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On the side of the Titan giant, in this strange atmosphere, it is not as thrilling in the past, and the eyes will be surprised.

Daming once again asked again: "I still have to ask you, you are really going to enter here?"

Looking forward to Lin Xiaozhu firmly, he nodded, "I understand."

After that, he came to the dead tree, and a sharp momentum broke out in the body, and the soul was quickly condensed into the abdomen.

"Hey!" Sulf, Daming spurted a blood at a boulder.

The fresh red blood will be ooze in the dead wood, and the dead wood is in this moment, which is recovered, and the branches are on a faint green.


I don't know what to rang a burst of beast roaring, shake the mountain river, Wanlin.

As if the mountains are in the mountains, the floods and beasts are being rampant. Various terrible sounds come to the dark, directly to crack this world, this dead tree trunk opens on both sides, revealing a black lacquered channel .

"It's here. I have to open this channel again after ten days. After you go in, you must make a tag in the place. When you come back, you shouted out our previous note, I will open here again. "Daming's voice is somewhat weak, open this channel, let him seem to make him spend a lot of soul.

"Good." Lin Xiaozhu should be said.

He just wanted to enter the passage but notice the previous one of the days before again, and the speed is close to here, and there should be a few breathing will appear.

Daming and Ming Ming also perceived that Titan's giant flavored, and made a roaring roar.

"The boss you quickly, we stopped these guys." Daming quickly said.

Lin Xiaozhu shakes his head, "these people are very strong, you can't stop, if the earth is defeated, I can't come back."

The day and green cow is originally wanted to open and persuade. If you want to say that Lin Xiaoshu said, if there is no way to open the blood, there is no way to open it, even if he succeeds to the soul ring, it is fundamentally There is no way back.

"That is to fight with them!" Daming low.

A violent momentum is exuded in the two sides of the two, and it seems to have been prepared to be desperate with the other person.

At this time, the ratio of six pieces such as the wings is like the elf, and it is not far from the sky.

Ju Fouqua Lianxuan and Ghost Rune Ghost Tight.

On the side of the two, it is a height of two meters, as if the iron tower is general, wearing a thick armor, he is a more than 70 thin men standing next to him, and the two stood together A distinct contrast.

The strong man is the magic bear Douro, the soul of 93th, is a huge man is a ninety-second level of ghosts, the two are the elders of the Wuhun Temple. They and the two peaks of the Millennium Accompanied by the East.

In addition to these six people, there is a woman with a delicate, very delicate and unusual, watching it is more than 30 years old, compared to the long phase, her colorful hair is more eye-catching, she is the Wushu Temple The nine elders, the soul of the 91st level of Mli Moth Douro.

This lineup can even destroy any one of the three people!

But at this time, it appears here.

Bi Bi Tung Star turned, some are surprised to sit in the Titan giant shoulders.

She sensated that the breath that Lin Xiaozhu was only a human, the soul of the soul had the soul of the emperor, why did the human beings sit in the shoulders of the forest?

"Who are you?" She asked faintly.

Even if it is an enemy, Lin Xiaoshu has to admit that this colorful woman before his eyes have seen, and her beauty is that amazing, high, elegant, bleak, all kinds of wording can be used in this Woman's body.

Lin Xiaozhu smiled slightly, "I am their boss."

"Boss?" Bibi East once again tested the breath of Lin Xiaozhu.

As before, he determined that the other party is just a human, there is no half of the relationship with the soul beast, even if it is repaired, he has not got the martial arts that is not a thing of the soul.

Her face is cold, "I didn't joking you, I asked you again, who are you?"

Lin Xiaozhu helplessly spread his hand, said: "I haven't joked, I am really their boss."

It's cold in the east. "Since you love the words, then I can only treat you as the party of these two guys!"

Her voice is just falling, thousands of devils and months, the ghost four people have almost moved, they will attach the martial arts, and the nine soul rings rise from the feet, and attacked the sky. And Titan giant.

Obviously, Lin Xiaozhu is just a soul emperor in their eyes, and it is completely ignored in this level of battle.

In the face of the attack of the millennium and devil, Daming roared, a strong glaucoma spurted out, the strong energy collision, all of them became a fog.

Titan giant waves huge arms to stop the moon and ghosts.

The brief confrontation of the four people, seems to be extremely fascinating, and the ratio of the ratio behind them looked at the fight on the court, and the three seals behind him were also standing, and there was no meaning.

At this time, it is strong and weak. Lin Xiaoshu has strongly fighting a peak fightro and three beds to join hands. What's more than the power of a double-life, the strength is not an opioid.

In addition to the East, I noticed the black lacquered tree hole behind Lin Xiaozhu, and her eyes were curious.

Next, the three pairs of purple light wings opened again from her, and they didn't sound falling to the side of Lin Xiaozhu.

She looked at it, but she was dark, and I couldn't see anything.

"What is this?" Bisbead turned to Lin Xiaozhu.

I don't know why, I saw the other side smiled, and her heart actually gave birth to a cold.

"I asked you, what are you laughing?" Her face was once gloomed.

Bi Bi East is in the past few decades, the noble and sacredness of the nature, always can't help but give birth to the emotions, but the young people who are unscrupulous will play themselves. meaning.

"Why do I tell you, can I give me a reason?" Lin Xiaoshu's face is still the expression of smiling.

Bisong is strong in his chest, "If you say it, I will not kill you!"

A teenager can stay with two hundred thousand years of soul beast, and if you have anything else sitting in Titan's shoulder, this is an unusual thing.

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