Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 226: Ye Chen was captured, Yue Mei thought carefully

"You really are not dead?"

Being controlled by Ye Chen, the snake girl Yuemei didn't show a surprised expression, but had a mischievous twisted body, which made Ye Chen's emotions hot.

Seeing that the other party was obviously like a okay person, Yue Mei not only developed a strong curiosity towards Ye Chen, although her fighting gas poisonous arrow was not deadly enough, she could only take it with a human being with a master's cultivation base. It won't be so easy.

"Little guy, my sister is getting more and more interested in you."

There were moving words in her mouth, but Yue Mei's snake tail suddenly caught Ye Chen, trying to lift it into the air.

But this time, Yue Mei felt an incomparable weight on Ye Chen's body. The small human body was just like a hill, as heavy as a thousand catties. No matter how hard she was, she didn't see any movement of Ye Chen who was pressing on her body. .

While Yuemei was really surprised, Ye Chen stared at her with a smile and said, "Actually, I am also very interested in my sister. Why not, let's play a deep creative game."

With that, Ye Chen grabbed Yue Mei's two delicate wrists violently with his left hand, and then pouted to kiss the extremely seductive red lips.

Facing such a direct Ye Chen, Yue Mei couldn't help it a little: "Little guy, are you serious? My sister's game, but cannibalism."

It was still a charming word, but Yue Mei's vindictiveness burst out unreservedly, trying to break free of Ye Chen's control.

But even Yue Mei, who had burst out of her cultivation base, suddenly realized that the big hand that I saw was like iron tongs. Even if she burst out with all her strength, there was no sign of breaking free, and she did not even react at all. .

"How is it possible that this kid is not a master, why does he have so much strength?"

Amidst suspicion in my heart, a voice that made his delicate body tremble came again in his ears: "I'm serious, will my sister really eat me?"

At the sound of the sound, Yue Mei suddenly found that she had recovered her ability to move. The big hand that was holding her tightly let go. Ye Chen's body moved to the side of the grass, putting on a big character without shame. The posture, as if really waiting for her to eat.

Seeing this scene, Yue Mei could no longer understand Ye Chen's temperament, and she thought to herself what she should do.

kill him? Or escape?

But can I really win this guy who looks like only the realm of the Great Fighter?

While Yue Mei was considering how to make a decision, Ye Chen, who was lying on the grass, was lying on the grass with her head stretched out and said with a smile: "Sister, why are you a fake style? Are you just talking about it?"

With that, Ye Chen said, "Since I am not going to play games, my sister might as well answer me a question."

"What do you want to know?"

Snake's tail gently twisted back several meters, Yue Mei looked at Ye Chen vigilantly, she was in the oasis responsible for protecting the queen from being disturbed. If the other party asked this, it would inevitably be a big battle.

"Well, just two days ago, have you ever been to a Tier VI monster, the ugly one."

Ye Chen put away his playful mind and asked seriously, now that the life and death of the Amethyst Winged Lion King is unknown, although he has no feelings, he is his own mount at any rate, and he can't care about it.

"Tier Six Monster?"

Hearing this, Yue Mei's expression instantly turned cold, and then her eyes surged with murderous intent: "This matter is about the queen's reputation, so if you don't know, you'd better not ask so much."

After all, Yue Mei glanced at Ye Chen, and continued: "If you don't want to cause trouble, you should go. In the snake-man tribe, humans shouldn't come."

"But that Warcraft has a lot to do with me, sister, can you take me to see him?"

Ye Chen asked reluctantly, and after Yue Mei heard it, she refused directly: "If you don't want to die, go quickly. If you think you are still honest, you will only be stubborn. I will bypass you today and go."

After another drive, Ye Chen felt a little helpless.

He wanted to see the specific situation of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, but if he wanted to find the Lion King, if there was no trace to be found in this boundless desert, it would be almost impossible.

Yue Mei twisted her **** snake waist, drifting away, she didn't mean to tell at all. Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but blurt out immediately: "Sister Snake, if I do something wrong, it's not just a quick talk. Do I have a chance to see that Tier VI monster?"

Hearing this, Yue Mei's snake tail stopped immediately, and then turned to look at Ye Chen and said, "You still want to do something wrong, don't you fear death?"

But as soon as her words fell, Ye Chen's figure suddenly came to her like a ghost, and immediately grasped the place that shouldn't be handled.

"Well, sister, is it enough?"

Ye Chen laughed incomparably pure, as if there were no distracting thoughts, but Yue Mei was so shocked by her direct behavior that she couldn't speak.

You know that Yue Mei is also Dou Wang cultivation base anyway, but Ye Chen can get close to herself so easily, and even'attacked' her. The most terrible thing is that she can only watch, but can't avoid it at all.


Yue Mei was speechless for a moment, and she didn't know what to say, her mood was extremely complicated.

"Isn't it enough? Then let's play the game."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, and then suddenly approached Yue Mei, gnawing fiercely on the hot red lips.

The speed was amazing. Before Yue Mei could react, Ye Chen thought about taking the next step again, as if he really wanted to have a game of creation.

At the moment, Yue Mei panicked in her heart. After biting Ye Chen's tongue hard, she quickly pushed him away.

The jade arms rose to the sky, and a green glamour of fighting spirit rose up into the sky in an instant, so that in a moment, four or five snake girls about the size of her appeared in the dense jungle around them, with green scales and a little purple lion. He was also caught by them, and now Ye Chen was surrounded in groups.

"I have the heart to spare you, but you..."

With her hands covering her chest, Yue Mei felt some bleeding, slight pain and strange feeling in her lips, she immediately stared at Ye Chen angrily, and said angrily: "Take this human for me, he has already caught my paralysis. Poison, take him back to the tribe, and I will deal with him personally."

After that, the two snake girls quickly left the oasis land with Ye Chen, Qinglin, and the little purple lion.

Galloping all the way for several hours, the sky gradually dimmed, and under that sunset, a huge tribal fortress slowly appeared above the distant horizon.

In the fortress, the lights are bright, but the fire is flickering. On the huge wall of tens of meters, there are countless arrow towers densely covered with lavender arrow tips, revealing the arrow towers, in the setting sun. Under the shining, there was a cold luster.

Tied by the three snake girls by Yuemei, Ye Chen and others were taken by them all the way through the fortress wall, and then they came to a two-story house made of piled stones.

The furnishings in the building are very simple. There is nothing else except some tables and chairs. Obviously they are just temporary footholds. Qinglin and Little Purple Lion are controlled by two snake girls on the first floor, while Yuemei takes Ye Chen on the floor. Inside the second floor of the stone is this? Don't you want to take me to see the queen? "

Finding that this is not the place he wanted to go, Ye Chen couldn't help but ask.

"Queen? Do you still want to see the Queen?" Yue Mei threw Ye Chen onto a stone chair, then poured tea and continued: "I don't want to hide it from you, most of the men who can see Queen Medusa They are all dead, and the Tier 6 monster in your mouth, I'm afraid it has been killed by the queen."

"Huh? So, why didn't you tell me, sister, and brought me here? What do you want to do."

"What do I want to do, don't you know?"

Yue Mei licked the small wound on her lips, then drew a short knife from her waist and cut the skin of her finger.

Suddenly, a light green blood flowed slightly, and Yue Mei also put her finger in Ye Chen's mouth, forcibly contaminating him with her poisonous blood.

"In order for you to be honest, I can only do this." Looking at Ye Chen who has been "poisoned" by blood, Yue Mei regained self-confidence and said with a provocative smile: "Little guy, today's insult. My sister will definitely want you to repay it a hundred times!"

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