Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 210: Ya Fei: You can do whatever you want

The causes and consequences of the disappearance of Xiaoya Jiang Yafei were very clear, but Ye Chen only got one piece of useful information, that is, this incident is likely to be related to the Jialie family, the second largest family in Utan City.

Perhaps it was because Ye Chen frequently went to and out of the Mittel auction house, and he was buying herbs in Utan City, and the Xiao Clan was also doing his best to buy and sell herbal medicine stones and many other elements. The Galie family also knew what they would'please' Ya The concubine went to be a guest, but was bluntly rejected.

A few days ago, Concubine Ya was invited to the Xiao Clan, so the Jialie family was most suspicious of all kinds of things.

Patting Xiaoya on the shoulder, Ye Chen said firmly: "Don't worry, I will bring Yafei back safely, and you will have to help me send Xun'er and Xiao Mei back. I will deal with the matter now. "

"I'll go with you, Ye Chen, will you protect Xun'er, right?"

Xiao Xun'er grabbed his arm, her clear eyes waiting for him to keep watching, and Xiao Mei beside her did not mean to leave.

Ye Chen didn't speak, but just raised his eyes and scanned a building not far away, rubbing Xun'er's little head and said, "I'll go and go back. If you don't want to return to the Xiao Clan, then wait for me at the auction house. , I'll be back in half an hour at most, and I will buy you delicious and fun things at that time."

At the same time, a middle-aged man hiding in the dark suddenly wrinkled and said: "He found me? No, no, just a fighter, how could he find me." He said, even if he thinks it is impossible, He still changed positions, silently protecting Xiao Xun'er.


Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Xun'er understood that he would not bring himself, and immediately took Xiao Mei and walked towards the auction house: "Then let's wait for my brother to come back. I will buy a lot of delicious food when the time comes."

Looking at the slightly naive Xun'er, Ye Chen smiled lightly and walked towards the Jialie family, the second largest family in Utan City.

In front of the gate of the big mansion, an ordinary iron sword suddenly fell from a high altitude, and after it pierced into the stone brick floor of the ground instantly, it also splashed a lot of crushed stone powder.

For a time, in front of the Garley Mansion, the real white ash drifted, and the four guards guarding the gate raised their spears one after another, pointing directly at the dust and smoke.

"Who is the one who dares to go wild in front of Galley's house!"

After all, a figure slowly emerged from the gray mist that gradually dissipated, and the guards all smiled disdainfully after seeing it clearly.

I saw that the person who came was a young man of about seventeen or eighteen years old, stepping on the hilt of an ordinary iron sword that was inserted into the ground, and the sword was three-pointers into the ground, very chic.

But after seeing the fighter’s cultivation base, the four guards dressed in black cloth immediately relaxed their vigilance, and immediately put away their spears and threatened: "Boy, I advise you to get out of here in three seconds, otherwise, the intrusion will increase. The consequences of listing the family will be explained with your corpse."

"Mittel Auction House, where is Ya Fei?"

The boy didn't talk nonsense, and straight forward to explain this purpose, but after the four guards heard the word Yafei, their pupils visibly shuddered. Although it is difficult for people to notice, it is fully exposed under the strong mental power.

"Fuck off, what an innocent concubine, if you brat you bravely, you will definitely prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow."

A short-haired guard at the head vigorously waved his spear to the ground, and made a huge muffled noise. As the team leader, his cultivation level is also in the realm of the nine-star fighter, and Ye Chen is only eight stars at this moment, he did not pay attention Here, after all, the other members of their team, the lowest is also the Eight Star Fighter.

"I'll ask one last time, Concubine Ya, where is it?"

The person here was Ye Chen. At this moment, he obviously had no patience and wasted on this group of ants. After jumping off the hilt, the three-foot iron sword under the ground flew into his hand like a drag.

"Thinking of life and death, if you don't leave, stay here forever."

The captain of the short-haired guard frowned. Their Garlie family was used to rampant and domineering in Utan City, but today they were bullied by a hairy boy to come to the door? It's just unbearable.

Without saying anything, the short-haired captain raised his gun to Ye Chen, showing a cruel smile and said: "Brothers, someone is looking for death, what are you waiting for."

As he said, he rushed to Ye Chen first, and the three guards behind him also disdain to smile, and shot them at will.

At this time, the gate of the mansion with the Garlie plaque opened suddenly, and a little boy shouted impatiently: "Let you open the door, where did he die?" Although young, he has a domineering personality. Has been revealed.

However, just as the six or seven-year-old boy's voice just fell, four black shadows flying upside down quickly flew from mid-air. The boy didn't know what was happening, and the whole person was severely crushed by the four men. To the ground.

The weight of a few hundred catties made the boy scream uncomfortably, and then he lost his temper there, constantly cursing a lot of dirty words.

However, no matter how insulting he was, the four men who were getting colder didn't respond, it's just that there was a faintly undetectable sword mark on their rough necks. Soon after Ye Chen stepped into the gate, it started. Continually oozing rolling blood.

