Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 208: Xiao Zhan intends to protect Miss Xiao?

Seeing Xiao Zhan's violent action, Ye Chen immediately wanted to use his mental power to obliterate the opponent, but when the imaginary lion head fist struck, the speed of Si Si was slightly slowed down. Ordinary fighters would not notice it at all, but in his powerful Under the mental power, it is indeed exposed.


Almost instantly, Ye Chen guessed what Xiao Zhan's real purpose was. When the spirit power that was about to be mobilized was suppressed, he stood there motionless, watching the lion's head biting in'horror', his head was full. Crazy'sweating'.

At the moment, the fist with the lion's head suddenly tilted, almost scratching Ye Chen's head, and instantly blasted a big hole in the wooden house wall behind him.

"Why not hide?"

Xiao Zhan, who withdrew his fist, looked at Ye Chen closely, as if he wanted to see through it.

It can be seen that the other party's eyes are sweating and horrified, and Xiao Zhan also retracted his strong eyes. From this performance, it can be seen that Ye Chen is very honest, but he still wants to hear the other party's answer.

"Patriarch Qi, my life was saved by the Xiao family, so when you want me to die, you will die whenever you want, Ye Chen has no complaints."

"Oh? But I see you sweating all over, not as if you are not afraid."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help wiping his sweat and tremblingly said: "I am born to be afraid of death. No matter who I am, I will be afraid of death. I am indeed afraid of death, but I believe that the patriarch will not kill people for no reason. ."

After speaking, Ye Chen was also observing Xiao Zhan. Soon, the corner of the other party’s mouth showed a gratifying smile, and immediately reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a laugh: “Don’t be afraid, I’m not here tonight. But you are a foreign surname after all, so the family elders want to see your performance."

As he said, Xiao Zhan's mouth kept smiling, and then he took out an iron token engraved with the golden "Xiao" from his waist and handed it to his hand: "Take it, from now on, you Ye Chen will be my Xiao Clan. The core disciple of the surname will enjoy the various preferential resources like the core tribe of your own surname. As the most precious talent of the Xiao Clan, you have to cultivate well and improve your fighting spirit."

"Follow the orders of the patriarch!"

Once again patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, Xiao Zhan laughed and walked out of the wooden house, disappearing into the vast night.

"Core disciple?"

Ye Chen glanced at the Xiao Clan token in his hand, and then threw it to the corner of Na Jie. Although this identity is not rare for him, it is only the first step to obtain the identity of the core disciple of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade. That's it.

Now Yao Lao is stepping up to refine the pill, but he brought back a lot of herbs from the auction house, enough for him to practice for a while.

Then after the pill market is opened, the next step is to improve the cultivation base.

Repair base?

Ye Chen couldn't help but think of Concubine Ya. If he successfully completes the task tonight, maybe he won't have to worry about his cultivation base, but the systematic ‘personal’ sentence ruined his efforts throughout the night.

Taking out the magic weapon Demon Abyss Sword, Ye Chen slowly absorbed the internal divine power, transforming it into fighting energy energy that adapts to this world.

The whole night passed, and I couldn't feel the passage of time at all when I was practicing, but after waking up from the inner view, it made people feel a little pain in the back.

"Brother Chen, are you in there?"

A call came, and then Guo Guo walked in through the big hole in the wooden wall, with a look of surprise on his face: "What's wrong with you?"

"The wall is aging and collapsed, it's okay. By the way, Brother Guo, why are you looking for me?"

Ye Chen perfunctory, and Guo Guo didn’t care. He just ran to him quickly and said with a look of envy: "Congratulations, Brother Chen, you just became an inner disciple yesterday, and today the patriarch announced that you are the core disciple of the family. Now, this is unprecedented in the history of the entire Xiao Clan."

"Really, okay, it's just an identity."

"Um, Brother Chen, your indisputable character is really enviable. I really want to be like you and become a core disciple. No, just enter the inner door."

Looking at Guo Guo with a look of expectation, Ye Chen couldn't help taking out a lot of low-level pills and two exercises from Na Jie and handing them to the opponent: "Take it, this is the inner reward of the clan. Now I I'm already a core disciple, and I don't need these."

"Really... Give it all to me? Brother Chen..."

There was a tinge of redness in the eye sockets. Guo Guo was about to hug Ye Chen, but he was cleverly avoided. Ye Chen immediately smiled and said: "Why, brother Guo, are you looking down on me? Put it away."

"No, no, the great kindness of Brother Chen, Guo Guo will never forget, I want things, hey, I really want them, don't put them away."

Guo Guo nervously took the pills and exercises that went round and round, and left first with excitement on his face, and his real purpose was to inform Ye Chen that because of the identity of the core disciple, the clan had arranged for him. The new residence is ready, and the place is in the family courtyard.

Shrugging, Ye Chen didn't pack anything, and after taking care of the door, he walked towards the inner courtyard.

Because of the night patrol, he and Guo Guo easily found a place to stay, but Ye Chen looked at the room next door, and suddenly pulled Guo Guodao a little confused: "Are you sure I want to live here? The girl's room next door is ."

Hearing this, Guo Guo looked around, nodded and said: "Yes, you live here, the patriarch said, let you protect Miss Xiao next door, this is also your main family task to become a core disciple."

"Uh, are you sure?"

"Well, I'm sure, Brother Chen, go in by yourself, I will go back to practice first."

Guo Guo raised his eyebrows towards him, and immediately disappeared. At the same time, a little girl about the same age as Xun'er walked out of the next room and said with some annoyance: "Are you sent by the patriarch to protect me? Please tell your uncle clearly, I don't need to..."

Before she finished speaking, the girl walked out the door and saw Ye Chen, the words in her small mouth suddenly stopped.

After that, the little girl asked softly: "Are you my bodyguard in the future?" Between the words, there is no fierceness as before, very gentle.

"It should be, I'm Ye Chen, I don't know what your name is."

The little girl in front of her had short pink hair and a crisp and pleasant appearance, but she was mixed with other qualities that were difficult to understand. She was too young to be able to see clearly.

"I, my name is Xiao Mei, I am glad to meet you."

With that said, the little girl ran back to her room and closed the door with a bang.

Shrugging, Ye Chen walked into his house indifferently, saying that he was responsible for, but he knew that the possibility of encountering danger in the family is minimal, so this arrangement is also very important. There may be other purposes.

After all, behind Ye Chen’s identity at the moment, there is a super alchemist who is no less than the third grade. In the small city of Wutan, the existence of the third grade alchemist is extremely rare. Even if a little bit of news is released, Ye Chen’s threshold will be Trampled.

"Ye Chen, Brother Ye Chen, are you inside?"

As soon as he was lying on the bed, Ye Chen heard several calls from outside the door, and immediately a short, brittle figure appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Xun'er, why are you here?"

After hearing this, Xiao Xun'er, who was holding the quilt, said aggrieved and coquettishly: "Brother Ye Chen, you haven't told me a story tonight, Xun'er can't sleep." After that, she jumped onto his bed very quickly.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but surrendered the big bed to Xiao Xun'er, and then, looking at her pure and pure gaze, sat on the bedside and began to tell a story for her.

And Xiao Xun'er wrapped the quilt in contentment, staring at Ye Chen who was talking vigorously, and slowly fell asleep with a smile on his mouth.

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