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Even if you know that Luo Sand is killed by the big snake pill, because the high-rise concealment, Sandy Village and Yinyin Village teamed up with the wooden hobby plan to work in accordance with the class.

Lin Xiaozhu is not solving, "Then why do you send the main battle in the village at this time?"

: "The war wanted to play morning and evening, and the rotted pustule would be able to pick it up by morning and evening. If these fly camps do not see hope, they don't dare to let go."

He sighed, "I am 70 years old, my body is constantly aging, now I am not the era of our old guys. If you don't borrow these two thorns, you don't know when to wait until If you solve this thing, I will start to consider the hometown of the village. "

Lin Xiaozhu, this understands this matter, and has been pushing the boom in the back, he wants to use this war to eliminate two hearts!

Today's wooden leaves are too powerful!

There are no two of the two of the five big fortunes that are more than one of the upper wooden villages.

Therefore, it is the powerfulness of ,,,, !!!!!

He thinks this requires unlimited concentration, only this can maximize the power of the leaves!

Lin Xiaozhu was only understood here, and it was more confident because he was so confident.

He believes that today's wooden leaves have more than 100% of the hidden villages, while the facts are also expected, the war of fighting wooden village has an overwhelming advantage.

However, the day of the day is ignored, he is old, it is far from the opponent of the big snake pill, and the other party wants to be targeted, and only him is one person!

As for a few decades, you have been alerting in Sandy Village that has been oppressed in the past few decades, you want to let go of the strength of the big snake pill and Yinyin Village.

If you win, you can turn over this opportunity. If you lose, you can push all the responsibilities to the big snake pill, saying that Shain Village does not know, it is always in the drum, it is not the same as the past, there is no What is actually lost.

Especially after the death of Luo Sand, the loss has become a established fact.

If you revenge at this time, even if you can kill the big snake pills, there is no more benefit to Sa Yin Village, not to mention that there is no one that can kill the big snake pills.

If it is really entangled, even if you can kill the big snake pill, you will pay a lot of money. When you arrive, the battle of the village has been greatly weakened, I don't know when I should be controlled by the wood.

Lin Xiaozhu remembers that after the end of the original, the Hui Village is dead, and Yinyin Village is in this battle, but the sandy village is just a low-level ninja.

After confirming the death of the sky, Sandy Village is ready to be prepared in advance, announced a full-contained wooden leaves, and the responsibility is pushed.

I just killed the fire, and I was only accepted by the other big country Tiger.

"Wood Leaf Crash Event" will tell this fall.

After this, the Out of the Nashi is far from being flying. It is so good at the power. Soon, the control of the village on Sandy Village has been named.

After a period of mortuary, Sandy Village was passively killed from the beginning of the wind, and turned into the final benefit of this war!

Lin Xiaozhu still didn't want to understand, he continued to ask: "Masaki has known his exposure, and the wooden leaves will definitely have preparations. Why will Sandy Village participate in this attack?"

"You will never wake up a sleep, he will immediately ask the draft, and the big snake pill of this time will spread the rumor, say that Maji has betrayed the sand hidden village, joining Yinyin Village, When you arrive, you can push it two, as for the future, I want to wash white, I can push it to the big snake pill, and then simple, and I have known what happened, I will be boat, promise. "

"What do you mean saying that from the end, only the big snake pill and Yin village are blounded?"

Lin Xiaoshu immediately understood the context of the entire incident. He suddenly surprised, "Tell me all this, it seems that you don't want me to leave the village of Wiles?"

, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Lin Xiaozhu asked, "Can I live freely in the village?"

"I am afraid, I will make people picked up a house in the juncture class, although the conditions are simple, but they can live." The day of the day is sorry. "We dinner, what can I want to eat . "

"I can't go, it is imprisoned."

"You have to say this, I have no way."

"I seem to have helped you before, this is a return?"

"Is there? You didn't find yourself to destroy my plan?"

Lin Xiaozhu listened to the day of the sky, and the secrets he foundarly discovered the secrets of Masaki and Pharmacist, which may cause the Wooden hob attack to terminate.

He smiled: "Do you know that the moonlight is killed?"

On the face of the Japanese, he exposed a sad color. "Of course, I don't know, no one knows that he will check them."

"That's okay." Lin Xiaozhu sighed, "If there is nothing else, I want to rest, toss for a night."

"So many girls will accompany you?"

Lin Xiaozhu grinned, "Can I swear?"



When I said this sentence, the look on the face of the sky is very mild, like a laugh, but Lin Xiaozhu is not joking, and the secret command is only accepted by the direct order, so when I publish the task The words will not have ambiguitous meaning. If you really have forced flight, the darkness really will do it.

Lin Xiaozhu is not afraid of these three dark, but here is a wooden leaf, his own purpose is to save the sky, if you really can't make it, it is impossible to complete the task.

He smiled: "You are really special."

"That is nature, just when the wooden leaves are their own home, what is the matter, although most of me can't do." The Feifei will waved, "gave him a meal, tossing for a night, it is estimated hungry."

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