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Lin Xiaozhu stopped the flight, showing purple magic pup, very curious, thanks to the tower.

He found that a large black cloud group was actually a "armed to teeth" insect soul beast.

They grow sharp wings and sharp teeth, and they are like a blade on both sides of the tip taper, flasher.

These soul beasts are hundreds of years and thousands of years. The body is very small, and it is estimated that there is a very small rice grain, but the millennium reaches rice. The quantity is very large, with at least tens of thousands.

The insecticine soul beast is wrapped in a few meters long and a large worm, and their cultivation is two million years, the most distinctive thing is a giant insect, a four-five-meter giant insect. It is this The leader of the population-like soul beast, watching the soul fluctuations in it, actually a soul of the soul of 100,000 years.

Lin Xiaozhu saw the situation in front of him, ridiculed: "Her Majesty, this is a pet to take the heart?"

The old man is widened, whispered: "Do you know, this girl is really good? Kid you are not happy."

Biye went to the two, but did not stop, continue to wavily waving the purple wings.

When she and Lin Xiaozhu were rubbed, Lin Xiaoshu turned right away, flying in one direction.

At this time, the old man took a closer look at the worms that were pursued, and suddenly screamed, "is a devil!"

At this time, he was helping his armpits by Lin Xiaozhu. When I saw the devil's worm, I was scared and desperately twisted, like a big worm.

Lin Xiaozhu is suspected: "What is a devil?"

"A kind of insect soul beast, this guy sees what to eat, whether it is a soul or stone, grass, or even a feces, what to see what to eat."

"The appetite is good enough." Lin Xiaozhu grinned.

"But these guys are not in the nine demon, how can they appear here?" Qiu's old man said anxiously: "They are very dangerous, playing the racks, such a large group, that is, hundreds of thousands of years The cultivation of the soul did not dare to provoke! Running, it is not enough to be eaten. "

so smart!

I don't know what this woman is going to do so?

Lin Xiaozhu has found that than the East is deliberately attracting the insects to follow him, otherwise, she can't chase her with these bugs.

Seeing Lin Xiaoshu is always followed by himself, and the ratio is angry: "What do you want?"

"I haven't seen it for a few days, I will tell you old." Lin Xiaozhuhou responded with her face.

Qiu's old man lined up: "The monk is hidden, the Hermit is hidden."

"My name is the landlon." Lin Xiaozhu took the sentence.

The old man in the old man glared at him.

Bisong didn't see the old man, and said directly to Lin Xiaoshu coldly: "Lin Xiaoshu, don't think I don't know who you are."

She has judged the identity of the other party from the bones.

Lin Xiaozhu is slightly smuggled, but it immediately remembered that he didn't pay attention to himself. After several times, I sent him back to the Wushu, because a detail was not surprising.

He is not able to say: "Luck to the Popener of the Pope."

It's cold in the east. "I don't know how you got me this place, but I have something to do now, our account is back."

what's the situation?

Lin Xiaoshu did not understand this, he did not think about it when it was fine.

If he is transmitted to this place than the East, don't know how to go back, you must anxious like a hot pot, when you see yourself, you should ask how to leave here.

At this time, the ratio is a full look, but also said that it is necessary.

Is there anything important than returning to Douro mainland?

Lin Xiaozhu's broken ratio is something that does not know anything, he suddenly be curious, intends to follow this woman, see what she is doing.

The Wushu Temple is now fighting with the auction, as a pope, she is more urgently returned to Douro mainland.

When she entered the beast soul, I was soaked here. I was a very auramid space, but I didn't know that this is a space that is completely cut with Douro mainland. I think that I just pass the strange tree hole. Can return to Douro mainland.

At that time, there was a 9 million-year-old spider soul, which was undoubtedly very matched with her second martial art.

Although it is not a million-year-old soul beast, but in Douro's mainland, this opportunity to match the martial arts is extremely rare, so she makes it changing and immediately decided.

In order to prevent the soul of the beast, the soul beast has opened a distance from it.

When she and the spider were handed over, Lin Xiaozhu also entered the beast, the channel was also closed.

When it was better than the East to absorb the soul ring, Lin Xiaozhu had already fidad, she found a shadow of a half channel for a long time.

Later, she didn't think anyway, she was ready to enter the depths, what kind of place is here.

Like Lin Xiaozhu, fly in the direction of the sea and cross the mud sea.

In the sea, she also met many powerful soul beasts. At this time, I only knew that the number of soul beasts in 100,000 years maybe more than the Douro mainland, and even a little regret, I will absorb it immediately. That 900,000 years of soul rings.

But this also makes it better than the East. It is necessary to find a 100,000-year soul ring that suits yourself. If you can really find your 100,000-year spider ring, you can really impact the last step!

If you really succeed, then she has a fight for the fight and shooting, which is more important than anything.

Bisong and young and magnificent Lin Xiaozhu, one side did not meet the soul of her ninth soul ring in the sea, on the other hand, she didn't have a black tea to store the soul ring, and there is no way. Absorb in half air.

Therefore, flying over the East, crossing the sea.

For the aspect of finding the right soul ring, she seems to be lucky than Lin Xiaozhu, after a few hours of landing land, she discovered a moon night magic spider.

Bisong quietly observed near the nest, and quickly found that there were at least hundreds of magic spines, and there were several more than 100,000 years.

When she had just caught capture, I found a 300,000-year moon night magic spider, which seems to be a strong spider.

This makes her great joy!

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