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This is the first time for more than three months to leave the forest, the shadow of the forest, the forest, Xiaoshu, still feel like it is missing.

He wrapped around the sky in the edge of the forest. When the sunset gradually stayed on the horizon, the soul has returned to over half. At this time, he launched the double wing to fly to the sky.

When the night is coming, the outline of Tiandu City has appeared in front of Lin Xiaozhu, one of the oldest cities on the mainland has been broken, and the repair of three months will not let it. Restore the original situation, but in turn, it is like a lot of colorful patches on the clothes, and looks at the fullness.

In the city, the city is stationed in a large quantity of the Empire, and their accounting is in the southeast of Tiandu City, almost half a city, even if they have arrived at night, there are still many soldiers to train in the air.

Dressed in the dress, the prince, who is accompanied by several officers, and nodded from the airborne.

In fact, I am not satisfied in his heart, and I feel very speechless about these and souls than the mediocrity soldiers.

He believes that these soldiers, even if the number is more, it doesn't have the number of sacred bangs, and the solitary life does not know where, even his granddaughter is not in the Skille Academy.

Today, the strongest soul of the Snow Star is a syntact, he is the old age in the four gods.

There are also a few soul sorrows. These guards are even stronger than the general small door, but the enemy they face today can even have a lot of the soldiers who are not enemy, the mysterious place has more powerful souls. The teacher is still not known.

I think that I have no news from my side, I don't have, the king of Snowstone is not facilitated.

Under the surrounding of several officers, he came to a big tent, because he was responsible for hundreds of thousands of troops, he did not return to the sky, but with the soldiers stationed outside the city.

Snowstone Prince suddenly walked to the tent, a military officer curtains him for him, and the prince got in, and immediately saw three strange strange little old ages in the light dimming tent.

There are two pens to write something on paper, and there is no legs, holding a snow star in his hand, like a meatball, roll, rolls.

"Who!?" Snow Star Prince Sight.

Here, there are more than 100 military camps. There are more than 100 soldiers who have been guarding up all night. The most important thing is that there are still a few soul sacred near this. They can feel the breath of the number, but I don't know why it is still these three strangers. The old man mixed in.

"It's coming back, how do you see this word?" Faceless and smirked a white paper on the table, I saw a big "dead" word!

"Bold!" Xuexing kudge shouted.

I saw the black shadow, and several of the soul of the nearby soul appeared in the tent.

Several people saw three old men, they didn't understand how they didn't know how they didn't know.

At this time, one of the soul is in the top step, "How did you come in?"

"Nonsense! Of course, it is coming in." The squat put the Wang Garden on his head and made a serious expression. "Ben Wang is tired, there is nothing to return."

Snow Star Prince Angry: "Take them!"

"Yes!" There are three soul sorrows immediately before, and I took three little old age and walked to the tent.

When you go to the door, you only see the cold light.


Three people flew straight!

"Hey, , " three sullen, the head landed!

The three people's faces are uncomfortable, and they don't understand how they are killed.

At this time, the three little old ages were smashed in the hands. Their bodies were run through a long gun, and the megethy is grabbing the gun to play swing, so that the body swayed to fall. Blood also splashes around around, and a strong bloody taste is full of tents.

The three stupid hands hold a big ax, just a whistling look at the snow star prince.

Obviously, the top of the three soul of the Sheng Sheng is three stupid cut.

"Fast ···· Go to Zhang Chang Lao!" Snow star shouted.

Several soul sings in the tent, then the three little old ages before the eyes were not able to deal with themselves, under the huge pressure of the three shares, they even lost their courage.

"It is useless, Ahife has come back from the Fantophet, and their hosts have clearly stated that the whole door will listen from the auction field from today."

At this time, the darkness of the tent came out of a cold voice. "It's been late, we should go back to the owner."

When the A style has completed the task from the Fantophaza, it happened to see the three brothers who were mixed into the military camp, so they also sneaked here.

His voice has not fallen, just seeing people's shadows, a long gun appears in the hands of lumps, he puts the gun tip on the ground, the body suddenly falls, the gun body is stressed, it is hard to imagine a legs. People move so agile.

Pumpkin is directly dropped to the soul sacred, after the treatment and three months of recovery, and then returned to the epidemic level.

He took the hand of the gun, and the whole person went to the Snow Star.

The prince was shocked, and the legs were directly fell to the ground.

However, there is only a shot of a vain, and I saw the three soul sanctions of the gun.

Puff puff!

Three righteous sound came, under the oppression of the three beds, the only three souls around the prince were unspeakable, and the throat suddenly wore, and the three bodies of the opposite side were in the face. On the ground, blood splattered with Snow Star.

Three silly put the big ax in the neck of the prince, "old things, there will be yourself here."

"Stop!" A wind said: "Don't forget what the owner will make you do."

He appeared here, it was afraid that these three guys came, disrupted the master's plan.

: "The smells are less nonsense, our brothers do three things!"

A wind is cold, no longer talk.

At this time, the big stay is smirk, when I take a fire, I got a fire in the tent, and the tent between the moment is a big fire, a burst of smoke dried.

It seems that many soldiers come here in the outside.

Three silly and fastened to the big ax, kicking on the ribs of the king of the snow star.

Just listen to "" and crisp!

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