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Northern King lived for hundreds of years, when you were young, he had experienced numerous times. After Lin Xiaozhu released the wind thunder, it immediately understood that this is the strongest blow to the other side.

As long as you resist this, you will win, so it's a lot of effort, it is ready to resist this terrible dragon god with the strongest defense.

However, the so-called strongest defense let Northern King disappointed.

When the gods gave the dragon, the violent Longwei broke out, the body of the north, including the soul, the soul is followed.

It is clear about it, this is not an attack you can resist!

Even the god wall that is not crushing will not be destroyed is no exception.


A loud noise, even if the god wall can't resist the dragon god crazy, the entire wall is unblocked under the crazy and unbaracted!

I haven't resist it in a second!

The strongest defense of Northern King is in the style of the wind, instantly collapse, and seeing the soul of this scene is stunned.

This kind of defense that seems to have no flaws actually collapsed in an instant! ?

Even if you are demon, it's so bad.

The soul of the beast looked at this scene, but at this time, the North Tianwang did not dare to have a hesitation.

Although the god wall fails to resist the attack of the dragon, this is a little time for the North Tianwang, although it is short, but it is extremely precious for today.

After finding this attack, Northern King immediately smashed, and its speed was unimaginable, and the direction of the Dragon Spirit was extremely fled.

It turned out of the far in the moment.

However, the attack of the dragon god did not stop, it was like a life-threatened light, and the madness was caught.

It seems that there is a sky, and the road has been collapsed, and the space collapsed.

Even if the North King has escaped it is very far, still sweeps away by the dragon god.

Just listening to the "bang", the tail flame of the dragon god suddenly swallowed the North Tianwang, and the crazy destructive power broke the time and space instantly, as if I added another group.

The ice crystal dragon scales around the Northern King are crazy to resist the destructive power of the four sides.

Even if it is asylum, its body is still blood, and a dragon scale is instantly collapsed.

Because of the multiple defense, it did not like the opponents before Lin Xiaoshu, instantaneous powder in the destructive power of the dragon god.

But this is just a moment, after a few breathing, the huge of the Northern Dynasty, under the power of the dragon, gradually disappeared ·····

Dragon God destroys the body of the earth, and the distance from the distance is like a tofu. It is shredded in an instant.

The huge dragon has been rushing to the end of the sky, and everything will be destroyed along the way.

[You kill 78333 years of soul beast ice glazed, get experience 8253091!



[Again Information: Douro Continent]

Double life: Lin Xiaoshu

Combat power: A-

Level: 61 [Soul Level 80 (MAX) can continue to improve after getting the soul ring! 91

Experience: 26171853137253

Wu Sou: Ferry Beast Congy

Energy: Chakra Soul Domineering 58902365300

Occupation: Soul

Potential point: 1183

Status: LV4 Knight (World Tree)


One time, the domain is quiet!

No matter what the existence, how many years of repair, this is full of fear, and it is straight.

At this moment, even the ratio of the soul bones is not from the thighs.

Seventy-eight million years of repairing, under the attack of the dragon god, there is no resistance, this skill is too amazing, let the success of how many years, there are many defenses, there is no Law resistance.

This horror attack, even if there is no one in the mainland, no one can resist.

At this time, the whole of the soul of the soul is a cold, all the soul beasts are in their hearts.

The Soul bone absorption is close to the East is close to the second half, and it should not take long agolio.

Nowadays, Lin Xiaozhu's soul is not a few. I don't dare to continue to absorb the soul rings here, take out the black tea kettle, and inhale the broken body of Northern Dynasty.

Then, withdraw the wheever form, recovered eight-door armor, sit on the knee, and started to concentrate on recovering the soul.

Now that his remaining soul is not enough to fight, if you come again, it can't overcome it.

At this time, a gantry is floated in the half-air of the sea in the direction of the sea.

The rising fire is standing in the fire.

It is Cang Yan that is secretly talked to the temple on the day and jade.

At the time of Lin Xiaozhu and Nan Tianwang, he came to this place, he hid in the dark and watched the battle of the two.

Cang Yan is the most good at use the flame attack, but it is much farther than the terrible Nan Tianwang. He is far away, and Lin Xiaozhu is strong, and he is deeply awkward.

Just when Lin Xiaozhu and Nan Tianwang Wars, Cang Yan saw a snow and sky snow, and others didn't know what it was, but I couldn't calm the Cang Yan.

Since the Northern King appeared, he would not go before, but it is more than himself.

What's more, the ice and snow have a restraint of the flame itself. If he still has the plane of the South King, he can change his opponent to the North King, then it can be said that it will be undoubted.

Moreover, as long as the person who killed the jade wind was killed, the entrustment of the jade rose is equivalent to the completion, and Cang Yan does not have to do anything.

Therefore, he quietly hid outside for dozens, quietly looked at the war between the two.

After the Nan Tianwang was killed by Lin Xiaozhu, he was immersed by sweat.

If you catch up with Lin Xiaozhu before this, I am going to fight against him, I am afraid that death is myself.

Cang Yan is very glad that there is no crazy championship, it is equivalent to digging himself to the grave.

Then, Northern King came to join the hand with Lin Xiaozhu.

Cang Yan did not believe that Lin Xiaozhu can defeat the north of the king, even if he is strong enough to kill the King of South.

One of Lin Xiaozhu has experienced a war, and the second to Northern King has to be much better than the Nan Tianwang.

The second powerful existence of the whole soul is defeated by the guys who have been consumed by a soul.

However, the ending has made him abundant, but Lin Xiaozhu not only defeated the north of the king, but also killed it.

The horrible god dragon is Cang Yan's ability to see the most horrible attack, no one!

Even if the Lin Xiaozhu's soul is left in this time, Cang Yan also has no courage to go to the other party, but then kills the two of the north and the north and the north, and he does not dare to shoot it.

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