Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 531, fights for 20,000 years of soul

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"" Sound.

Lin Xiaozhu fictines from Zhuer Tie, and the other side hard hit.

After the hit, he still sat on the stone bench and did not move.

The magic marble is slightly stunned. I didn't expect the other party to pick up myself.

It's anger, "Okay, Ok, Good, I don't know the young, here is not open, there is a kind of to the outside, this seat is to see what you can resist, despite it!"

"Come here." Lin Xiaozhu is not afraid, his figure is moving out, has appeared outside the house.

The brothers are also usually followed by a blast.

The body of the magic marble is sharp, turns a four-five-meter high, the skin's blue giant lizard, is full of blue scales, a pair of sharp corners on the head, and the high height of the back The stripping is connected together, extends to a long tail of more than two meters, a pair of blood red snakes flashing dangerous light.

Lin Xiaozhu's face was only looked at this time. He got up and the magic marrus. In this moment, the doubles are all incentive, and the breath of the huge waves is endless, the soul is swallowed, the strong The Wi-Jun is a thousand miles.

At this time, the blood jade stalls, on the side, cold to Lin Xiaozhu, as it seems, just the soul of the soul of the emperor is impossible to be its brother opponent.

The magic marble is sneak, and the push is the powerful soul, just like a torrent.

"Kill!" I only listened to it, and the thick legs slammed the ground, the earth roared, between the bass, and its nostrils sprayed a burst of huge waves, surrounded by the upper layer of frost .

Next, it placed it, with the head of the boulder, and even the hit can even strike a mountain peak.

Dalian Lin Xiaozhu can't help but move, he understands the soul beast that has been cultivated in the 20,000-year-old, and it can't win in this state.

Just listen to him, I will open the seven doors, directly transforming.

I looked at a boy to become a giant beast, let the two beasts in the field are surprised, but the attack of the magic marble has not stopped.

I saw Zhu Yue, and the giant tail was taken out.


A loud noise, the land of the feet was scored four-point five cracked, Lin Xiaoshu actually took the other party's rush back.

The magic marble could not help but change his face, immediately turned over, stabilize his body.

In this moment, Lin Xiaozhu launched a double wing, such as the Peng Syno, when I appeared in it, I saw the havery slightly, and the wings were shaken, and the wings were shot down, and it can grasp the mountain peaks. !


Such an immersion, making the face of the magic marble become extremely ugly.

It does not retain, take a step forward, when the big pedal is on the ground, the square is shocked.

Then, its huge storage, as if the whale swallowed the essence of the world, with no match, crack down, smash the void, wear the earth, want to put Zhu Yu to suppress!

But Lin Xiaozhu is not afraid, still waving the giant tail and it forced collision.

For a while, Zhen Zhen was cracked with the talent of the magic marrow.

Lin Xiaozhu is flying up and down, killing and cold, and the magical marrow, but with a strong body of 200,000 soul beast, hardening the attack of Lin Xiaozhu.

The soul of the squares in the square is all angry with the quarter of the quarter.

Twenty thousand years of soul!

Some people dare to fight this level of existence, and even the heavenly cracks of the other side, it is difficult to understand!

Bloody jade saw that Lin Xiaozhu changed the huge behemoth and the difficult solution of the magic margin war, could not help but be cold, the face is cloudy, and the eyes are swallowed.

It always takes Lin Xiaozhu as a 10,000-year soul beast, which can look like his soul is just the soul emperor, but why can I block the attack of the magic marble?

It's totally unclear.

The teenager in front of the eyes turned into the beast, with the hardship of the flesh and soul beast, and did not lose the other part half.

Is this kid like us, it is also a cultivation of 20,000 years?

Blood jade is a burst of death.

It hurriedly and said: "The second brother is playing, this kid did not have full strength, force him!"

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu waved iron boxing to shock the magical marrow, then glanced at the blood jade, said: "It's better to go together, I am welcome, the more people, the more people, the better Not lively, but if you don't dare to use it on the side, give me a roll! "

When I saw this brother, Lin Xiaozhu still hesitated, if it was just a kind of steady, but the heart is kind, then she can go to find other soul, and he is not willing to kill innocent.

You can have so many people from knowing this brother. He is very abhorrent to them, and it is not necessary to kill these two guys!

Lin Xiaoshuo's words suddenly let the blood jade stalk.

"Looking for death!" It waited for the giant palm to cover his face, and the magic margin of the side was immediately kept up, and he waved the giant palm.

Two 20,000 years of cultivation of the soul of the soul came together, Lin Xiaozhu did not dare to pay attention.

Purple, purple, black, black, red, red!

The six soul rings rose from the foot, and the brothers who have rushed the brothers showed a strange color, so many years, they still saw this soul ring configuration.

Blood jade, just felt that Lin Xiaozhu was the same as the soul of the same shape, but the soul ring came from?

Its brow is crumpled, full of face confusion.

Between this electro-optical rock, Lin Xiaoshu's third soul is on, and the two black boxings suddenly shrouded in the arm.

He has collapsed in two boxes, like an endless violent force.

This looks just a double punch.

However, the gesture is a wave of high waves, and the waves have been covered, the soul is rolling, just like Wang Yang Dahai.

Boom - Boom - Boom -

The two brothers constantly wavy the giant and Lin Xiaozhu, between the moment, the boxing shadows went, and the void was shocked.

After a dozen heavy punches, the brothers were shocked.

Lin Xiaozhu's viewing time, even quickly waving the double boxing, countless boxing to form two huge boxing shadows between hands, I saw him full.

"Hey,", hit the two beasts.

Even two 20,000 years of soul beast, still can't stop this punch.

A boxing, the brothers were arrested for hundreds of meters.

boom! boom!

Yu Weiwei is still in, when the boxing of the Boxer fell in the earth through the body, the ground showed two diameters of seven or eight meters!

At the same time, the power of the third soul technology, Zhu Dai Wang, is also a lot of power.

Such a soul of the soul, suddenly let the two beast faces.

For them, re-repairs to talents to the soul of the soul, which can be strong with the soul of 200,000 years, which is simply impossible.

However, people in front of me have done, and they also hit them!

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