Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 405, the second batch of niphearted seven people

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When the Sandy Village is expanding, because the island of the beam near Xiong is friction, the two sides have nothing, and eventually, the war, after a few small-scale battles, there are thousands of autumn.

Later, because the tyranny of the water, the village continued to declined, and there were excellent endible sandy villages such as leaf warehouses and finally won.

Especially the last battle between the two villages, there have been many fogged dressed on the battlefield, all of which is killing the leaves, and the ninja in the fog hidden village hates her in the past few years.

After this, the fog hunger did not recognize that the island is owned by the hidden village, and there is still a fight between the two villages, but because the last war fog hidden village is frustrated, they have always been in the wind.

At this time, the old neighbor of Shah Yin Village is booming in the leadership of Dashewa. When expanding, the interests of Sandy Village have finally touched the interests of Sandy Village. .

If it is a small-scale friction, it is possible to resist two rivals at the same time, but there is nothing to grasp at the same time.

After all, Yan Yin Village is not completely restored to the normal misty village. At this time they are in the peak state, the overall strength, even more than the sandy village.

Therefore, when the wind shadow, the four-generation destination, Luo Sand, decided to show the fog hidden village, ending their battles, concentrated on responding to new enemies!

After getting the four generations of gliding Luo sand, the high level of the fog hidden village held a secret meeting. At this time, if you cooperate with Yinyin Village, you can get the victory, but the benefits are far away. It is not as good as Rocky Village.

So the misty village chooses some ambiguous response, they put forward to Luo Sum, there is a warning, but Sandy Village must show sincerity.

At this time, the leaf warehouse is just as a commander who responds to the village of the village, which has lurked in the country of water.

In order to express sincerity, Luo Same sent them "the most hated enemy" to the misty village.

The Ye Cang has become a victim of the political politics of the emperor.

Lin Xiaozhu remembers that the original middle leaf warehouse is in a valley near a sandy village, so he decided to inquire about how many mountain valles in the nearby mountain valley in the next day, and then stay with it and holds her possibilities. The place.

The idea has been, Lin Xiaoshu no longer thinks more, because he is tossing a day, he quickly entered a dream.

Early the next morning, Lin Xiaozhu made Black Soil and Xiaonan waiting in the hotel and went to the town to listen to the valley near the foggy village.

After a long time, he got exact information, although this information made him speechless.

A uncle told him that the fog hidden village is in the mountains, where there is a valley everywhere.

Not only that, but also in the fog hidden village square, everywhere is filled, especially in the foggy village, it is wrapped in a strong mist, the ordinary people are easy to get there, if there is no acquaintance, even The way to the village cannot be found.

In desperation, Lin Xiaoshu can only fly to the fog hidden village.

He turned around the village, and the eyes did not listen to it from the town. It is indeed true that the village is indeed, and it is an idle person to find the place where the Ye Cang is killed.

At noon at noon, the time starting from the task is less than ten hours.

Although relying on the "Valley" to determine the idea of ​​the task accurately, this sentence has made Lin Xiaoshu's terrain near the foggy village.

Since the mission is determined to be a valley near the village of Wile Village, Lin Xiaozhu feels that you only need to make some changes to some changes to the original plan.

He prepared to release the difference between the villages, observed in the high place, because there is a purple polar, even if it is in the fog and the night, it can be seen to wear ten miles, which is located at the height of Shiwei Shiliwei. It can be seen from the village twenty, so that there is a considerable chance to find the trail of the leaf warehouse.

Next, Lin Xiaozhu released two borders, each to one, and his body is guarded in the fog hidden village.

In order to avoid excessive consumption of soul, he did not fly on the sky, but he didn't choose the mountain, big tree, and some view of the vast perspective.

After you are ready, just five hours left in the task, today's time is not enough, Lin Xiaoshu is quiet to wait.

Time passed by a second, Lin Xiaozhu also flew to the air from time to time, watched the distance, although it can also see someone, but never found the figure of the leaves.

When only one hour left in the task time, in a valley in the north side of the fog, dozens of ninja, these people were gathered there, it seems to be planning.

They immediately caught the attention of Lin Xiaozhu. At this time, the sky was already dark, he showed the purple magic to the past.

Lin Xiaozhu found that these people wear the odor of foggy villages, including the strength of the seven or eight people, and even the neck of the two, even the neck of the two, which is the standard fog. I have dressed up in the village.

These two endure is a man and a woman.

The man wears the odor of the fog, with a white hair, the one is about one meter, the woman is very short, I feel only one meter more than 40 points, she has a brown red long hair. On both sides of the head are highly hovered.

This man is called a ghost light full moon, and the woman is Lin Yuyu, and the two are the second batch of homes and villages.

Because the village has long declined, there is not so much excellent ninja as a supplement. The second batch of members only have four people. In addition to their two, there are no more and martial arts, and the ghosts have been separated from the village, become a rebellion, now the seven people In fact, only them.

This lineup is facing ordinary tolerance, and there is instant spike.

Lin Xiaozhu did not recovered by the existence of these people, and still stared around because there was still a concern in his heart.

The original middle leaf warehouse is killing is just a moment, but there is no need to describe the strength of the Ye Cang.

Lin Xiaozhu can only infer the strength of the leaves through some fragments. In the fourth persistence battle, the folk warehouse after the embarrassment is really strong.

She has reached the strength of the elite, even if the strength of these ninja is very strong, but it is not to stop her instantly!

Lin Xiaozhu felt that there must be anything he didn't pay attention to, thinking that he was more alert.

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