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Lin Xiaozhu recalled some of the pictures of the original Chinese snake pills, but they wanted not to know who the enemy was in the early days. Why didn't you prepare in advance, but it is still killed.

"You let me think of a person." The tone of the day suddenly and slowed down, "A person who can attack the enemy with the soul."

"Do you say Kato is broken?" Lin Xiaozhu is out of mouth.

After saying this sentence, he found a smile of a smile in the mouth of the day.

Lin Xiaoshu immediately found that he had lost his words, but it was not unable to make up, and a sentence could not prove anything between him and Kato.

Jiaozi, who is good at using the use of pacific, has emerged in the second endurance battle. His name is widely known at the time, even if the sky is asking, Lin Xiaoshu can fully answer someone to listen to himself. Like Kato.

He closed his mouth quietly looking at the opposite nig.

"You are not Kato, the age is wrong, and you feel different, I am talking about the teenager who suddenly came to the village and disappearing in the village in the village for more than ten years!"

Obviously, the day and Lin Xiaozhu thought of it.

The memory of the flying is quite good, he can remember the vast majority of the volume you have seen.

In that year, he knew the existence of Lin Xiaozhu from the report of Kakasi and Yisha Water and others, and the report of Qikang, but said in the battlefield is a kind of teenager with Kato.

In the day, he remembered that he was in the same year, and found that the teenagers in their report were very likely to be a person. When Kato was active, Kasi and Yuxi wave soaking water were only a child, they There are not many opportunities to meet with Kato, and the autumn channels and broken ages are much different, and they are still more familiar.

Before he noticed that the autumn channel and Lin Xiaozhu met, the two faces showed a surprised color, which also directly let him remember this reason for the old things separated from more than ten years, although I don't know what, Qikang There is no specifier of Lin Xiaozhu, but since there is this possibility, I don't care about it.

He also saw Kozi, but it was a long time for the era. When I saw Lin Xiaozhu, I also thought that they had a little similar, but like Dikan, the appearance of Lin Xiaozhu has undergone a lot. Change, there is no such thing as it is, so I didn't contacted this matter on the day.

However, the moonlight wind is finally turned into a fly ash, and he remembered the report of two people in Xuan, Huimi Shou, said that Maite is also flying ash.

Is this coincidence?

I don't think so.

He immediately took a speech, and the result was found on the spot.

Lin Xiaozhu did not move the color: "I may have just born more than ten years ago."

"There are a lot of tattoolery that can keep people a young state."

"Then why don't you learn?"

"Hehehe, ································································

"But I really don't know what you are talking about." Lin Xiaozhu did not trust each other.

I fly in the day, started in the house, he wanted to scam Xiaozhu asked: If you are the teenager, why does Qikang does not recognize?

Because I didn't mention the things from the head to the end, I didn't mention the truth, if I asked, I would like to have that Lin Xiaozhu is the teenager that year, but Lin Xiaozhu is obviously not stupid.

After a moment, the sky is suddenly said: "I will tell you about the back of me, I will tell you, what happened."

Lin Xiaoshu nodded slightly, "no, no matter, listening is good."

"When the second endurance battle, the leaves and sandy villages have paid two hands, and the two are countless deaths. The son of the old leaves is dead in the hands of Kakasi's father flag. And the brother rope tree of the program is also dead in this war, including you! "

He looked at Lin Xiaoshu quietly. After a moment, he laughed: "It should be said to be Kato, but there are many people say that he is missing, and the syndrome of Kato is not only allowed to leave the flesh, but also The soul is home to others. He just caused the illusion of death, Ding Zhang is so much. "

After saying this sentence, he stared at Lin Xiaozhu, as if said: I doubt that your body is the soul of Kato.

Although Lin Xiaozhu is really not from this world, he knows that he doesn't matter if he is withgagate, so it is impossible to see anything from his love.

The results of this war have won, and we successfully attacked the big camp of Sandy Village, but therefore buried the roots of hatred in each other! "

"Later, the leaves did not have difficulties, but the alliance in the Shang Yin village, but these guys always think that alliances are inequality, so they have been waiting for the opportunity, and they have come to the big snake pill, they finally waited for this opportunity. "

"They may have to be disappointed." Lin Xiaozhu sighed, he didn't want to have a grievances between the big fortune, this is not directly related to his mission.

I laughed, "their main battle part is more than just Luo sand."

"More than Luo Sand?" Lin Xiaoshu heard the extraordinary sound from the other's speech.

I smiled in the day, and the face was covered with a knife.

Lin Xiaozhu was slightly frowned. He recalled the past, "" Is it, ... "Is it known to be killed by people from the head to the end?"

I fly nodded slightly.

In fact, Luo Same is explained before going to the big snake pill, and if he and the three men have returned to Sandy village in two days, it will explain the accident and arrange a variety of places to deal with this unexpected.

In the first language, the four days after two days have not returned, and the high-rise in Sandy Village is looking for. After a few days, I search for the bodies of Luo Sand in the territory of Sichuan.

Originally, they wanted to retaliate towards the big snake pills, but they were pressed by the thousand leaf mother and the Hai Lao Tibet after the death of Luo Saha. The two felt that it was mainly pressed in the wooden leaf on the sandy village. It is truly enemies that can threaten the village.

As for the big snake pill, you can send a ninja and he clear after solving this matter!

Therefore, the high levels of sandy village have not announced the wind and frame, even in the inside of the rivot, there is only a few high-level high-level known.

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