Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 507 continuous absorption

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[Again Information: Douro Continent]

Double life: Lin Xiaoshu

Combativity: B

Level: 44 [Soul Level 50 (MAX) can continue to improve after getting the soul ring!

Experience: 6559261259000

Wu Sou: Ferry Beast Congy

Energy: Chakra Soul Domineering 39517109300

Occupation: Soul

Potential point: 228

Status: LV4 Knight (World Tree)


Lin Xiaozhu's ear has been echoating his screams. He has a sense of headache to get up, but it has been found that the surrounded is dark red, and the earth is shaking at the foot.

"Plop", he fell to the ground again, the big mouth gasped is gas, I feel that the body doesn't seem to be myself.

Even after learning, I have grown myself, but the powerful spiritual attack of the Golden Demon bat is still very big.

I have been in nearly half an hour. He couldn't detect the earth and no longer swayed. The screams began to slowly becomes smaller, and the dark red in front of him gradually retired.

Lin Xiaozhu slowly got up, looking to the body of the 100,000-year-old soul beast.

The two bodies floated with a red soul ring, dark red rays, full of space.

Lin Xiaozhu listened to the master, the soul ring will disappear in two hours, but now two 100,000 years of soul rings, he can only choose one, so that the other is to listen to the day, another I want him.

Which is good?

I have a half-life to kill the soul beast. At this time, I will give up one, and Lin Xiaoshu's heart is very unwiserable.

He suddenly remembered the black tea.

I thought before, this tea is sealed, the less the energy in the body, the higher the chance of successful sealing, the flying smoke that is sucked into it has not happened, and it must be a relatively balanced state.

Lin Xiaozhu inferred this state, it must not be used as a soul, even the soul is not used, it is impossible to absorb the soul ring, so it is not to be afraid of flying smoke to absorb the soul ring.

No matter, try it!

Lin Xiaozhu bite his teeth, takes out the black tea, and put it on the golden mulle, and injects the soul.

Sure enough, the body of the monster bat will disappear in the same way!

Lin Xiaozhu is a great hope, he posted his ear on the tea kettle, listened to a moment, and did not pass any sound.

Is this the space in this?

Is it still different from the space being sealed?

Lin Xiaoshu did not enter, there is no knowledge in the inside, and the sure is no longer thinking.

He looked at the soul ring of the death of the dead, still floating in half of the air, and the open knee sat down and started to absorb.

In fact, the black tea is a six-way immortal in order to control the tail beast, and after the death of the six cactus, the tea is missing. Over the time, it turns all the people, and changed many of the owners.

Gradually, people have forgotten the role of this vessel, just to make it as a chic food collection.

When Luo Sand is young, because of an accidental opportunity to get this object, it also discovered its role through research, and later used to seal a tail guard.

However, even if he is unclear, the purpose of the six cactus manufactures black tea is to seal the tail beast, when you build, spatial tattooing is separated from nine blocks that do not interfere with each other, to ensure that each seal can Enter different spaces.

Therefore, after the Golden Demon bat is entered, it will enter another space different from the flying smoke.

The soul of the dead gods floated to Lin Xiaozhu, and the light of the bloom entered his body almost instantly.

Because of the previous absorption of 100,000 years of soul rings, he is very familiar with this feeling.

I was killed by Lin Xiaozhu soon after crossing the sky, and the hate to him is far more than the death of the gods. The soul is also strong.

However, Lin Xiaozhu did not suffer from many resistance. The death of the death of the gods was to chase the golden fox for a long time, and there was not much feeling of sudden appearance, even if he was instantly killing .

Especially the soul of the physics is the soul of the physics attack. In addition to the energy of the 100,000-year soul in the absorption process, Lin Xiaozhu has almost no feeling of other pressures.

He is now strong enough to absorb more than 100,000 years of soul rings, and he does not have a half-pressure in the premise of seven doors. When you come to a time, the energy in the soul rings has absorbed most, After a short half a day, the soul ring of the dead, completely disappeared, and thoroughly absorbed by Lin Xiaozhu.

At the same time, a dark red soul bone broke out from the right arm of the dragonfly, slowly floating into the front of Lin Xiaozhu.

In an instant there, the soul bones are slightly shaking, and it is desperate to struggle to escape the bond, but how can Lin Xiaozhu give it this opportunity?

Under the traction of the soul, the soul bone is a little bit close to him, gradually overlapping his right arm, a light of the arm, just a flash, floating the soul bones that float in the air have disappeared not see.

Seeing the soul of the dead, Lin Xiaozhu finally looked up.

At this time, he has become a soul king, because there is no soul ring before, Lin Xiaoshu is constantly improving, and the experience of the experience is absorbed, so that the soul of the soul soared to 60.

If you absorb a soul ring, he will directly become the soul emperor!

Lin Xiaozhu remembered the golden mamm in the black tea, it was said that the tea kettle can save the soul ring or an unknown number, and there is still a flying smoke as a title.

Night dreams, he decided to take the Jinyu Bike and the soul ring. If there is still, you will start absorption immediately.

Lin Xiaozhu has not taken out something from the tea.

He carefully injected the soul into the black tea, and control the soul to wander, and feel the tea kettle carefully.

In vocal, he felt two different breaths, one is a flying smoke, and the other is definitely a golden mine with a dead.

Lin Xiaoshu uses the soul of the soul to pull it outward.

The huge body of the golden mamma appeared again, and the soul ring that flashed dark red rays was still!

Lin Xiaozhu is big, after the event, after a little nervous limbs, they will sit down again and absorb the soul ring.

Although the two beasts are in 100,000 years, they can be absorbed by their soul rings.

In the dark red soul ring, the moment of Lin Xiaozhu body, an extremely overbearing energy hit!

The monster bat and the dead gods are different, and it is far more than the latter.

And after Lin Xiaozhu appeared, it began to use mental strength to attack it. In the end, inexplicably died in the other person's hand, so the hate of Lin Xiaoshu is far more than the death of the dead.

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