Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 410 is surrounded by heavy

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The tired Lin Xiaozhu quickly closed his eyes, and Xiaonan, the next side, still looked quietly.

Under the dark blue night, the light and white face, the five officials are generally distinctive ... ·····

The good sensation in the successive sound, I didn't wake Lin Xiaozhu. He is too tired, and even the transition of the world's house is omitted, it will enter the dream.

Gradually, Xiaonan also felt a bit tired, lying on the side, sleeping, the sea breeze brought the cool intention of the silk, she could not help but look close to Lin Xiaoshu, ... ····

For more than four hours, when the first sunshine in the morning shines on the earth, Lin Xiaoshu opened the sleepy eyes. He found that Xiao Nan is lying in his arm, and the quiet look like a Sleep child.

At this time, she is a black yarn skirt, even more lining the snow, a pair of white jade hands grabs the clothes of his chest, and the snowy face is forced by a golden sun, and more delicious.

Lin Xiaozhu felt that the heart of the heart of "" kept, he as if he heard the good feeling prompts in Xiaonan Ears.

He deeply sucked his tone, just a little moved, Xiaonan's brows were slightly frowned, as if it was disturbed.

At this time, she is sleeping sweet, I won't wait for her, and Lin Xiaoshu is somewhat, so I still lying quietly, looking towards the sky.

At this time, the sky is very blue, the purity is like a tanyu, clear seductive, occasionally flowing a few white clouds, is refreshing.

He suddenly remembered that black soil was still, and he quickly smashed his body and saw she was very familiar with the stone.

Although they did not fight like Lin Xiaozhu, the body did not feel tired, but because of worrying all day, the spirit has suffered huge pressure, and the spiritual exhaustion sometimes exceeds the body, and the heart is falling. After that, they have entered a deep sleep.

Lin Xiaozhu smiled and lie down again.

He was noticeable before, and the small island in this time was only a dozen miles. There was no house above, which indicates that there is no one living here, so there is no need to be afraid of leakage.

In fact, this small island will have a big land to be overwhelmed while the island is not covered by sea water. Therefore, in addition to the fishermen who pass through the fishermen, no one is on the island.

At this time, the time is still early, the soul is only a quarter, Lin Xiaoshu feels more, and it is not big for a while, and it is not big, and it is slow to close the eyes.

I didn't know how long I have been in the past, and Lin Xiaozhu in sleeping dreams heard an anxious called the sound, it feld to have any horm a big factor, and the whole land followed sharply.

Lin Xiaozhu suddenly opened his eyes, it turned out that the black soil next to it was shaking his body.

She said anxious: "It's getting up, some people come here."

Lin Xiaozhu is only a very powerful breath that the direction of the very powerful breath is in the direction of his direction, and the distance is very close.


His hearts have been "", and quickly pulled up and sleeping in Xiaonan.

Xiaonan slowly opened the sleepy eyes, dissatisfied, "What is it, people haven't slept yet."

The black tilles hated her, and Lin Xiaozhu walked forward to the distance.

When the three people were still asleep, the Ninja in the fog hidden village came to the island, when they were surrounded, the black tilles woke up.

At this time, the sea is parked on a big boat, and the deck is standing with a green tolerance.

There was a relationship between all sides, and I was going to them, and I will surround the three.

Lin Yuyu is from the full moon to the full moon, and the old leader of the other side of the snake stick, and their followers follow the Ninja in the hidden village.

The old man is very old, the old to the hair and teeth are dropped, the whole mouth pumped into Baba, like a bare chicken butt, his back is high, the chest is full, a pair of eyes Dark light, a pair will look like a wooden look.

The old man called Yuanshi, is the old old man in the foggy village. It has been nearly ninety years old. From the era of the first generation of the water and shadow, it is active in the village, which is the highest power in the hunger hidden village of the orange.

After four generations of mesh water shadows, there is no suitable person to inherit, and the village will recommend him agency water. Before the fourth endurance battle, we will manage the village in the village in the village in the village, and have arrivedened alone. Only the position of the spoacteridal into her hand.

The reason why the Yuan Master appeared here because he mastered the secrets in the village - Snake Shadow of Snake!

This secret can only find someone to find someone, and the monotony can be within ten hours, as long as you get the things of the search, no matter where he is hidden, you can find his traces.

How did Lin Xiaozhu did not expect that he hid in such an isolated island, and will be blocked by the ninja in these fog hiking. They see that they will know that this time will not be good.

A ninja next to the ghost light is recognized, and immediately ran to his side, whispered a few words.

He is shrinking, cold tang: "Is Yin Yin Village to fight against the village?"

Black Silk Zhang mouth, I don't know how to deal with it.

If it is a general ninja, she can answer her own, but she is both endured, but also the granddaughter of the Shu Shayu, no matter how it is not possible to disengage the trunk.

Seeing the black land, Lin Xiaozhu, I will reply to her: "She is only accidentally met here, we don't know."

"What jokes!?" Lin Yuyu was barely sharp tooth, "It's a wasteland, no one is living in the past, can you meet here, is it to take us as a fool?"

This tiph is a major characteristic of the Ninja in the village, especially the seven people, almost every generation of members are full of sharp teeth.

In order to maintain the pureness of the blood, many villages of the country have always maintained the tradition of nearer wedding, because of the influence of genetics, more than 30% of the people are full of sharp-eyed, this phenomenon is more obvious in Ninja. .

If you are not these strange teeth, Lin Yuyu is still cute, but she has a fierce look at her mouth.

Lin Xiaoshu glanced around, and the eight parties had been spoiled by the fog, and if the rush flying, it will definitely hit it.

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