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When Lin Xiaozhu appeared, the surprised is not just the guests present, and even the rounds of the rounds have experienced the terrorist pressure.

That kind of terrible breath of all, so that the soul of the starry forest is very vibrating.

They or smash like a headless flies, or the limbs are soft, they are fainted to the ground, I can't afford to climb.

For the soul of the starry big forest, this breath is too terrible!

Those existence of the lake's core area of ​​life can not exude such a horrible breath.


Stars on the heart of Xinghu on the island.

The aspirae in my sleep suddenly woke up, and the Yu Hui, which was on the sun, shouted in the stars, and the water fell, a breeze blew her purple long hair, she saw that Bi Ji is sitting on the lake, looking to the distance .

Although the distance is very far, it can I feel his breath from the soul of Lin Xiaozhu.

The core area is calm and boring, often forgetting during the day and night.

"He is coming." Zi Ji immediately said.

Bi Ji nodded, this time she directly understood "His" in the Yisikou.

She sighed: "He is strong than the last arrival, human beings are strange, so in such a short period of time can grow to this point, unlike us, we must cultivate thousands of years."

"This may be the reason why they have no longer life." Zi Ji sighed.

"Do you want to find him?"

Zi Ji is a little surprised to see the kiji. "At this time, are you don't stop me?"

Bi Ji smiled and smiled. "The moment is so big, the little child is more useful to use the terrible ability, don't die in the starry forest, when the woman is in the woman ..."

When she said, she looked in life lake, reflected a piece of Yinhong, sunshine on the sparkling lake, letting this red seem to be red.

Zi Ji is screaming in Bi Ji, and the two women are full of jealousy.


Lin Xiaozhu coldly looked at the three senior offerings of the auction site. If you change to the past, he met such a strong person, he only turned to escape.

At this moment, he has already been the reason why it has not escaped.

Zhen Zhen standing there, just looks at the three people in front of the eyes of the eyes on everything.

Taina was irritated, as a poorman, he thought that the people who could make up the enemy in the whole continent, not to say the soul.

Even if the momentum of Lin Xiaozhu is extremely amazing, he does not think that the other party can really defend himself.

Next, his body broke out a powerful pressure, although there is no happiness, but it is also very mad, let the people of the Wushu face a white.

Ke Lin Xiaozhu still looked at him in a faint, can't see a hint, only the empty cave, it seems to be just a dirt chicken dog in front of it.

Seeing the other party's reaction, naunnin is angry.

He opened a big step and went forward.

Then, it has been jumped, in the half-air, it is a whirlwind, and the bright light of the red blue is very speed, because the speed is too fast, it has become a blue-violet tornado, and the speed is flying to Lin Xiaozhu.

That madness is like the sun in the sky falls down, full of violent and swallowing everything.

In the face of such an attack, Lin Xiaozhu is still the sound of the sound.

It seems that an adult is facing a baby attack.

This kind of attack is desirable for eight-door, it seems to be ignored!

In the moment of impacting to Lin Xiaozhu, his body shape suddenly appeared. After his right arm stretched into the body, like a mountain, the whole body was completely tight, before the blue purple The rays are shrouded on the fists, and the speed is magnified.

A punch!


There is no sound!

It seems that this moment is taken off.

Surrounded by spaces have a dramatic distortion!

Even if there is no sound, the momentum of the earth is not allowed to make everyone in the scene.

Of course, this is not included in the east, she knows how strong Lin Xiaozhu is better than anyone.

Even the existence of terrible demon is finally lost to this guy in front of you, but it is more necessary to say that a realm is only in the soul of the god.

In front of the attack in tain, Lin Xiaoshu just lifted a finger and slowly greeted his opponent.


When his index finger and tight martial arts hit together, a horrible gas wave is like a tsunami is usually swept in all directions.

With two people, the four-week land is a large piece of a large piece, the people of the Wuhun Temple, including Daming and Ming Ming, all exhausted release of the soul, resist the waves of the roll, even so much weakened Several people still vomited a few blood.

Under the collision, the body of Na Luo actually swayed, like a straw that was blown up by the storm, and flew out, even if his soul is mad, the body is completely uncontrolled, it has been flying out ten On a few miles, I hit a whole mountain to stop my body.

His body is deeply embedded on a mountain of the mountain, and a horrified look to the huge beast that hits himself.

Tainan can't believe that the other party only relieves his attack, but even let himself injure.

What is how powerful!

Everyone in the audience is very shocking. It can be a half of the god, making a snatch of the unknown to be resolved by this huge behem.

It's just a lifelike!

Even the woman who was holding the woman in the eyes of the woman, even if she is, there is no way to resolve the fullness of the Nauro.


Taining Luo roofed.

"Huang, Huang, Purple, Purple, Black, Black, Red, Red!"

A soul ring rose from the foot, and the violent soul suddenly broke out.

On the body of his body, burning green flames, this fire is extremely demon, and it is actually a kind of chill, and there is a kind of soul that is burned.

The voice falls, his eighth soul is lit, flashes in the red light, it seems like a devil's eyes, in the dark, silently watching everything.

The space surrounded by a temperature that is difficult to describe the temperature.

Tainan's body has been the first layer of fine ice, and the ice is burned on a layer of flames, while the ice is ignited, the ice is immersed in an instant to a powder in the flesh eye.

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