The movement in front of the gate attracted many reinforcements from the Garley family, but when they came to the front yard, they discovered that there was only a young fighter with a cold complexion standing here, nothing more.

Patriarch Galebi heard the sound. When he saw that his son was crushed by several corpses and could not move, he immediately wanted to send someone to rescue him.

Soon, a team of guards mixed with fighting masters rushed to the little boy Galleo who was crushed by the door, but the seven people walked only a few steps, and the extremely cold gaze made them froze in place. Dare to move, that seems to be oppressed by the aura of a superior person, clearly only in the realm of fighting, but it just makes the seven dare not take a step forward, it seems that as long as they move forward, they will be killed immediately.

Galiebi, who discovered that the situation was not right, immediately stared in Ye Chen's direction, waved his hand to the seven-person team and said, "What are you doing there, don't hurry to save the young master."

Hearing this, the seven-man guard composed of five fighting masters and two eight-star fighting men immediately walked toward the gate with courage.

However, they had just taken a step, a powerful and incomparable fighting spirit lion groan suddenly turned into a transparent wave and surged from the high wall of the gate. In just a few moments, the seven-man team with five fighting masters was shaken upside down. His mouth is full of blood, not to mention, the eyes are filled with endless confusion, and it is clear that his mind has been severely hit.

"Who the **** are you?"

Galiebi’s eyes throbbed to look at the tall figure that suddenly appeared on the high wall of the gate. The mysterious man wrapped in a large black robe was so powerful that he was intimidated. To say nothing of it, there was also the realm of the Seven or Eight Star Master. It's hard to ignore.

The black-robed man did not speak, but just stood there quietly, but Ye Chen, who was standing in the middle of the yard, said bluntly: "Mittel auction house Yafei, where is it now? Speak out, Ke Raoer wait a moment. Not to mention the name, from now on, there will be no Garlie family in Utan City."

"It's a big tone, the mere warrior child, dare to be so arrogant in my Jialie's house. It seems that there are many arrogant people in this city of Utan."

A rough and crazy voice came from the main hall of the mansion's front yard, and immediately a tall bearded man appeared in front of everyone, his cultivation was invincible, and he was in the realm of a master.

"Brother, why are you here in person, I can handle it."

When Garribi saw the visitor, the confidence on his face recovered a lot. However, before he waited for the visitor to reply, Ye Chen's voice sounded again: "You all deserve to die!"

With the mental power swept away, Ye Chen had discovered that the figure of Concubine Ya was in a secret room of the mansion in front.

"The child is extremely arrogant. Could it be that you think that there is a big fighting master in my Galley family? Hehe, foolish dreams, today I will let you see the background of my Galley family, you two, both of you Can't escape."

With his own younger brother sitting to resist the mysterious person, Garibal was also speaking loudly, and immediately saw him slightly raise his hand, and countless people with the word Garib stabbed on their chests suddenly swarmed out and directly surrounded Ye Chen.

Upon seeing this, the figure in the black robe on the high wall moved slightly, wanting to support, but soon a voice transmission entered his ears: "I'll deal with this matter."

Yin Luo, Yao Lao hidden under the black robe, suddenly saw Ye Chen holding an iron sword, walking through the imperial wind and walking like a ghost among the hundreds of people.

Immediately in the huge front yard, the shadows of white lights and swords not only flashed, but soon, there were countless screams in the courtyard, continuous and continuous.

With every sword that Ye Chen swiped, it would easily take away more than a dozen lives. The clouds and flowing water were almost reaching the limit. Even the strong master of fighting was reaped mercilessly by Ye Chen like a lamb.

Although the cultivation base declined, Ye Chen's comprehension of the sword technique was still there. It was only slightly used here, and it was like killing a **** in the world, and instantly annihilated more than a hundred of the children of the Garley family.

"Damn, how dare you!"

Seeing that the family disciples were killed in seconds, Gallibi was completely untenable. He didn't understand why the brat who had only the cultivation base of the fighters in front of him was so strong. The fighters in front of him were like a rash, a blow. And fold, fragile.

In panic, Gallibi wanted to stop the fight, and then the tall man behind him rushed out.

Upon seeing this, Garibal suddenly looked nervously at the mysterious man in the black robe on the high wall. After seeing that there was no movement, he smiled fortunately. With his brother, the great fighter, as long as the mysterious man does not take action, That would be foolproof.

After all, isn't it a bully's crush on the fighting master against the fighters? Fighting across two realms, Garibaldi doesn't believe that a young kid can do it.

Just after thinking about it, an incomparable field suddenly suppressed the audience, and then a huge figure flew towards Garebi at a speed visible to the naked eye. Before he could react, he was smashed to the ground.

For a while, Garry Bitton felt a little embarrassed, and when he was about to get angry, he suddenly realized that it was not someone else who was pressing on him, but his dear brother Wu Chi.

how come?

