Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 209: Concubine Ya has an accident

In the early morning of the next morning, the martial arts field of the Xiao clan was enthusiastic about martial arts training. The older children worked hard to practice under the positive sun. When Ye Chen accompanied Xiao Mei to the martial arts field, they also lost their place.

"Let's go there."

Pointing to the big tree on the side of the martial arts field, Xiao Mei took the initiative to take Ye Chen and walked quickly, but before taking a few steps, Xiao Xun'er's charming figure stood in between the two, and immediately saw him. Holding Ye Chen's arm, he dragged him under another big tree.

"Xun'er, he belongs to me... Guard, where are you taking him?"

Seeing Ye Chen being dragged away, Xiao Mei suddenly displeased.

However, Xiao Xun'er spit out her tongue playfully, her small face suddenly serious and serious: "You want to follow, just come over, otherwise don't talk, if I want, do you think the family elder will let Ye Brother Chen is here to protect me."

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Mei was suddenly speechless. She was not as smart and clever as Xiao Xun'er at a young age, but she was not stupid. The identity of the other party was unusual, and the family elders also cared for her. , If he asks for it, Ye Chen's ownership will most likely be robbed.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mei couldn't help but see water drops in her eyes. Even if she wanted to understand, she felt very wronged when she was young. I was about to cry immediately.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but rubbed Xiao Xun'er, who was a little at a loss, and began to teach him: "I know you want to play with your brother, but Xiao Mei'er is also your friend, right? So in the future, okay. You can get double happiness by sharing things with friends, understand?"

Xiao Xun'er was obviously unbearable, but her subconscious behavior hurt Xiao Mei, so she was so at a loss.

After Ye Chen's initiation, Xiao Xun'er nodded obediently, and then ran to Xiao Mei's side and took the other's small hand, and ran under the big tree together.

After all, Xiao Mei is also a child, and when she says she changes her happiness and anger, she immediately became silly and happy when she looked at Ye Chen and Xiao Xun'er.

Soon, the two little girls sat under the tree to practice, and Ye Chen acted as a teacher, explaining his own understanding of cultivation as the two of them.

Although he didn't practice much, Ye Chen's reserves were very, very rich in terms of theoretical knowledge. Spirit power and vindictive energy were both a type of energy, so there were many interoperable elements between them.

Ye Chen was able to speak vigorously, but he didn't find that many boys had also come to his tree, sitting quietly there and listening to it sounded very seriously.

On the martial arts arena, Xiao Xiaoyan, who had worked hard to cultivate, saw this scene and couldn’t help feeling envious, but when he thought of his excellent talents, he secretly swore that one day he would surpass Ye Chen and win everyone’s eyes. worship.


One day, it became clear that after Ye Chen got up with a yawn, he wanted to go to the washing table at the door to wash, but when he was walking, a figure suddenly flashed past the mirror not far away.

Ye Chen, who discovered that the situation was not right, suddenly became vigilant, because from the picture flashed in the mirror just now, it can be seen that the appearance of the incoming person has seriously threatened him.

Recalling the scene that flashed past, Ye Chen could already feel the handsome face of the other party with just a glimpse. It was not an exaggeration to use the enchanting Junyi to describe it. At the moment, she couldn't help but step back a few steps and began to turn her head around. Search it.

At this time, two little girls, Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei, came from the door and found Ye Chen looking around. They suddenly asked: "Ye Chen, what are you looking for?"

After being called by Ye Chen, Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei became friends, and soon became acquainted with each other, eating and playing at the same time, it was almost impossible to sleep together.

"Find someone, find a man handsomer than me."

Frowning, Ye Chen dissipated his mental power, but did not find that there were other men in his room, and even the entire Xiao Clan was searched for by his mental power, but he still didn't get any results.

"Let's help you, what does that person look like."

Xiao Mei asked curiously, although she is still young, her beauty is there. Ye Chen's appearance is already the best-looking man she has ever seen. Will there be any better-looking people in this world?

"Well, how should I say, I just saw it unconsciously. The guy has a sharp eyebrow and sword eyes, his face is as firm as a knife, and his deep eyes are very bright. He is a man with a story, but he It makes people feel very clean and pure, and makes people look very comfortable."

Ye Chen described that Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei looked around after hearing this, and they were all curious about how handsome that person really is.

But after looking for it for a while, Xiao Xun'er pulled Xiao Mei's sleeve to stop it, and then carefully stared at Ye Chen who was walking around in the house, her small face was full of helplessness and said: "I found it."

Hearing this, Ye Chen turned back to Xiao Xun'er and said, "Where are you? Tell me quickly."

