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Although there is also the possibility of the ethnoculis energy, you can't absorb it, but if you really can capture it and absorb it, Bibi feels that you can even ran in the god!

She is now only half a step away from 99th, if she is a three hundred years of spider, it is definitely not the opponent of the East, even if she adds that three million years, she also dares to fight with it!

But the spider nest ** can have hundreds of month night magic spids, and there are two or 30 years old. She doesn't want to steal the chicken, so I can't resist the rice, so I played the Idea.

The idea has been determined, and the ratio begins to find a huge soul of the enemies nearby.

The reason why I don't want to find a very powerful soul is because very powerful soul beast IQ will generally be high, it is likely to be halfway, even in fighting.

Although the huge ethnic group also has leader command, it will definitely be more slow than a single soul beast, and it is really that the two ethnic groups are mixed, how can they stop blood flow?

After a long time, the ratio found the nest of the devil in the past more than 200 miles, which was very bloody, which caused their IQ to be much lower than other soul beasts.

So she immediately applied the soul skill, killing a large magician insect, aroused their anger, and even the worm king chased it, this happened to combine the meaning than the East.

Just as the insect group, the insect group is coming to the road to the magic spider, but he saw Lin Xiaozhu.

At this time, she had already perceived the space in which it seems to have no half of the relationship with the Douro mainland. How can I don't worry about people here?

This is even more important than the Bidong to the Douro's mainland!

So after I saw Lin Xiaozhu, I immediately released the third soul technology of the second Wuhidong, summoning the green spider.

This spider is condensed into the ground, in addition to aggressive, the biggest role is to reconnaissance terrain and search for enemy according to odor.

Bisong thinks that this spider is quietly followed by Lin Xiaoshu, first caught in a worm to the magic spider, and I want to capture the spider to absorb the soul ring, and come back to find him.

I didn't want Lin Xiaozhu from seeing her like a dog skin plaster.

Stickled ·····

Here is only a few tiles left in the Nakaem spider, but Lin Xiaoshu is not halfway, and there is a head of the old man, which makes a bigger than the east.

She can't start killing Lin Xiaozhu, otherwise there may be no chance to go back.

In desperation, she asked while she fate: "How did you get me here?"

Lin Xiaozhu smiled slightly, "Don't tell you."

Bisong hate: "Do you think I don't dare to kill you?"

"Yes." Lin Xiaozhu smiled and only said a word.

After saying this sentence, he released a sense of domineering, the intermediate-level appearance was in the role of the other party's emotional change, Lin Xiaozhu wanted to use it to feel the emotional fluctuation than the East.

Very harsh forest, Xiaozhu, I found a dangerous breath in a surprise, but this atmosphere was suppressed by the opponent's dead death. At this point, the ratio is still not really to shoot himself.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu is completely put down.

Seeing him, he has a scarce look, and it is more hated to bite his teeth. If you can't hate him, but you can't really do it, so it is more than the anger in your chest.

She almost squeezed a few words from the teeth. "How did you get me here?"

Lin Xiaozhu smiled while flying: "Push it in."

"Hu said!" Popened his eyes, she remembered the flying thunder curse left by Lin Xiaoshu in the waist, guessing that he suddenly entered this space must be related to that imprint.

"I think you should care about how to leave now."

Although it is angry, it has not been lost to the East. She admitted that Lin Xiaozhu said that it is completely correct, and now I should think about how to leave here.

See Bisong seems to be calm, Lin Xiaoshu continued: "I think we can cooperate."

"How to cooperate?" Bisong sounds cold.

"Don't be so cold." Lin Xiaoshu is still a smile, "Come, laugh one."

More than the east eye angle, the forehead is suddenly drumping, I can't wait to use the soul skills to kill him on the spot. "If you are so arrogant, I don't believe that I can't fight back to Dou Luo mainland. I have to screw down my head. !? "

Lin Xiaozhu spit his tongue, but he is really afraid that she is in an urgent rule, regardless of her life.

He is busy with positive color: "It is very simple, it is very dangerous, you will return it when I return it, let the big Ming put it out."

"Who is Daming?"

"There is a bull." Lin Xiaozhu is like a doctor.

Bisong's face revealed a surprised look, "The two soul beasts are your friend?"

"Not talking to you, I am Daming and Two Boss."

Some dismisions than the tone of the East, "I really don't understand how people and souls ** friends."

"What happened to the soul?" Hui's head suddenly blocked, "The soul is not a human?"

Think about it and feel that you are not right, and change your mouth: "If you think that the soul beast is not a person, why can't you be friends with the soul?"

Seeing that his emotions are so excited, the ratio is not a doubtful look.

Lin Xiaozhu picks up his eyebrows and laughs: "What is you so excited? Is it hard to do, you are a soul?"

When the elderly heard the old man, he went to the gods. He said that he had no luncy: "I ... I will be the soul of the beast, you can have a long time, how can you say this?"

"We know a few days."

"But we have done, I know you late ..."

"Is there?"


"Don't be noisy." Bisong interrupted two people, "To work together, now you don't run, follow me, wait after this, we will return to Douro Mainland."

She is already aware of the breath of moonlight, which proves that they are near the nest of these spiders.

Lin Xiaoshu is so proudly: "What are you going to do so?"

"Wait for you, you will know." Said that it is rapid to the East.

Lin Xiaozhu two people saw it quickly.

The two did not have long before the Bi East, and they saw a ruins that relied on the foot of the mountain.

The buildings here are exhausted, and most of them have been buried in dust, and they are abandoned for a long time.

Lin Xiaozhu, a purple polar, is half a black lacquered big hole, and the hole is covered with a white spider web. I looked at the east path to the big hole, and Zhonglin Xiaozhu appeared to understand her intentions.

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