Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 225: Yuemei’s creative game?

The perfect body carved from white jade is like a masterpiece from the heavens. The towering peaks, the proud violent road in the slightly damp air, a face under the faint moonlight, charming and enchanting, with beautiful diamond-shaped eyes. In the middle, rippling strands of water-like seductiveness.

Among the women Ye Chen knew, speaking of enchanting and charming, this woman was no less inferior to the elegant concubine, and she also had a wild posture that the other party did not have.

Looking at the enchanting woman, Ye Chen suddenly under the clear lake beside the woman, a cyan snake tail swayed slightly towards the lake, releasing a wild attraction.

Without a second word, when Ye Chen found that there were no other people around, he immediately said, "Please also ask the girl to put on clothes. I have something to say."

Hearing this, the snake beauty in the lake immediately flicked the snake's tail to slap a large splash of water, and then quickly put on her clothes behind the water curtain.

When the person in the lake reappeared in the line of sight, Ye Chendun felt a pair of sharp vertical pupils appear in front of him, and then a delicate snake's tail swept around his waist and lifted it in the air.

"Little human guy, after seeing your sister's cheapness, do you want to molest your sister? Still want to do something else."

As soon as the voice fell, the charm of the snake girl's eyes suddenly rose, but her snake's tail violently exerted force, and Ye Chen's bones shook.

"My elder sister speaks as gentle as a human elf, but when she starts her hand, she doesn't show mercy." Ye Chen quietly looked at the chest of the snake girl, who was wearing her breasts, and Ye Chen raised her eyebrows immediately. It looks good in the water, sister, there is a problem with your aesthetics."

As soon as she said this, the snake girl suddenly showed a pair of fangs and smiled at Ye Chen: "Hehe, little guy, you are so beautiful, my sister is not willing to move you." After all, she was quite pretty. The amazing waist, deliberately revealing a large piece of beauty in a light white gauze, he didn't mind Ye Chen's appreciation.

But its snake's tail is getting harder and harder. If Ye Chen is replaced by a stone pillar, it will be cut off.

"Little guy? Hey hey hey, sister, have you tried it? Or something, how do you know that I am young?"

Ye Chen never feared this kind of confrontation with a knife hidden in a smile, and even slightly raised it to show respect.

"Hahaha, the little guy still knows a lot, do you... do you want sister to try it?"

As the snake girl said, her tail didn’t use any more force, because she found that Ye Chen’s body was harder than a rock and could not kill at all, but when she stuck out her slender fingers, she discovered that Ye Chen was harder than just body.

Soon, the drama in the eyes of the snake girl quickly showed a look of surprise, and after quickly retracting her hand, she continued to say: "What is your name and why are you here?"

Hearing that, Ye Chen shrugged and wanted to answer, but Qinglin on the side said in advance: "Ye Gongzi is not malicious. We covered our eyes when my sister took a bath just now."

As soon as the words came out, the snake girl suddenly trembled with a smile, her red lips were slightly raised, her slender jade onion fingers were slowly lifted, and Ye Chen's chin was lifted up and said: "I am very surprised to see you, no Thinking that there is a fellow who is neither human nor snake, do you want to create her with me too?"

Glancing at Qinglin, she immediately lowered her head. She is the offspring of humans and snakes, so no matter whether it is in snakes or humans, she is very unwelcome to see. At this moment, it is even more important. The snake girl looked extremely inferior.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but comforted: "What does it matter if it is a person or a snake? You are so cute with green scales. Most people will like you."

"Then do you like me? Ye Gongzi."

Qing Lin seemed to ask inadvertently, but looked at Ye Chen with extremely serious eyes, making him a little bit out of touch for a while.

After all, they have only known each other for less than two days. What they like or dislike is superficial.

"I like it, how can I not like it, Qinglin, you are the cutest."

Ye Chen looked at Qinglin and smiled slightly. The other party is already very inferior. Even if he is not a good person, he can't hurt such an innocent girl.

Hearing this, Qinglin smiled sweetly at him, and then squatted: "I...I also like... Ye Gongzi."

The last three words, like a frustrated ball, were weak, but they were still spoken by him.

The snake girl who "controls" Ye Chen can't help but interrupt: "Stop, stop, you two shouldn't show these things in front of me. I'm talking about serious things."

"Create someone like me with Ye Chen, sister, are you talking about this?"

With her innocent eyes and a bit of silly language, the snake girl was speechless for a while, and she didn't know how to answer. At the moment, she could only bite the bullet and said: "Yes, let's do it, my Yuemei talks and counts."

After speaking, he dragged Ye Chen with his tail, and quickly disappeared from Qinglin's line of sight. It was only the purpose of taking Ye Chen away, but it was very impure.

Coming quickly to a cluster of dense clusters, Yue Mei blinked a charming gaze and stared at Ye Chen and said, "Do you want to spend a good night with your sister, and then talk about your crime of trespassing."

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded immediately. In such a scene, Yue Mei smiled triumphantly, but soon she found that Ye Chen shook her head and said: "Well, you can change your human form, I haven't tried it yet. A woman like you."

"What's wrong with me? You..."

Halfway through the conversation, Yue Mei looked at her lower body immediately, and then a hint of anger appeared in her eyes: "Do you dare to look down on our snake people? It's so bold, little guy."

"Ahem, haven't you felt it yourself? You still say me little guy? It's a bit unkind, you, I remember you male snakes are really-little ones."

With that, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing, but with his smile, Yue Mei suddenly felt humiliated, and as the jade hand moved slightly, many green fighting-qi poisonous arrows rushed towards him.

" but don't do it, it's not reasonable."

"You broke into the territory of my snake-human race. My sister has let you live for so long, because you are already handsome, otherwise, you little guy..."

Speaking of small print again, but this time Yue Mei didn't continue speaking, but started to attack Ye Chen with the poison arrow.

"Oh, I'm dead."

The poisonous arrow shot quickly, and Ye Chen was too late to escape. He was immediately hit by the fighting gas poisonous arrow. His complexion instantly became dark and heavy, and the aura of the whole person quickly dissipated.

"This is... dead?"

Yue Mei looked at her hands, and then she didn't use too much power in secret. With the realm of the opponent's Great Fighter, how could she die so soon?

Twisting the snake's tail and coming to Ye Chen's side, Yue Mei put out her jade finger to try to breathe in her nose. Once she was uncertain, she began to test several times in succession.

But just the third time, a big hand suddenly grabbed the slender jade finger, and then a huge force suddenly overturned Yue Mei, and then Yue Mei heard a hot voice from her ears: "Sister , Do you really want to play a creative game with me?"

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