Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 610, Rakatho, VS owner

You can search for the latest chapter in Baidu, "Sign in Douro Sign in to the World Skyllirts ("

The bottom drilled many kinds of beasts, they were surrounded by the hunger of the soul, just like hunters captured the quarry, the souls were refunded, they could only struggle.

Because the huge beast that appeared is more powerful, fierce, the battle is even more fierce than the previous worm.

The soul of the Wuhun Temple and the Tiangou Empire was overalm, and those kilometers died and another batch of origins from the bottom of the ground, as if the kill did not have ordinary.

Even if the strong people such as Qiandao and Jinzuoulo will continue to show strong soul skills, there is no way to completely press these terrible guys.

Their vitality is extremely tenacious, even if it is interrupted that the limbs are still crazy, it seems to feel the pain.

If you want to kill these beasts, only their heads are completely bombed, but the underground will continue to drill new giants.

The battle is so stalemate, the soul of the Wushu and the Tiangou Empire will soon fall into passive, only beaten.

The ratio of the half is also a little stretched at this time. Although the strength of these huge beasts is difficult to hurt the Raksha, but it can't kill these terrible beasts, and there is no way to let other soul. Not attacked.

She constantly waves the seat of the seat, releases the soul skill to kill a wild behem, but this will stop the appearance of more huge beasts, and only look at the soul of the soul in the blood. .

And the lady's face of the sky is still the look of the temper. It seems that there is no relationship with himself, just like it is watching a beast.

As for the owner, I didn't appear in the root, just in the darkness, it was so embarrassing that it was so embarrassed than the East, which made all the soul of the scene felt desperate.

They don't know who their opponents are, and even all the other people are unclear. The shadow of death is shrouded above the whole space. As a sound of mourning, there is more soul division.

"God?" At this time, he spread out the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the owner.

This sound is a little bit of mocking, and the souls heard this voice, they could not help but feel slight.

This is the first time in Tiankeng, and their instinct thinks of mysterious owners.

At this time, the behemoth launched a new round of attacks, compared to the previous madness, fierce, and the soul of the master's voice was in an instant.

The ratio is unstormizes that she has been in the anger. She has been ranked to God, but others have killed so many hands under the eyelids.

This will undoubtedly produce extremely bad influence on the prestige of her Rakhas.

The three vibration three pairs of purple light wings are straight to the pit.

"Only the crude antite, I don't know how to have the courage to be God." The owner's voice is leisurely, it seems that it will not put it in the eyes of the East, "Since I am looking for death, then I will fulfill you ! "

The voice falls, there are two blood red light in the Tiankeng, as if a kind of beast is opened in the dark.

When a fierce murder suddenly broke out, the space above the entire Tiankeng was dramatically twisted.

The ratio of the terrible pressure in front of the front, hurriedly stopped the shape.

She released the martial arts in the air, and the purple black radius broke out from her right hand, and made a virtual action in the Taitou.

A black magic appeared in the Tiankeng, an evil spirit broke out, and the space surrounded was extremely cold, and it seems to be a cold in the depths of the soul.

This kind of cold feeling is extremely strong, even if there is a distance from Tiankeng, those souls feel that the soul seems to be swallowed by this ice.

At the same time, the two wiping of the beautiful red light came out from the abyss, as if a dragon passed through, and the magic collided.


The collision broke out of colorful light, illuminated the Tiankeng, seen in the middle of the East, seemed to be a person in the underground under tens of thousands of meters.

She can't see the long-term phase of the person, but I can see the other side of the bloodthirsty eyes, I am sending a red ray.

The light seems to be able to frozen people's soul, just look at the body of the eastern body to be trembled.

But she can't be scared by the other party.

She snorted, and the right hand still controls the Raksha Verde, and the red ray is competing.

The two sides are extremely fascinating, and the power is stalemate.


Numerous light rain splashes in the air, and the face of the eastern face is slightly changed.

Obviously, she felt that an unprecedented force came, and the power of the power was even more taboo than the East of Raksha.

Under this percentage, the ratio of the ratio of the Rakhasha in the sky, the sky is burst into a huge sickle, which has burst it in front of him, and crashed into the Tiankeng. .

Brain - Bang - Bang - "

The roar of the earth-shaking sound sounded, even the beautiful red light was straded under the nine-handed magic of the East, as if it became entity, and flew.

The power of the magic has not stopped therefore, and continued to fly in the Tiangle in the Tiankeng.

It seems to be bulld in the mysterious existence of the mysterious.

This is the power of God!

The face is full of disdainful colors at this time.

In her opinion, even if the other party is stronger, it is impossible to resist such a hit.

Even if the owner will not exceed the exception!

The light shadow is flashed, and the body has disappeared than the body, and the nine magic fats is injected into a strong force and become more glare.

It is like a gentle claw that is in the depths of the gods, and go to the Tiankeng.

This is a bit of the soul of the pounds when it is full of pounds, and the destructive power has grown up to several times when the magic sphingm is full. Twisted.

The dark figure in the ground is slightly moved, and if the owner is doing your best, it is the owner who does not dare.

The power of a huge soul suddenly broke out in the human shadow in the abyss, and the two blood red monster shots were shot, direct to the ratio.

A weird feeling is made when the heart is sudden.

She knows that the two light is the attack of the owner. In this case, the attack destructive power is sure, and it is not allowed to bring some strange effect, but I can't go to a dodge, it seems to be by these two The Tao rays attracted it, and the soul seems to be unsuitable.

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