Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 409, the most cost-effective tobach

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Since I have already opened the oranges and other people, now Lin Xiaoshu has no need to stay this tail, his body is abundant!

I saw his body suddenly became bigger, turned into a wheever turned, and burst it.

"Open the door, take the door, live the door!"

Lin Xiaoshu opened eight gates to three doors. When it turned into a ten-meter, the green energy was ignited in the body, and a huge pressure suddenly came!

The mirror did not have an independent awareness, and did not feel fear because Lin Xiaozhu's sudden changes, or other emotions. After receiving the order of the orange, his action has only one purpose, that is, killing Lin Xiaozhu!

When he found Lin Xiaozhu suddenly stopped the shape, after entering his own attack, the first reaction was attack!

The four soul rings rose from the foot, and a pound of soul sprayed, followed by the fourth soul ring.

Mirroring is directly using Lin Xiaoshu's most powerful soul skill.

Just then, Lin Xiaozhu moved!

His double-wing waves, the speed is several times faster than before, I saw him in half of the air, and there was an eye on the side of the mirror.

The giant fists of the havery have been bombarded, and the mirrors are not asked to release the soul skills, and hurriedly waved their fists and opponents.


After a loud sound, the entire arm of the mirror is broken by Lin Xiaozhu!

Today, Lin Xiaozhu is more than one star half point than the normal state.

Then, the Zhenye iron box is generally falling in the mirror. She only listens " ···" a series of sounds, mirroring is not holding the power, and the moment is heavy, it is broken into the sea, fall into the sea Among them.

The water shadow is very confident on the water mirror created by himself. He thinks that the image is completely delayed to himself.

It can make him unexpected that in addition to turning into the happiness, Lin Xiaoshu will use "eight-door armor" for the ban, the mirror of his own, even a turn is not tangled by him. .

"Killing your own feelings, it is really unhappy."

Lin Xiaozhu went to eight armor, restored human forms, direction direction, and fly to the north.

At this time, on the land outside his dozens of miles away, the squatted oranges was stopped, and Lin Yuyu in the side was also stopped by Li, and he looked at him.

"Savage big people, what happened to you?" Asked the ghost light.

"Mirror is broken!" The orange sauce hated biting his teeth.

Lin Yuyu was very surprised by profit, "What? Is your operation be broken so fast?"

"The guy's ability is very strange, it seems to be a column power."

The oranges were remembered that the mirroring eyes saw Lin Xiaozhu turned into the wheeze. After a while, I murmured: "Is it four tails? Is it the country of death?"

The four-tailed Sun Wuki was sealed in the old ninus of Yinyin Village, because he was in the wilderness, he all the year round, but he did not get away from the village, still a rocky village service, if this suddenly Show the fog hidden village ······

"Is Sas Yin Village and rock Village teamed up?" The ghost light was shocked by full moon.

The sikiş sikiş sikiş sikiş,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"I understand, is Yingsyin Village intentionally interfered with us?" Lin Yuyu is protesting by the benefits.

"There is this possibility." The eyes of the orange, the eyes were denied, and he was unclear: "It is still unclear, immediately go back to the village to let the Yuan Master go to the valley to fight, and find out the trail of the guy!"



When Lin Xiaozhu arrived in the small island where Xiaonan and black San, Lin Xiaonao arrived in the second half of the night. The soul of his body has been seen, and it can't fly again.

The young two is worried, there is waiting, and I haven't waited for Lin Xiaozhu on the island. They saw the figures in the air, two people immediately ran over.

"You finally came back, where is this whole day?" Asked black soil.

Previously, the whereabouts of Lin Xiaoshu were in his mouth. No matter how she asked, he only did not mention it.

Lin Xiaozhu smiled, "I didn't say it, I went to save a friend."

"When we left, I saw a lot of fog and I rushed around. Is it because of your sake?"

Lin Xiaozhu did not hide the point, "I rescued people involved the interests of their villages."

"Benefits?" Black Soil is slightly frowned, "Why are you rescued by the interests of the village?"

When she said, she quietly smashed the hoe.

She found that Xiaonan quietly looked at Lin Xiaozhu, and the eyes were as quiet as water, and it seems that I didn't care about what he did.

"Don't ask, we haven't escaped from the country of the water, now my soul is not right." Lin Xiaozhu was laughing, he immediately changed: "My Chakra has consumed the same, now need Take a break, we will continue to hurry tomorrow. "

When he found an empty, lying down.

Seeing Lin Xiaozhu's tired look, there was no more asking again, she sighed, quietly leaning against a stone next to him, resting.

Xiaosan quietly walked to Lin Xiaoshu, sitting, and looked at him.

Lin Xiaozhu opened his eyes and saw Xiao Nan's look, smiled: "What is this?"

"I want to see you more, I can't think of who I am."

"Then I will charge."

Xiaonan laughed, "It doesn't matter, I pay it."

Lin Xiaozhu remembers Xiaonan's S-class tolerance-God's paper!

This is a seafood that disguised six hundreds of billion explosions, introducing the enemy into it. After the detonation caused a fatal injury, it can be called the most cost-effective tobach in the world!

In the decisive battle with Xiaonan, Yischo is not the crowd of Yuxi Boi, it will become unreal, and it will be fry in this endurance, you can see God. How strong the power of the paper is!

Lin Xiaozhu didn't know where Xiaonan got six hundred billion, but he knew that these detonators were converted into silver two definitely an astronomical figure.

Lin Xiaozhu didn't want to tangle this matter because it did nothing to do.

He mildly advised: "If you can't think of it, you should not be reluctant, sometimes it may be a good thing."

"Do you forget who you are?" Xiaonan's big eyes blink, it seems that he didn't understand what he was saying.

For you may yet.

This sentence, Lin Xiaozhu did not say an export, just thinking in his heart.

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