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Just then, what happened to a stunned thing.


On the side of the magic bear, the ghost leopard and the moth of the three fights, because they see Lin Xiaozhu actually in the previous step, put the arm ring in the waist of the East, then the hand is still unintentional. Hold her waist.

A soft touch from Lin Xiaozhu's palm, he is a laughter look at a horrified comparison.

When Lin Xiaozhu moved, it was found that she had just wanted to release the soul to shock the opponent, but I didn't expect Lin Xiaoshu to show the magical magic milder, the body is like a ghost, and instantly appear on her body.

Because the distances of the two are only two or three meters away, she has not been able to prepare.

Of course, this is just below the situation that does not want to kill by the East, .

She originally planned to take this mysterious teenager back to the Wushu Temple, a good question.

"Rolling!" It is more than east.

Yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black, red, and the nest of the soul ring in her, the super soul ring ratio, a powerful breath of a peak of Douro suddenly appeared.

Lin Xiaozhu was flying out by this powerful airflow, and he flew out of the seven or eight meters long and stabilized in the air and dropped in the ground.

The ratio of the waist was discovered by Lin Xiaozhu, and I just wished to use her hand, I heard the voice of Lin Xiaozhu.

"The waist is quite fine."

The pupil than the East is suddenly shrinkage, since she became a pope, never been touched by any man.

Even your fingers!

Because whenever a man approached her, she reminded her to seek evil, and that tarnished his predecessor.

Bi Bi East, a young violet, the roar of the teeth: "Kid, I want to take your dirty hands to feed the dog!"

Lin Xiaozhu left to see the right, if you don't have something, "Unfortunately, there is no dog."

"I have to see, what is this in the end, I can make you soaken in the tongue."

"So fierce, I see you should be a wife who doesn't like men?"

I heard Lin Xiaozhu's ridicule, Bi Bi East anger, and cracked, I feel that the throat is itchy, I almost didn't spit a old blood.

She no longer speaks, but directly lit up the sixth soul ring.

However, it will happen in the next second!

The body is in the same place, it is gone, and I can't see it. ·····

Even the soul skills are not released!

"Don't hit, the Pope is not seen!" Mli Moth said.

I heard her yell, the thousands of and the devil quickly waved the middle of the long stick to shock the sky, and quickly retired to the side of the three people, but the monthly customs and ghosts also learned together to show the soul of Titan Retreat, flying and other people standing one place.

Lin Xiaozhu then heard that the temperament of the temperament is actually the Today's Pope.

"What is going on?" Thousands of enlightenment to the magic bear and the ghost Leoporary, found that the two people were also surprised, seemed to be the same as the magic moth, did not know what happened at all.

Mli Moth Douro said very surprised: "Just now the Pope is preparing to release the soul skill to attack the boy, the result is gone."

"What does it mean?"

"It's disappearing, I didn't know how to explain it," I didn't know how to explain it.

The first step in the month, Qin Xiaozhu, "Kid, what is going on!?"

Lin Xiaozhu smiled, "The sister was a little excited, I just sent her to a place to calm."

The month is angry: "I will hand over the Popener, otherwise I will put your corpse now!"

Although there is seven people in the East, it is only the heart of the Bi Dong, so it is the most worrying that he and the ghosts have disappeared in the Pope.

After opening the channel, the body of the null is obviously affected. Now, even if the seven people who want to defeat the eyes will also pay a small price.

Lin Xiaozhu re-judged a situation. He felt that even the seven people in the Wushu Temple now, otherwise it will delay the time of access to the channel.

At this time, it has entered the passage than the East, and it should be an urgent need to enter it immediately.

He hoped to the passage, found that it was still very broad channel, now there is only a small strip, only two or three people, seems to have disappeared at any time.

He is busy: "Your Popener entered this channel, I need to go in and pick up her, you can return, you are waiting here, wait for a while I will bring her back."

"The letter is female!" The moon is angry: "When are we a three-year-old child?"

"You can also don't believe it, but I can tell you very responsible. If you are not old, your pope will never come back!"

"The big words are not true ..." The month of the month has not been finished, it will be blocked by the volley.

He and thousands of carefully observed this strange passage, which is indeed strange energy fluctuations, even if they don't dare to rank.

The two of the eight people and the thousand brothers are the highest soul in the east, and the soul of the soul is coming to speak with strength, so they have absolute words at this time.

He called another few people, whispered: "This kid and two hundred thousand years of soul beasts are so close, there must be weird, now the Popener is missing, we don't know what happens, it is better I believe in him, try to try it. "

"Believe with him?" The month is in a hurry: "What if he doesn't pay the Pope?"

I asked for a thousand words. "Then when you come to him, you will do it, or you have any other ways at this time?"

"This ·····" The month is winking to the ghost of the body, "the old ghost, what do you think?"

"Thousands of people said that we do not have any good way."

Several people have discussed a moment, there is an answer, they do not have any other good ways, even if they are uniform, the sky, the green cattle, and the Titan giant will make it back to the east.

Thousands of silence: "Kid, we believe you once, if you can bring the Pope back, we don't want it."

Lin Xiaoshu nodded. "Then you are here, there is a few more than a month, I will bring her back."

He before listening to Daming to say that it is necessary to turn on the channel again, but it does not know the specific situation inside, so it is some of the time limit.

"What!?" The month is shocked and angry. "Now is a very period of time, how can the Pope?"? "

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