Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 530 Thousands of Water Caves

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The red man suddenly said: "I am very curious about why you can't see the breath of the soul of the soul."

"Soul beast?" Lin Xiaozhu was smiled, "because I'm not a soul beast."

Listen to this words, the brothers looked at each other.

After a while, the blue man said: "You are lying, the beast soul is already in a hundred years, I have never seen the trace of human beings, you have a heavy hunting soul emperor is a honesty."

"Let me not believe with you." Lin Xiaozhu took the mouth and did not silence.

The red man laughed at this time: "Do not wear two, this kind of most of these people have come to the soul of this tens of thousands of years ago, and recently, there are nearly ten years, the soul of the soul is getting less and less. At the end, even completely disappeared, otherwise our brothers will not change the taste. In the end, the taste of the family is still better than the soul. "

Listening to his pro-acknowledgment, Lin Xiaozhu's face was immediately cold, he had to hold back angry, continue to ask: "You didn't encounter a Douro mainland in the past few years?"

"Douro Continent?" The two were repeated with the same voice, and then shook his head.

The red men's brow is slightly wrinkled. "Is there really true that the place is still unknown, but in many years, I have heard that there is a kind of soul beast outside, and later it seems to die in the beast, But it is also a story of listening. I haven't been true, I don't know why the guests have to mention this legendary place? "

"Can I tell me what is going on this legend?" Lin Xiaozhu suddenly became interested.

The brother of the red dress is looking to the other side, seeing the other party slightly, we should undertake: "What is it, this legend is not a secret."

In the eyes of the brothers, the old and Lin Xiaozhu is just a syntactic and soul emperor, and there is no threat to them, and the sure is relaxed.

The red man tells Lin Xiaozhu's history, from the battle of the people and the arms to the final decisive battle, the process and the difference between the elderly, the end of the story, the end of the story, let Lin Xiaozhu's eyes before bright.

It is said that there is a strong soul beast with space capabilities, and it has opened up a passage at the end. This channel can only be opened unilaterally. As for the authentic brother of this matter, it is very unlikely, because they have never seen it. From what channel enters the soul of this place.

"Now my story is finished, I don't know if the two can taste our craftsman?"

The red man's face revealed the mysterious smile, and it is said that it is a mystery, because his laugh is, Lin Xiaoshu feels some creepy!

"It is said that there is no longer talked for millions of years." The blue man suddenly added.

He is looking for a greedy color to Lin Xiaozhu's eyes, and the red man is swallowing.

Lin Xiaozhu couldn't help but laugh, "It seems that the two is what people want to eat?"

He understands where this weak meat, the rule is, and the soul of the Douro's Soul is not to be killed by the soul of the soul.

In order to absorb the soul of the soul of the soul, another kind of slaughtering for the desire of the tongue, a nice, an unpleasant, essentially no difference.

Lin Xiaoshu is clear than anyone, only the power can control the fate, and the weak is to be exploited.

"It's not all in order to improve the repair. Anyway, it is swallowed, why not get fine." The man is facing, "our brothers have the skills of the two people, you can also cut your limbs, arrive Cook, give you taste. "

It is said that two people stand up and smile and look at Lin Xiaoshu.

"There is something to say, there is something to say." Qiu's old head ran forward and advised, while the side said while retreating to the door.

At this time, it recovered in the original situation. The original ancient house turned into a black lacquered water hole. It was a forest, which was a mountain bone. It can be seen that there are many souls in the past.

The small hole on the stone wall reveals the dark red light, and it is very strange on the white bones.

The old man saw the horror scene in front of the blister, and two eyes were dark.

Brothers are not in the old man in Yichen.

They look at Lin Xiaozhu, although he is just a soul emperor, I can't know why, I saw him without anything, the two people have risen out of a dangerous feeling, standing there, I don't know what to do. How to move.

Lin Xiaozhu cold voice: "If the two are going to eat, what is going to do, do it!"

When he came out, he suddenly made the brothers' faces changed.

In fact, they are a pair of tweezers to reach more than 20,000 years, the red man is the bloody, the blue dress called the magic marrow, is the most powerful two soul beasts of thousands of miles!

The soul division who once swallowed down was very much.

Of course, the brothers swallowed more than the soul of the soul, the brothers swallowed more, as the number of human souls sharply reduced, until the later disappeared, the two beasts can only turn the spear to the soul beast.

Gradually, the cave is centered on the cave, and the death of the soul in the square is dead. There is no soul be willing to be close to here, and even gave a terrible name here - thousands of water hole.

Later, the brothers had a huge idea. In order to satisfy the evil taste, they can continue to swallow the same kind, and the illusion will be disguised here. Continue to retain the soul of the past, but the soul of the passing by this place will gradually be less. .

The brothers have not swallowed the soul of the soul, and I have no soul, and I will move to other places for a while.

After listening to the voice of Lin Xiaozhu, the two were excited and thoughtful, and I wanted to have a good meal. I even took out the lizards that can grow, it is the four dishes from the brothers. I want to make food feelings. Can be swallowed by yourself.

Although this thing is very beneficial to the soul, the cultivation of the soul, but Lin Xiaoshu is really eaten, most of them have to have a mistake.

When the brothers found that Lin Xiaozhu seems to have broken their identity, immediately change his face, want to do it, but they also found that this boy did not show a fear from beginning to end. It seems that it has always been a look.

Even if they have burst out of the spiritual trend of the soul, it is still the case, it seems that I didn't put the beast in my eyes.

"Ignorant kid, today let you know the power of this seat!" The magic marble faces, and is a 25,000-year-old soul. When is it so tight by a weak people's soul.

In anger, it took a palm to Lin Xiaozhu, and a big hand was quickly enlarged, it became a hill, one palm, enough to crush Lin Xiaozhu!

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