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After a few years, Yisi Bo is rolled, and there is a battle between the end of the talented Valley, and the final column has got a victory, and all of this is expected in the spot, the fake spot begins with a very long plan.

Although there is a great weakening of Urcho pointers, they can still be invested outside the rivals outside the monk, which makes the thousand-hand family.

At this time, the leaves have just been established soon. If they can drive them to kill the panic of other ethnic groups, this will be extremely unfavorable to the development of the village, and there is a "Ninja's God" that is still alive, and their family is not What is a wind wave.

Therefore, the thousand-hand family put this thing.

After the death of the column, the second generation of fire shadow in order to prevent Unechebra, it is convenient to centrally manage them, and the police department has established the police department. The members are all the Yuxi Bo, and he has established the dark department, the police department Perform secret monitoring.

The long-term non-confidence, and the Yi Zhibo family is gradually dissatisfied with thousands of hands, but also worried about the future fate of their family.

After several years, the wooden leaves have burst the nine-tailed events, because Yisi Bottice summoned the precedent of the nine tail, the wooden leaf high-level suspected that this matter and the Yuxi Bo family did not take off the dry system, rejected the Yuxi Wai people to participate in this matter.

After the incident, the rumors were four, because the Yuxi Wom family did not participate in the nine-tailed incident, which triggered the misunderstanding and dissatisfaction of the villagers, but the high-rise of the wood leaf did not explain the matter, but adjusted the layout of the villages, and Zhi Zhibo A family is placed on the edge and makes it in the position of the major families and monitors.

Under this high pressure, the Unexpea family has finally unbearable, and they plan a coup in secret.

At this time, the chaos of the nine tails have passed for two years, and the village of Miyuba has been coming out from the original haze, even if it is not in the village, there are three generations of watching, Zhidun Tibetan and the day to a strong The ethnic group is the shield of the village, and the strongest in the Yuxi Bo is only Yishe Water, and the family is three people.

In addition to the strength of Unechyo Water reaches the shadow, the young and young and prosperous Yue is the elite level, and the chance of winning the courage is not high.

Even if the strong ninja in the village of the village is running out the task, the coup is successful, and when the person returns to the people, the Yuxi Bo family does not have enough power to resist.

So, this is a very low coup, as the long Unexpell, Fu Yue, is unclear, but he also understands that even if it does not start the coup, the high level of the wooden leaves will not stay with them.

However, the high level of the wooden leaf has long spotted this coup, making it full preparation, and makes people put pressure on Yuxi Wave water, let him help the annoying of the Sui Zhiying who participated in the rebellion.

Yuxi Woshi understood that this policy would have a great harm to the village of Woody Village, which will be robbed by other rivots in the woods, and the situation of Yu Zhibo will not only be more ugly. And will also become a sinner that provokes the rebellion, and there will be no contrapure throughout the endurance.

In the end, he directly found the Skiki, I want to use life to exchange the peace of the Suchi Bo family. He told the three generations of the people who have a rebellion because of their own pupil, if they die, they will break their rebellion. Letter.

"Tolerance" three generations have agreed, and they also tell the water will definitely be as good as the Suzhio people as possible.

After that, Yischo stopped the water in front of the book, and the eyes entrusted to the most close people in this family, as he expected, this coup was declared after his death.

However, Unechebu Fu Yue knows that this matter will not end, because Yishabo is always like a thorn in the village in the village, this stab is a thing that must be pulled out, now no But you can't stay.

The ethnic group, when the day, will be cashed with an excuse, pull it up!

However, he has no way, the death of the water, the family lost the only one-shaded part of the Ninja. At this time, the Yishabo family is the most weak, there is no power to change, so he decided to be integrated, wait Grow up.

When Yishi Pubie witnessed the death of the water, opened the kaleidoscope, and the strength was not lost in the past two years, and reached the level of the shadow.

Nowadays, the Woody Village Zihuafei Japan and Zhidun Tibetan Tibetan are unprecedented, and the day is comfortable, and the reaches of the temple is comfortable. Under the constant oppression, Unexpectedity is gradually weak, and the people will understand that Yu Zhiwei is only or later.

Therefore, there is only a coup!

At this time, unplugging this stab is also a good time for the time of the three generations of fire!

Before the coup, both sides made a decisive, and the surface of the day still wanted to solve this incident in a peaceful way. He told him to fight for some time for himself, and the village group hiding secretly found the meter, let him shoot Erotic Wisho, as a exchange of life that can keep him and your brother Uchozuo after the coup.

The view of Uzhi Puboi and the water, he believes that the coup does not save Uzhi Bo family, just the opposite, will only let the "Uzhi Bo" three characters are more robbery, he tells the father's own double-sided spy.

In the case of Unechyo Fu Yue, which is not allowed to support, this coup has been defeated!

But there is no way to get a hand, and it is only the biggest possible to fight for the blood of Yuxi.

Yuxi Hosi has a double-sided spy, the wooden village will not immediately do it right away. As for the Yuxi Bozuo, it is still a child, there is no threat.

In order to avoid flesh and blood, Fu Yue volunteers and wife Yuxi Wom Meiqin will kill.

On the evening, Unexpello joint Unexpello shot together, and the Unexpello!

There is only three of the Yishabo family, Sasuke and Truscell, and the soil will be influenced by Unexpected Boss Thought.

On the surface, the biggest beneficiaries of this extinguishing action were obtained, and many written eye groups and Yisi Bo belt soil, but the Unexpello altruination also solved the problem of ducting the fire shadow of history.

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