"He's right here..." Xiao Xun'er pointed to the mirror not far from the door and said: "He's right in the mirror."

Ye Chen moved after hearing the sound, and quickly came to the mirror to look for it. But after watching for a long time, he didn't notice the slightest, but when he was trying to ask Xun'er, he suddenly froze in place.

Immediately, Ye Chen clapped his hands abruptly and shouted, "So it's you, handsome me!" After saying that, he was relieved, and secretly said that the person is fortunately himself, otherwise his face value threat is at stake.

However, Ye Chen was relieved, but Xiao Xun'er Xiao Mei on the side couldn't help but spit out her small tongue at him, eyes full of speechless.

"Haha, it's okay, I'll take you outside to play later, just say what you want to buy."

After half a month of hard refining, the first batch of huge amounts of pill was finally completed. Ye Chen also selected the pill for his cultivation, so today is the day he delivers it.

With Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei, Ye Chen found Xiao Zhan who was discussing in the hall. When the other party saw him coming to the main hall for the second time, he guessed something, and quickly asked the disciple on the side to hold a chair and let him sit down.

And Ye Chen didn't have to conceal it, and directly took out the three big bags of pills from Najie and placed it in the hall.

Before he could speak, Xiao Zhan and the seven or eight family elders all showed shocked expressions, and immediately saw Xiao Zhan stand up excitedly and said, "What are these bags?"

"They are all the medicines that the family wants. The bag on the left is the first-grade high-grade and peak-quality Qi-enhancing powder, the right one is the second-grade foundation building essence, the quality is different, and the middle is the third-grade Qi-gathering powder and other types. The pill, there are thousands in total."


Everyone on the scene stared at the three big bags, and they all took a breath. There are thousands of pill, and the lowest is the first-grade high-grade pill, and even the third-grade Gathering Qi San has such a precious and rare treasure. To Utan City, I am afraid that it will not cause a huge wave, and his Xiao family's business may also dominate the entire Utan City.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhan and the elders looked at each other one after another, and as soon as they looked at each other, they all showed extremely excited expressions that were hard to suppress.

"Let's say Ye Chen, Master Alchemist has to divide into several levels before he is willing to give these medicines to our Xiao Clan to operate. No matter what, these medicines have to flow out from my Xiao family, do you understand?"

Xiao Zhan's coercive voice came, but Ye Chen didn't panic at all, "My friend said, he only needs nine points!"

"What, 90%? You are not joking, we Xiao Clan has contributed a lot to this batch of pills. We spent our entire clan's funds to buy precious medicinal herbs and stones, so can we only get 10%?"

Many elders on the side spoke with displeased faces, and the speed with which they changed their faces was unheard of.

"Elders and patriarchs, I have tried my best. I have collected this point of profit with my heart and soul. Everyone feels their conscience and asks yourself, are there really many herbs we Xiao bought?"

Ye Chen snorted coldly in his heart, the wealth of the whole family? However, it was only a few hundred thousand gold coins, which only accounted for half of the total funds of this batch of pills.

These guys can really blow up, if he didn't want to continue to improve his status, he wouldn't want to give these greedy guys this half a profit.

"Well, every time you get 10%, but are these pills sure to be all, Ye Chen."

"Of course not, because my friend originally just wanted to cooperate with Mittel Auction House, so Master Alchemist only let us Xiao Clan account for a large amount."

Hearing the words “Big Sum” The expressions of Xiao Zhan and the elders looked so good. What they wanted was to control the whole medicine market in Utan City, so they didn't want the auction house to intervene. .

"Ye Chen, you are doing very well. Once your cultivation level reaches the Great Fighter Master, your family will definitely order you to be an elder. By then, our Xiao Clan will definitely be able to prosper forever, hahaha!"

A group of elders laughed in a high position, seeming to have seen the glorious future of the Xiao Clan, and for a while, they laughed a little madly without hesitation.

"Boy retire!"

Without staying at Xiao's house, after Ye Chen brought Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei out, he also felt that the growth of cultivation base could not be postponed anymore, and that Da Dou Master could grow old. This requirement was a little low.

After thinking about it, the three of them came to the Mittel Auction House, but before they even entered, Ye Chen found the crowd in the auction house, shouting noisily, as if something terrible had happened.

Soon, the people in the house discovered Ye Chen’s arrival, and immediately Xiaoya rushed to his side, pulling Ye Chen’s trousers and begging: "Ye Gongzi, save our lady? She is missing, and the family I don't send anyone to support me, miss her...oooooo!"

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