Signed to the World of Heavens from Douluo

Chapter 611 is pressed by Rakatho

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"Not good!" Bybee screamed, she obviously didn't think that such a powerful attack was immediately resolved, the owner also released such a powerful attack.

Most importantly, the other party's soul rings are not released, it seems to have a strange ability like Lin Xiaozhu.

At the same time, the collision has occurred while the east is.

Although the collision of nine magic and two red rays did not make any sound, it would see how the collision is like this.

Jiu Dao magic sphin suddenly colliled, turned into a fragment, and the whistled hazy blown.

I saw that after the two red light was hit by the two red light, it was like a head suffering from a heavy hush. The whole person's body was back, and the body trembled, and even the Raksha I was in the body. This moment is shed, and it has disappeared into violet.

Her head, a circle of purple suddenly broke out, the ghost crying wolf is full of air, the whole portrait is lost, and it will be thrown backwards.

If you are seen in front of you, you will be stunned, and the ratio of Rachera Gods will fall back to people!

Obviously, this collision owner did not use all the best, and it was still a bit of light written.

"Is this the so-called god?" The abyss issued a cold and cold laugh, "itself is not strong!"

The ratio is broken, the kite is broken, and there is hundreds of meters long, then completely lost, falling to the bottom of the abyss.

Even if it becomes a god, the body is already very sturdy, but he feels a palmatic cold during the way.

She concentrates spirit, and she is desperate to calm her calm.

The purple airflow eventually drilled back to the head of the Bi East, and Raksha will also be restored to the original situation.

Bi Bi East reluctantly opened his eyes and forcibly controlled his body.

Then, she sang, slamming a paw again to shoot to the abyss!

Suddenly, a purple claw appearance appears in the air, and the purple black airflow is swept.

At the same time, it was smashed in the east, and there were two different bodies in the half-air.

Raksha you wrapped in her body, the horrible purple black power was quickly spread, covering only a few bright lights in the abyss, making the whole space like a ink, generally dark, fierce murderous moments full of full Among the Tiankeng.

In the face of such a fierce offensive, the owner can't continue to stay in the pit, it is moving.

There is a seven red transparent wings behind it. These wings have appeared extremely irregular forms, and they are still single, which is very uncoordinated, which is uncomfortable.

These seven wings almost cover all the bodies behind the owner, when the wings are unfolded, the space that was previously dyed by Rakshae became a blood red, and the endless red cloth was full of the entire abyss.

The alax that was taken before and the past was quietly disappeared in this red light.

Because the distance is already close, the owner's appearance is exposed to the front of the ratio.

What surprised her is that this mysterious, powerful owner is an ordinary man!

There is no other particular meaning herein, which is generally common.

Ordinary clothing, ordinary appearance, there is no feature.

There is no strong and terrible appearance, and there is no eye-catching feature. The person standing in the aboundment is actually an ordinary uncommon human.

Even the five senses on his face are all in a strange. If you put it in the people in the city, I am afraid that no one will recognize.

However, than the East, certainly don't take the exterior of this exterior. It is really a common person. She knows how strong the strength of those senior powers.

So strong souls have listened to this owner, if he is really an ordinary person, it is really a ghost.

The next flying is the first to take the lead.

The two of her macked the two purple long shadows, and the evil atmosphere of the sky was rushing up, rushing out, and rushed to the owner's body, and huge evil breath, as if to swallow the entire abyss Like.

In the face of the attack, the owner is not half-filled, he is very indifferent to the ratio of the eastern and cold eyes.

He slowly lifted his right hand, and the red light suddenly rose, and the glamor of the throne, the jealousy of the rock, could not help but close his eyes.

A circle of red radiopes float from the master's hand, go straight to the front of the east.

At the same time, I saw him shaking, the body disappeared from the place, turned into a blood red ray, and greeted the Biobi to attack.

The rays are very fast, like the real light, than the east, but it is too late to avoid.

Om -

The ratio in the impact felt that the body suddenly began to dramatically, and a special feeling of a unhousnatal feeling is all spread all over the whole body.

She clearly discovered that her body has lost its ability to act, and only the shock is on the empty space.

If it is under normal circumstances, she can also try to break through the binding with the gods obtained.

But she faced the owner, this mysterious existence has a cold-ultrasound energy, which seems to be able to directly penetrate the bone marrow, so that the soul of the attacker is blocked instantly.

Although this energy can be resolved in the power of the East, it is scattered, in this state, she wants to break through the bondage, it is not instantaneous.

The owner is trapped between this raising hand!

A few times of the three failures made a new understanding of the strength of the owner. It was originally thought that after becoming Raksha, no one would be his opponent.

However, after the first time and people played in the god, she took a few times a few times, which was a little bit unacceptable to this new Rakhara.

You must know that Raksha will be a first-class god, in addition to the most powerful existence outside the king.

Although it is just a thrown level, the control of the power does not reach the pure sky, and it can be controlled between the other side, and it is also a horrified.

Of course, just simple waves cannot stop a gods, it is just a breathing time, but this is enough for the owner.

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