Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 577 of the strongest defense

You can search for the latest chapter in Baidu, "Sign in Douro Sign in to the World Skyllirts ("

Under the fierce collision of Lin Xiaozhu and North King, even the airflow in the sky became abnormal, the horrible space storm abused the sky, and the space of the four scattered flying seems to take the whole Tianyu to tear the whole.

In this battle, there is no soul of the soul and dare to stepping on this valley because the space storm has changed here to a dangerous place. Once entering, it will be smashed in the moment!

What kind of battle is this!

The soul of the soul waiting to be watched is not awkward.

In their eyes, this seems to be the mortuary between God, and every sputtered chaos will make people feel cold.

At this moment, all the souls understand that this seemingly small guy is a good existence with the strength of the North Jianwang.

If he can defeat the North King, even after it will launch a challenge to that high existence.

Of course, the word "demon" is now like an ancient legend.

The legend of this savage world is still a unknown number, it has been many, many years have not appeared many years, no one knows that it is not in the long river of time.

That is, if you can really defeat North King, this is a small to an unrecognized guy, may become the strongest existence of the beast.

"Boom -".

At this time, the grass sword trembled, and the cold and mart of it was in a matter.

After all, Lin Xiaozhu did not show the soul skill, and did not release any skills, just broke out with the field of war and the thoughts of the thoughts.

When I saw the cold light of the grass sword, the northern king's eyes exposed a variety of light.

"You are derived!" Its voice is like from ancient times, and the empty, and a vicissitudes of the years.

Lin Xiaoshu heard the words just laughed, and she took advantage of: "Just a trick, do you think you have won?"

The north of the king snorted and no longer talk.

Just between this moment, "" sounded.

I saw that the ice crystal dragon scales were also arrived on the grass sword. But the huge head of the North Tianwang did not follow the long swords and fantasy, and he felt up.

A loud noise of "bang -".

Another stream of Juli landed from the sky, pressed down, this sword rushed to the gods, the power of the Daman Magic slammed.


A shocking loud noise, the land of Lin Xiaozhu is as if it is paper paste, and suddenly the heavy pressure of this stock, it is like being weathered, and instantaneous disintegration.

The huge body of Zhen is a wild, and his throat is a sweet, spurting a bloody arrow, and the red blood splash is in the sky, just like a red flower bloom in the air.

I have passed a few breathing time in the past, I heard a sudden sound in the bottom of the bottom.

Under the attack of Northern Dynasty, Lin Xiaoshu was smashed into the bottom of the millimeter.

"Now understand what is a strong gap !?" North Tianwang cold channel.

Its huge body floats in half, and the proud domineering of a top scorpion is full of space.

Just float there, don't do anything, I have seen others, I will immediately understand that this is the top power in the world.

However, at this time, a voice of interest is coming, "If this is something that makes you proud, it is too boring."

I heard this voice, the pupil of the northern King slammed, it couldn't believe that someone can still be safe under such an attack.

At the same time, "Boom" sounds.

There were three models of wheeze, and the violent breath suddenly poured out of the ground, as if there was something that had been sleeping for thousands of years suddenly woke up.

That huge body exudes stunning, a fierce beast unique breath out.

"Nourishing, nourishing, nourishing" burning sound, blue sweat violent transpiration, as if it is generally ignited in the body of the hate.

Three hampers also sent a roaring roar.

"Wind Lei, Dragon God is now!"

The huge body of Zhuaya is crazy in the bottom of the ground, and only three extremely horrible vortex appeared between heavens and earth.

The vortex is connected to the ten days, and the roar is spread throughout the whole animal soul.

The big water, destroyed the thunders, and the storm that can blow the universe to the flour, the sky is mad.

In the high altitude, the three vortexes are one, and the loud noise of the earth is issued.

"Bang -" is destroyed.

Everything in the moment is drowned in the dark, as if everything is swallowed, annihilated.


Dragon God was embossed in the world, and a Longwei, which was over, the dragon's soul, all the beast souls swayed, and it seems that such crazy ravage can destroy everything in the world.

The dragon god released the power of the earth destruction. Under this kind of power, even the title of the title is to kneel, he can't bear this kind of power above everything, but also talk.

As for those ordinary souls, soul beasts, will only be scared to the ground in front of the dragon god.

This kind of world-like feeling, if it is in front of it, the fear of the illusion is unrecovered.

Even if it is a north of the north of the world, it is also a color in this moment.

However, it is the king of the beast, the second strong, even if it is the existence of a thousand streams, it is absolutely less cheap.

The Northern King reaction is very fast. In this moment, the Endless rays.

Between this electro-optical flame, it waves the gods, the soul is mad, and it is spurting a light wall in front of the body.

This light wall is covered with a darkness, and it is written on a dense Ma Ma, these spells don't know what era, in short it doesn't belong to Douro, seems to come from another world.

At the same time, the ice in the ice and snow is like an arrow, and enter the god wall.

These people in these people in the Soudition of the Beast Soul have now become a wall building tool.

They jointly found a very strong god wall, and they want to block the attack of the dragon god with the strongest defense.

When I wanted to fight the King of Nan Tian and North Tianshi, she was known as the King of the Caver Flair, so that she didn't break the god wall, and its strongness would like to know.

After the god wall is cast, the North Tianwang opened the bloodpine, the ice crystal dragon scales out, surrounding its body speed.

",," The sword sounded, and the time formed a fairy bar, which was shrouded in its body.

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