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Lin Xiaozhu climbed up, I wanted to rush a hot bath, but I immediately remembered four times. I was in a small village in the hotel. There is only one public bathroom.

He helplessly sighed, and he walked out of the sleepy eyes. He saw the black soil and Xiaonan standing outside.

Lin Xiaozhu scratched his head. "Do you just wake up?"

"Of course not." Black Soil Number: "I thought everyone was as sucking like you?"

Xiaonan doesn't talk, I have been laughing and looking at Lin Xiaozhu, and I have a little boring.

Lin Xiaozhu took a mouth, no longer responded, went to the washroom simple comb to wash, then ran away from outside the door, he wanted to find a place to fill his belly, then I went to the valley who left last night. Dish, I have not run how far he finds that black soil has been quietly followed.

Lin Xiaozhu is imaginary in a corner. Suddenly disappeared from the place, the trailing black soil was surprised, and he quickly jumped to a house to look up.

"What is it followed?" Lin Xiaozhu's voice suddenly appeared behind, and scared black soil.

She hurriedly turned and saw that Lin Xiaozhu was laughing and said not far away.

"I just came out and breathed, which eye did you see me with you?" Black Survant.

"You ·····" Lin Xiaoshu understands that she is worried about himself, "" You and Xiao South are here, if I don't come back at night, you leave this together. "

Because I know that the big snake pills and Luo Same are going to meet in the country of Sichuan, Lin Xiaozhu is really afraid that the black soil has passed, and it is implicated.

"Why don't you take a risk?" Black Soil couldn't help but said: "What is the relationship with you?"

"Since I promise to save him, it is natural to go, but Luo Sand and leaf warefart are different, I will not fight because of this guy."

"You don't mean that you are not entrusted by any country and the village of Ninja? Then you promise who wants to save the sand?"

Lin Xiaozhu smiled and shook his head. "Don't ask, you will not understand you."

Black Soil ring, "How to see you very doubt, no, I must follow, see what you are doing to harm the rocky village."

Lin Xiaoshu saw that she was just wrapped in Hu, he did not follow him, he advised: "Don't make trouble, this time you have different times, the opponent is more dangerous than the orange, although I will try to save people, but successful No, you will run right away. If you bring you, you will reduce the speed. "

"It is also dangerous than the orange" !? I see you is really crazy! "

Black Soil argued with him for a while, but the other party is very resolutely no longer insisting.

She and Lin Xiaozhu found a restaurant in the village, accompanied him to a "afternoon" meal.

When eating, Lin Xiaozhu asked the store owner, there is no dangerous, or hidden cave.

Because the number of mountains in the country of Sichuan is very large, the people in the village rely on the resource survival in the mountains, so most of them have some understanding of nearby mountains.

The shop owner is a sixty-year-old man. A self-confident look.

But when Lin Xiaoshu pointed to the direction he flying, he said that he suddenly laughed after two or three hundred miles.

These ordinary mountain people are not more than Ninja, living in the mountains in the mountains, the usual activities are also in dozens miles, and they have never gone out of their lives. Where do I know two or three hundred miles, so far What is there.

However, the store owner also told Lin Xiaozhu, that direction has been on the opposite hundred miles, there is a hillivore called Pinggu, and he has been a lot of years ago, where the mountain people will know very much about the nearby mountains.

Lin Xiaoshu wronned to thank you, and then decided to start the road.

Black Sato sent him to the village, got a few words, and sent him to leave. When he flew it on the sky, Lin Xiaozhu also laughed at her village woman who sent her husband to the remote door. She took a big hand in the air. .

She has been standing there, looking at Lin Xiaozhu's figure turns into a small point.

Lin Xiaoshu flew alone, like the western side, the same as the store owner, this time the blue sky, the view is unabsmind, everywhere is a beautiful mountain, there is a small, fat and thin, form different .

The more the number of west flying, the more the number of mountains, the more uneven distribution, after half an hour, a large mountain, a large mountain, the green mountain, the mountains, like the sea, and majestic.

After a long time, there is a small village, only two or 30 people are located at the foot of the mountain, and this village is very flat, which is more prominent under the steep peak.

Lin Xiaozhu felt that this should be the Ping Village whose shop owner said, he landed on a safe place from the village and walked to the village.

This is a very primitive village, the house is very small, simple, and the appearance is rough loess.

Seeing Lin Xiaozhu's approach, the two old people in the village put down the work in his hand, standing in the same place, a curious look at him.

It's a long time, no one has been here, especially Lin Xiaoshu is very high, the long-term phase is also very attractive, which makes him more easily attractive attention, and there are two villages and a few children. I also hope to him.

Lin Xiaoshu asked: "Old Bo, I want to inquire there is no cave in that direction?"

Two old people smiled, one of them slowly said: "When you look at you, you are not surrounded by the mountains, and there is no hundred in the cave in this round. I don't know you want to find cave. doing what?"

"I want to find something." Lin Xiaozhu is two responses, he scratched his head, "Is it very steady or hidden?"

When he heard him, the two old people were slightly stunned, just talking directly: "Child, don't you want to see treasure?"

Another one immediately went: "You don't want to make silk, and the wild mountain hills don't have anything outside the snake.

Lin Xiaozhu Hu is chaotic, "Thank you for two old, my elders have buried something in a cave near this, have passed for many years, special ideas, let me find this."

"It turned out." The old man nodded slightly, muttered: "But then it is not easy to find."

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