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Although the same island country, after all, it is one of the five major countries. The land area of ​​the Water is several times the country of Tang, and the latter is just a whole island. The country is made up of a very large nasty and many small islands. .

As the island of the sea, the fisheries are very developed here, and there are also a variety of customs and habits between all kinds of sea fish, the island and the surrounding islands, and the island people who follow the customs are not in a small number.

The terrain here is very quite, although surrounded by seawater, there are still many mountain peaks on the island. The fog hidden village established by the first age of the water and shadow is located in the mountains, where all the year is covered, completely isolated from other people .

The size of the fog hidden village is second only to the wooden village and sandy village. Due to the mainland, plus the ocean is separated from the ocean, there is little intervention in the past, the country of Water.

Originally, the second-generation water shadow lighterage was ashaustic. After building a dark and ninja school, plus the development of the wars, the development of fog hidden village was extremely rapid, and even chased the wooden leaves, becoming one of the most powerful rises.

Ghost Lighting Months pay attention to the inheritance of the knife, cultivated a large number of new generation of ninja as a member of the seven people, these powerful elite ninja is directly directed by the spoaches, specifically completing some difficult tasks for the water shadows.

During the third endurance war, the strength of the fog hidden village has developed to unprecedented power. At this time, it is the only peak state that can reach the seven people after the establishment of the knife.

These seven people in the third endurance battle because of the sneak attack of the wooden village, except for the Watermelon Mountain Punjol, Temple, the black necrotic throat, all the mirror of Lin Xiaozhu, opened eight armor battles Kill, greatly weakened the strength of the fog hidden village.

After that, the number of "The Swords of Treatment" is not as good as the generation. Although it is a seven people who have been passing by the blogger, it is just a seven necked, far from this period. ratio.

Before and seven people, Lin Xiaozhu kept in the village of fog, and said that he was a smog.

In order to implement the subsequent task, Lin Xiaoshu said that the water was summoned in the village, and she lied her back to the village.

What is unsatisfied is that it has discovered a thrilling secret from the battlefield.

In this year, Unecy Board was in order to find someone who was suitable for joining the organization, with Xiaonan and Payne Tiandao to go to the foggy village. When I arrived at the village, I met four generations of sputum, orange, scent, because of strength The huge gap, the savist defeated, and is controlled by the illusion of the written eye.

After that, the oranges is always controlled by Unecy Bo, and the terror rule, persecution of the ninja with the blood, causing extremely bad effects, even known as "blood mist village."

After a few ninja rebels were suppressed, the fog hidden village became flustered, and it also lost a lot of good ninja. Later, the remaining three troirers were also escaped because of the tyranny of the village.

Finally, I even broke out a few turmoil, the second batch of peachous people in the seven people did not secretly planned a assassination, and fled the village and became a rebellion.

If there is a second chair, the elderly master secretly mediates, appease, I am afraid that the entire fog hidden village will fall into differentiation, so that the country is separated from the five major countries.

From the battlefield, the beauty of the battlefield, no videopathy, the smell of the orange is controlled by illusion. Later, she designed the elite to endure the illusion of the spoiled body, which allowed the village for several years. A long-term violent declaration is also made to restore normally to normal.

Xiaonan not only lost memory, and even forgot his tutilation, now there is no different from one ordinary person.

If she is now alone in the country of Tang, those evil spirits have come again, and she even has no capacity.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoshu did not leave Xiao Nan, but released a division, with her and black soil.

On the way, he carefully thought about how to dispose of Xiaonan. He felt that it could only find a way to find a tap in the empty file completed, so that you can take care of Xiaonan, you can let her avoid returning to Xiwi It may eventually escape the destiny of Yuxi Board to kill.

If you can't find it, you can only find a person who knows the taught. At least the long door is really heart as your own friend. As for whether it will go to that does not return, it is not about Lin Xiaozhu.

If you can't find a comeback, you can't find it, let her live in a remote village, but also caught by Ninja by Jiyin Village.

What is going to Xiaonan, Lin Xiaozhu really can't think of a good way, and now I can only take a step.

Three people flew into the country of the water, then they flew in the South, and they came to a small town in less than 30 miles away from the fog in the evening.

At this time, the sky has been completely black, and there are more than 20 hours from the task.

Night in the night may have to be strong than during the day. If you go to find, not only the probability of useful information is extremely embarrassing, or it will be discovered that unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoshu decided to find a hotel to rest in the town, then study the task.

Because it is not far from the fog, the landform is similar, this town is also covered by a layer of white fog.

In order not to attract excessive attention, the three people found a relatively remote hotel in the town, and Lin Xiaoshu himself, black soil and small south live another.

At midnight, Lin Xiaoshu looked outside the foggy window, thinking about the next task.

According to the time, it is necessary to rescue the leaf ware in the next day, and now who is in the end of the enemy, or the specific location of the implementation of the task is not known. At present, only the time to kill only the leaves of the leaves.

The original middle leaf warehouse is a ninja, who is good at using burning, has repeatedly settled the horses in the sandy village, and is the hero of the village.

Burning this bloody limit is not simple in the wind and the stem, but the combination of rumor in the body is combined with the flavor Chakra with fire property Chakra and produces a new nature change.

Burning can restrain the water, the burning of the leaf warehouse is a very cruel tissue. You can have all the water on the opponent's body, become a corpse.

The world is not only a tolerance, and it is actually that the friction between the country and the country can almost say that it has never been broken.

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