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This strange phenomenon is caused by the martial arts of Nairo.

At the same time, it is impossible to form extremely cold and extremely hot, which seems impossible.

However, these two power is perfectly integrated in the high-grade dedicated to the auction.

The two poles contains very terrible destructive power. When two extreme temperatures collide, destruction has become the only ventift!

At the blessing of the eighth soul, tainting Rob upgraded his momentum to the peak.

His left foot suddenly stepped forward, there is a deep blue tip and a hammer that burns the flame.

The tip wafer has no move, and there is no situation, so the direct, Lin Xiaozhu is separated!

This kind of attack has no skill, it is completely hard.

At this time, Lin Xiaoshu's mouth has a brids, and now he is the least afraid of him, the opponent is hard.

He still did not show his soul ring, and did not show any skills, just waving huge fists up.

In the moment before the tip tapered and the giant box of the hate, tight the flag of the flame hammer, pull the right arm again, explosive power momently.

He slammed the giant hammer toward the end of the ice cone.


A loud noise.

The energy fluctuations of the ice fire two are rapidly fused on the ice cone, and a thorny blue violet is blooming from the top of the tip.

Central, surrounded by a cone, the air, such as the water snake, is generally twisted, all the strength is completely condensed in a straight line in the moment.

Centralize a destructive force attacking a scholarly attack, how amazing power will know.

The tip that flooded with violent destructiveness collided on the iron boxing of the wheeze.

The weather formed by the two-pole temperature is like instantly hitting the neck.

The destructive force burst out of the tip is like a paper paste in front of the iron fist, and suddenly the land.

The glossy rays also cover the red energy fluctuations that the chilly body is burned around.


Under the collision, the whole world seems to have changed this moment, like the sun falls in the earth, and the starry big forest is completely covered by a glare.

Everyone is unstoppable to close his eyes, and I will be thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly.

At the same time, while the light is coming, it will fly again.

He is like an arrow of a string.

The sound of "" is scratched.

Boom - Boom - Boom -

The huge impact sounds, and the Na Luo has hit a mountain peak.

These big mountains seem to be a paper paste, under the violent impact, if there is no matter, it is hit on the spot.

Ti Luo has been flying out of dozens of miles, and finally the decline in the ground, his big mouth spitting the blood mixed with organ debris.

Under this hit, he is already scarred, and the bones on the body have broken a dozen.

This is still because of the Na Na Luo. If you change it into something else, you have already died thousands of times.

The whole game is silent, and the dead is still quiet.

Seeing this suddenly appeared, the beast is so easy to fly, once again, it flesh a deep world, everyone is completely shocked.

Tianan is even more shocking. The eighth soul skill is already 100,000 years, but it is still under the boxing of the other party, there is no resistance.

This is a powerful existence of the huge giants that appear in the air!

Only with the power of a punch, the strong body of the Na Luo is a strong body, and it is not so much in the face of the strongness of the half-god level.

Taining, Luo Qiang, he had climbed up, he had always lurked in the tidiers in the auction, just a crazy cultivation, just a day to become the top of Douro's top.

He is obsessed with fighting, thinking that his way is "war", hoping to become stronger through constant battles.

The owner continues to provide a strong opponent to Na Luo, these opponents are the soul teacher, and some are the soul of the beast, and some have a strange power, and the energy and soul of their release seem to have some difference.

Just like this is a huge giant.

Na Na has no defeat, except for the Women who holds the woman.

Her name is a demon dream, and it is the most powerful existence in seven advanced dedication.

When the owner will make them born.

Taining Robben thought that in addition to the demon dreams of the store, there was no opponent in the Douro mainland.

Of course this does not include the owner and the prostitute, because these two power is not they can match.

It can be seen in this continent in this continent to exist than yourself.

However, even if it is lost to a thousand streams, Ti Na Luo is still no doubt, one is one of the strongest strong people in the mainland, until today, I met the wheet of my eyes.

He is very keen on fighting, likes to constantly improve the feeling of the blood boiling in battle.

But this time, in the face of war, he is a hate, he actually started retreat.

An unprecedented fear of fear, in the past.

However, he is not willing to defeat this, and he can't stand the eyes of Lin Xiaozhu.

He biting his teeth, let the kind of fear of humiliation into a strong courage.

Tainan lit up the ninth soul ring, the golden soul ring is a round of bloody days, exudes a dazzling light, because the above gold line, let the red red light into a lightweight, put the whole sky However, it has been golden red.

This color is much colorful than the color of the tens of thousands of soul rings.

At the same time, Ti Na Luo is like a meteorite that burns the flame flame, and it is rushing to Lin Xiaozhu to rush to Lin Xiaozhu.

The long tail flame remains in half of the air, and it has a blazing flame, and it seems to tear the sky.

His body is hovering in flight, the ice cone and the flame hue in the hands goes off, and the body is crazy around the body, and a high-tech magic phantom instantly emerges in the sky.

The long phase of this magic is extremely embarrassed. If it is not a long hair and that giant tail, there is almost no feature of the class, as if it is the evil spirits in hell!

"The ninth soul skills · Brahma!"

Taining Luo put a drink, the horrible magic is open, and the blood of the blood, the soul is quickly condensed in its mouth, and a glare light ball suddenly appeared.

The radiobi, the air is distorted, and the extremely horrible energy is crazy.


The magic roaring, shot in the mouth, an extremely fierce blue purple light column, the violent momentum is like sweeping the whole sea.

This hit united all the soul of the Na Luo, which can be said to be an attack on his efforts.

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