Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 508 becomes the soul emperor

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In the moment of absorbing the soul rings, Lin Xiaoshu felt the strong resentment!

But from he decided to absorb the beginning, there is no chance to repent!

About 100,000 years of soul rings, the energy of extremely overbearing is directly into the body of Lin Xiaozhu.

If the outbreak of that moment is not his body has passed thousands of hammers, I am afraid it is to be destroyed directly.

Even if he forced him, he was also impacted, the whole body trembled.

You must know that in the final moment, the Jinyu Mats mad madly urged the soul. It wanted to use spiritual attack to suppress Lin Xiaozhu, but it was not successful. The soul contained in the soul ring was imagined for Lin Xiaozhu's hatred.

Before you dying, I don't understand why the other person can live their own spiritual attacks. It can be said that with a poor resentment!

In this case, Lin Xiaoshu began to absorb its soul ring and did not receive a dramatic impact.

Just started to absorb, he found it wrong, the energy of the soul ring of the golden monster bat was too tightened.

Before the absorption of the ghosts, although he also brings him a huge pressure, it has a collapse, but it is gradually increased, but this time is all the thorough outbreaks, but also absorbs another soul ring at the same time. under.

After he was almost a bit, he couldn't stand it.

Lin Xiaozhu rushed up his spiritual power, and released the tyrant, seeing the double domineering to make the mind clear, forcibly suppressing the resentment of the monster bat!

Time took a second in the past, he relied on his own powerful spiritual resistance, it seems that there seems to be possible at any time, the resentment of the golden monster bat seems to be tangible, a thorough impact to his body.

Gradually, Lin Xiaozhu suddenly understood that the so-called resentment is actually a special energy form, and it can be fully suppressed as long as it finds the correct countermeasure.

After thinking about this, his spirituality is a strong golden blue, and the whole body is all shrouded, just like a golden liquid, and the violent spirit of the Jinyu I collided with each other, both of them.

This collision allows Lin Xiaozhu's body.

After a while, he finally sucked his breath and quickly adjusted the strength of the body, accelerating the soul ring of the death of the dead.

This is an unloading force, the other side force process, in the process of absorbing the energy contained in huge soul in the process of forests.

In the state of his efforts, the ethlimity of the ethlimity of the soul of the soul of the soul, like a fire, and suddenly converges many, resentment is completely suppressed, soon there is no way and Lin Xiaozhu is strong. Personal struggle.

At this time, the huge energy of the soul ring began to attack, but the energy lost to the resentment was a little negligible for today's Lin Xiaozhu.

After all, he is no longer the first risk to absorb the 100,000-year soul ring.

In addition, the newly absorbed dead gods right arm soul bones, his body has once again strengthened, and many more than before, after the situation stabilized, the absorption of the soul ring became a lot.

Although the energy of the soul ring of the Golden Mimes can threaten Lin Xiaozhu, with the constant absorption, the strength contrast of the strength begins with the inclinement.

The whole body is shrouded in the light blue energy fluctuations, just like the vast star of the universe, the star is turning, the breath is gradually uniform, and the continuous dark red energy of the soul ring is gradually calming.

Unlike the dead, the soul of the golden monster is strong, and it can have been working all day, Lin Xiaoshu finally completed the entire absorption process.

When the dark red rays converge, the other red soul of the soul emerged from the Big Mai Big, floating into the face of Lin Xiaozhu.

That is a transparent, filled with amber, which seems to have a dark red liquid in turn.

It is not to release the light out, but constantly swallow the radiance, and the moment that appears begins dramatically, as if the resistive is absorbed by people.

However, Lin Xiaozhu will not give it an opportunity to escape, and hurriedly concentrates the spiritual efforts to pull themselves.

After absorbing the sacred bat soul rings, he has entered the Soul Emperor, and the soul level directly reached 63.

A sound of "", the energy of Lin Xiaoshu is open, purple, purple, black, black, red, red!

The six soul rings appear at the same time, there are two people in the six soul rings to be 100,000 years!

About 100,000 years of soul rings, the most precious to treasure in the soul teacher, two in Lin Xiaozhu alone appeared.

What a horrible soul ring is configured!

Even the title of the title also wants to shake the soul ring!

And Lin Xiaozhu is now just a soul emperor!

The spirit of the spirit of the Golden Memory Bike is struggling with useless. ···

Lin Xiaoshu's eyes slowly opened, this moment, the breath of the eyes in his eyes far more than the general title Douro!

He stood up directly, step forward, and the whole person floated in the void, and the bones did not open. There was no use of flight capabilities. This is the special manifestation of a certain realm.

Lin Xiaozhu hands grabbed the soul bones of the golden monster bat, pressed it directly on his head.

I saw that the red light flashed, and the mental shock skull disappeared.

Lin Xiaozhu floats in the air and spinning it off.


A long hanker broke out from his mouth, with him, energy like a tsunami, and turned into a circle of huge waves swept all over eight squares!

The big trees around the surrounding are broken, and the land of the mountains will fall, and the earthquake is in the earthquake, and the earth is broken!

The soul of the Fang Yuanli fell to distinguished from afar!

This talents have gradually stopped for ten minutes, accompanied by the soul of Xiaosheng, Xiaozhu, and mental strength is integrated.

He can feel that his own war has increased to a new stage, and the combat data on the system also turns directly from B +!

Lin Xiaozhu is now fascinating, and the whole body has undergone a small change, giving people a feeling of getting deeper!

He is already on the edge of the sunset forest, although here is the opposite direction, but in the absorption of the soul of the soul of Lin Xiaozhu, the seven seven eight eight.

Lin Xiaozhu didn't want to encounter a strong soul. They walked directly from the forest. He was going to take a break along the way and return to the college.

As for Tang San, Lin Xiaozhu felt that he should have the power of self-insurance, if you can't find your own situation, you will definitely return it yourself.

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