Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 454, there is no truth under power!

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Yuxi Pubo can't stay in the wooden village after the extinguishing family, before he left, see Zhun Group Tibetan.

He told the Tibetan Histera to sell all the information you know to other countries. He knew that many villages were in the village. This is natural about "root", no matter the three generations I didn't want these intelligence to be leaked. This deterrent is undoubtedly threatened for both.

But I didn't have this job. After this, he saw it again, and he brought all the secrets of the three generations of the three generations. The existence of "mask men" said that he wants to join Xiaomi. Prevent the mask men's legs.

In fact, Uzhi Pubie does not know the identity of "mask men" is Yuxi Bo, like other people, and treats the mask male as Uzhibo spots.

The existence of "mask men" does make it easy to fly!

Although Unexpell, Although there is no torrent ninja, there is also a strong person who is a family of Zhiso Fu Yue and many endurance levels, which is completely annihilated in a short time. Obviously, it is a person who can be completed.

According to the description of the, the "mask man" played by Unexpello, and the strength is actually a lot of contributions. If he is a huge threat to the village for the village, it is undoubtedly a huge threat.

Therefore, Ji Fei Japan agreed to protect Unecheo Sasuke, and then he left the village and started his rebellion.

The old-fashioned flying daily is unknowingly, and the responsibility of the Yishabo's exclusion is completely pushed to Zhun Group, and then the duties of the "fire assistance" will be released, let him "root" completely Disperse until this time, the group hiding and the flying day is completely broken.

The Group has originally thought that the three generations will also be like the past, but the "severe punishment of punishment" in verbally, but I didn't expect the Japanese to take this opportunity to completely unplug the entire "root"!

This mysterious organization established from the Ji Fei Japan after the Huang Ying shadow finally made the day, so he had to take this opportunity to disappear.

This kind of unloading killing practice makes the group hide to the three-generation hidden teeth, but the other party is the most strongest rivoting. Now the power of the whole rushing village is concentrated in him, if it is irritated. Every way, he fell like an Yuxi Mo family.

Therefore, the group has finally wrapped down, and the name of the old returnees has expired the life of the group, but he did not forget the hatred, and still hid in the shadow of the wooden leaf, think about how to retaliate the sky.

Of course, for the fact that the day is constantly focusing, people who dare to anger like groups can not only have him.

As the sleepled sleepleness of the wooden leaf, the Spring and Water Nangitis have been a member of the Employment Guards of the Second Generation of Nights, and they are not old, they can't shoot, when they are in the nine times, the two are still with others. People are fighting for the village.

Since then, the two also become a senior consultant because of the whole power of protecting the village and the old convales in the wood, in this position, they must be more sensible to use the power of the use of the power, and the same day is a few decades. They know more about three generations more than others.

When the big snake pills hit the leaves, the destruction caused by the village was not less than the tail incident, but the sleeping Xiaochun and the water households were like the evaporation of the world. They did not appear from the head to the end. I have to know that the two have And the same strength as the day, if you really shot, the big snake pill will have anything.

When I will continue to take the power to myself, I naturally touch the authority of two senior consultants in the village. They become more important, it is no longer so important, this also makes the day indirect Losing the support of the two, but he didn't care at this time.

The wooden leaves entered the most prosperous period under his leadership, and the Japanese pushed the "Ramo Mountain" than the original and second-generation purposes, the carvings were also majestic, as if overlook the entire village.

When the day, I joined the son to joined the guardian of the fire in the early years, and I was responsible for protecting the name. I was paved with him in advance. In fact, Asa became a six-generation shot of the six-generation hot shadow. Candidate.

Under this prosperous scene, the sky is getting rid of the day.

He believes that the status of the flying flying in the future will be the same as the past thousand hands in the future, in the family, in the village, and even the entire endurance will become the same existence.

He will become a new "Ninja God" to push the old god, lead the wood into a new era!

The partners who have been fighting together in the dyeing tank of power, in the journey of not returning, only one person left on this road when it is far away, and it is far away. ···

Not long, Zhun Group Tibetan Contact with the big snake pills who have been deeply painful, the other side, like himself, after being opened by the day, the two, the two, the enemy, secretly planning a turmoil.

When the group is clear, he can't come up. He assisted some of the "roots" dispatched "roots" to the big snake pill, and gave him a lot of support in funds, helping him recruit a large number of ninja to join the sound In the village, when these Ninja played in the big snake pills and arrogant, the role of delaying other senior ninja in the wooden leaves, giving him a lot of time.

After the death of the flying day, although it was banned by a thousand-handed blood, it could collect two major counseling of a wooden leaf, and no one knows what the three people do. However, after this, the sleepleshing and the water households were turned back to normal, and the recovery of "root" organization was supported.

After a few years, in the news that I learned to hide and killed, I was sighing the water household: "I was in the dark, the group was dark, and the two jointly built the trend of the Woods, now now There are only us. "

The dialogue between the two is actually indirectly recognizes the acquisition of the Tibetan Humble Village, and the acquiescence of the day.

At this time, Lin Xiaoshu is standing in front of the "root" of the wood.

"There is the first classroom built in the Ninja School. When I built half, I was still very small, where there was a hide, and there was a wall to pour it, or the guy helped me to block me. ··· "

Speaking of this, the unique eyes of the group seems to be blurred.

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