedicated eyes are just slightly sweeping the body, their body, including the soul, will not be self-stingy!

In the past, the whole person was like a whirlwind, and the blue red is mixed with a glimpse, turned into a dark blue purple, speed flying, and rushed to the Golden Brocua.

If Jin Guan Luo is like a golden sun like a golden sun, then, the current tiager is like a blue-violet magic day, full of violent and devouring everything.

Although the overall power is in a disadvantage, you can see the opponent's unscrupulous attack, and the anger of Jinzang has a few points.

More than a year, the anger that has not been seen is overproduced, nor is not a waste, the whole body is big, the figure is instantaneous, and the huge crussion before the back is generally opposite the steel whip.

This is certainly not simple snack. When you see the huge crocodile tail, you have it, the air is completely ill vision, and it is worth seeing that the long-tailed real position, horror The airflow stimulates the air and makes a series of spikes and the sound of air explosion.

The golden crocodile is anger, and there is no use of soul skills, just the simplest body attack.

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