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Lin Xiaozhu pointed to the southeast side and continued to ask: "It is this direction, labor is laborious to give pointers."

Another old man hopped in his finger, got a beard of his goose, and sinking for a moment: "The direction you refer to, the cave is the most intensive, there are more than three or more than three or more But most of them are flatly ordinary caves, but they must be steep and concealed, and there is only one three or four names. "

As he said, he picked up a branch on the ground, looked up on the ground, a followed by a simple mountain name, and the labeling of the doctor has a cave, which is steep, and which is hidden.

Lin Xiaozhu quietly listened, constantly met in the brain.

The old man said the sound painting, the saliva flying, and later, he even talked about the secret of the mountains, Lin Xiaozhu quickly interrupted him, saying that there is something to do, let him pick some important telling yourself.

The old man smiled and was not happy, and continued to say, although occasionally, it can also converge a lot.

After more than an hour, Lin Xiaozhu flew over the sky again.

Because the distance is not far away, he remembers a rough direction. When I think that there is a categorium here, I will be killed, he will not be nervous.

I only fly for more than ten minutes. Lin Xiaoshu found that the mountains and rivers were like to meet, and it seems that last night, he flew to the sky, and he estimated a distance from the country of the country.

He missed the disappearance of the drug that was probably in the past or 30 miles outside the night, so that the big snake pills and others were likely to latenner in a large mountain here.

His body is slanted, slowly falling down, when only about 100 meters from the ground, it will stop continuing to decline, and always maintain this height and continue to search.

At this time, it is still more than five hours from the task, and there is no exact location of the task. However, Lin Xiaozhu is not anxious, because he doesn't care about Luo's death.

He feels that if you find any strength, you can save it, it is best to get "extra reward" after all.

But if it is difficult to find, or if you want to risk, Lin Xiaoshu is not willing, a reward that is not known to him, is not as good as a solid replacement bin to Luo Same Come happy.

Even so, Lin Xiaoshu has not relaxed vigilance. At this high flight, it is not a few kilometers of high altitude, and the powerful ninja will attack himself.

His soul is open, and the purple magic is displayed, and the wings are observed.

Since the old man of the village is described here, it can see a cave for how long it can be seen. These caves are naturally formed, and there are water caves and clock caves that have been eroded by natural phenomena such as wind, water. Due to the large pit formed by the collapse of the mountain, the surface was masked by plants, and I went to the dark, and it was also a cave.

Previously, the first cave marked by the old man was extremely concealed, it was a rare cave.

When entering the cave, Lin Xiaoshu immediately felt a cold wind, inside the paint black, if not, the purple magic is found to see anything.

This hole is like a winding dragon, the top of the hole is different, and some are two or 30 meters, and some places need to bend their peers.

The scenery in the cave is even muting, the top of the hole is hung in the size of the stone clock, which seems to hang the sword in the top of the head. It seems that it is necessary to fall, let people can't help but want to cover the head of the head.

Walking around the hole in front of the hole, it is separated from the left and right two, the channels are very narrow, and ordinary people are difficult to enter.

Therefore, Lin Xiaozhu flew to the channel on the right.

Although this is very wide, it is a waterway. If he is not a flying ability, it can only jump into the water. The water here is in this yin-cold cave, and it is a certain cold, even if Lin Xiaozhu is very powerful. It is also reluctant to jump into it.

The first cave said by the old man is on the stone wall of the waterway.

This is a stone hole that is eroded by wind, a total of a total of only a few square meters, Lin Xiaozhu can't help but be amazed for nature.

But he also knows that even if it is concealed, the identity of Luo Sand and Big Snake will not choose this place to sign the alliance.

After seeing this cave, Lin Xiaoshu is very glad to meet two enthusiastic old people. If they give themselves, they will describe the cave of this round dozens of miles. I will rely on him to find it. I am afraid I will find such a hidden place. So many caves are really found, there is no need to go through ten days and a half months.

After flying out of this cave, Lin Xiaozhu flew directly to the second cave marked by the old man.

According to the old man, the second cave is located on an extremely steep cliff.

The cliffs there are inverted half-trapezoids, but also as a triangular flag in the ground, the cave is on the top of the cliff, and the land is seven or eighty meters away. The ordinary mountain people will not climb at all. Going up, occasionally there are so many people who want to try, and they have fallen in the process of climbing, and the powder is broken!

So there is no one to enter the cave, some of the mountain people who love to bragger have climbed over a month, and I have seen anything in the cave, and they are all words of the wind. The fundamental is not deep, but the year More and more people who die in this cliff is more and more.

Later, the mountains surrounded the name "Going to the Cliff", which is said to another world, the cave is the gate leading to the world.

Since then, the rumors are rumored, and this cave is also attached to the mysterious, horrible color.

Gradually, nearby mountain people even went to the ranks of the cliffs, they did not dare to get close.

Although it is a mountain, it is a mountain, but I can't help but marvel when I am afraid of the cliff.

The crater cliff seems to have a line out of the line, and the line is so rough, like the open ax of the ancient giant, it is like it.

There are many small scratches on the wall of the bare cliff. It can be seen that there are many people who are missing. Lin Xiaoshu can't help but fall, gently touch these traces of the desperate soul. He seems to see a mountain. Falling down the cliff, the broken body is broken, and even a person who is struggling, the smaller pupil is shining!

In the middle, Lin Xiaoshu saw a group of strong souls to enter the Shlak Academy.

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