Before I could understand what was going on, a long sword with a bit of rust pierced his brother's chest immediately, and with it, he slammed himself on the ground. The intense pain let go and stimulated. Galibi made his dark face full of wrinkles.

In the front yard, none of the hundreds of Garlie family disciples could stand up, one by one died, or the meridians of his hands and feet were cut off, lying on the ground wailing in pain.

"Who on earth are you, why are you targeting me and adding a family."

The younger brother on his body was no longer alive, and his own elite children couldn't afford to be defeated. Gallibi spat out a large mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, staring at Ye Chen emptily, feeling extremely complex and desperate.

"Why? Only blame you for taking my woman abducted."

In Ye Chen's cold eyes, there was no emotional expression. He had experienced life and death, and he had already gained a lot of consciousness. If he had sympathy in the face of the enemy, then he was leaving trouble for himself.

Since the moment it was confirmed that Concubine Ya was in the Garrie mansion, the entire Garrie family had become his enemy.

Without further wasting time, Ye Chen rushed towards the secret room with the imperial step under his feet.

Just when he arrived, a disgusting voice in the secret room instantly came into his ears: "Beauty, let me take care of you. Don't cry too cool later."

After finishing speaking, a thin and weak man in the secret room suddenly took off his clothes, then walked around and swayed the little poor guy, and rushed towards the tied concubine Ya.


A sudden loud noise interrupted the thin man's actions. When the others turned around and shouted angrily: "Which trash with no eyes, dare to disturb Master Liu's interest, are you impatient with your life?" Just want to see who it is, disturbing his elegance.

However, the thin man's upper body had just turned around, and a white sword shadow dazzled before his eyes. Soon he was surprised to find that his vision was parallel to the little poor guy. After that, his consciousness was quickly blurred. Turning to close his eyes slightly, the thin man who broke in two completely lost his breath of life.

"It's okay, Miss Yafei."

Passing the corpse on the ground, Ye Chen walked to the side of Concubine Ya and untied her.

It was just that the other party broke away from the rope before it was completely solved, and plunged into Ye Chen's arms, his jade arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

Soon, Ye Chen heard the faint sobbing sound, and the teenage Yafei seemed to be unable to fully bear this kind of encounter. For a time, the sound of the wailing sound seemed to have an unstoppable rhythm.

"It's okay, it's okay, the bad guys were killed by me, you are safe."

Lightly patted Yafei's trembling jade back, Ye Chen kept saying comforting words, but he was not very eloquent, but he repeated those simple words poorly.

But even so, the effect is very significant. Ye Chen can obviously feel the emotions of Yafei in his arms gradually calm down, but the arms around his neck are still getting tighter.

Reluctantly, Ye Chen had no choice but to hug the concubine Ya and quickly leave the Garlie family. When he passed the door, Yao Lao, who was standing on the high wall and still immersed in Ye Chen’s shocking strength, also quietly returned to his space of accepting the ring. in.

Galloping all the way, right after coming to the auction house, Ye Chen took Yafei and came to her boudoir. Xiaoya also stopped Xun'er and Xiao Mei who wanted to follow, and patiently explained that the situation was still wrong. It's better to bother.

After returning to a familiar place, Ya Fei reluctantly let go of Ye Chen, but at this moment, her beautiful moist eyes were staring at Ye Chen, but her eyes were very wrong.

"Are you okay, this is your home, take a good rest."

Ye Chen didn't think much about it, but after gently pulling away Yafei's white and delicate jade arms, he wanted to leave. The other party's mood is very unstable now, maybe rest is the best treatment.

Concubine Ya was also very well-behaved and didn't stop Ye Chen from pulling, but the beautiful eyes looked at him, making him a little embarrassed to leave so quickly.

"Ye Chen!"

Suddenly, Concubine Ya spoke softly, Ye Chen raised his eyes to meet her eyes, UU reading couldn't help but smile, and didn't know what to say.

But soon, Concubine Ya continued to speak, and smoothly opened the chatterbox: "Thank you really, if I were not for you, I am afraid I will be..."

With that, tears appeared in Ya Fei's eyes again. Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but waved his hand and said: "Don't say thank you, we are partners and good friends, thank you for saying this word, but you will be divided. Take a good rest, and I will see you another day."


Concubine Ya just nodded, but when she heard that Ye Chen was about to leave, she shook her head hurriedly and said, "Can you stay with me, even if you want to do anything, I will...promise you." Then she said. He blushed and hung his head, not daring to look at Ye Chen again.


After swallowing, Ye Chen secretly said that he heard it right? This **** ‘opportunity’ is just coming?

Concubine Ya did not speak any more, just nodded, and when she tugged her clothes slightly, she was also unprepared for her.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen also couldn't hold back, and walked forward until he reached the edge of the bed. Then he stretched out his big trembling hand nervously and leaned towards the place he dreamed of.

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