Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 248: The terrifying black coffin, the peerless strong man arrives

When the two sides looked at each other, one of them, the more popular figure, could not help but opened the chat box first and blurted out.

"Are you here to save people too?"

"Not bad."

"Then who are you trying to save? We seem to have seen it somewhere."

Both women wear robes to cover their faces, and they can’t see each other’s true face clearly, but vaguely, the wide coat robes can’t hide the **** figure, feel that the person opposite always gives her a sense of familiarity. It's like a friend I haven't seen many years ago.

But many years ago, when she was in the small city of Utan, how could she meet a girl with such an identity, and the three people behind her, each of them gave a feeling of cultivation that was stronger than the six great fighting kings she brought. , It is conceivable that with such a strong subordinate, the girl in front of her with beautiful eyes like Hao Xing, how honorable the identity will be.

"Perhaps, but now it's not about those times, this sister, you also came to save Ye Chen."

Feeling the eagerness of the other party's mood, the masked girl couldn't help asking.

In the current world, Yun Lanzong was captured, and the Nalan family, which was close to him, was also arrested. If anyone else would try to save Yun Lanzong, the chances would be extremely slim.

Therefore, the masked girl immediately made a judgment. The person who rescued the woman opposite must be the same as her goal. After all, the handsome appearance of the man she likes is enough to attract a large number of girls. Plus he always treats people so tenderly.

The masked girl remembered some memories of the past, her clear and beautiful eyes couldn't help but move slightly, and the pretty face under the lavender tulle was also blushing.

"It seems that everyone's purpose is'all the same'."

The **** woman nodded slightly, and the last three words dragged a long audio, which seemed to have a special thought. When the masked girl heard it, her eyes also showed a trace of coercion, looking directly at the **** woman, as if The oath of sovereignty is normal.

At this moment, a rumbling sound resounded from inside the imperial city, and immediately saw the fighting skills of a giant lion, slamming into the huge black coffin suspended high in the sky to attack, but it was not close yet, the body of the coffin. The automatically rippling black ripples instantly shattered the vindictive lion with more than a dozen heads, and then violently rippled into a majestic vindictiveness, bursting and spreading over the royal family in an instant, spreading straight above the clouds, and the white clouds They were all dyed red, and the momentum was very shocking.

"How could this be? No, it's impossible."

Looking at the nine-finger Soul Destroying Coffin that no one controlled, it was still unscathed after being attacked by himself. On the spot, Jia Xingtian felt a pain in his chest, and then the milky white energy body continued to rise from the imperial city into the black coffin. Among.

For a time, the unconscious milky white energy body, after entering the black coffin, continued to scream, scream and mourn, and in the ground imperial city, countless souls were photographed corpses lying down in every corner of the palace building. , There is no trace of life.

As more and more milky white energy bodies floated toward the black coffin in the sky, the number of people who fell in the imperial city continued to increase. The entire imperial city was covered with unowned bodies, like **** on earth, extremely terror.

"Can't wait any longer, you quickly take me into the imperial city, don't you wait for the Dou Zong cultivation base, afraid that the black coffin will fail?"

The masked girl found that there were more and more dead people in the city. She immediately wanted to rush into the rippled airspace of the black coffin. She couldn't watch Ye Chen in such a dangerous situation. The man brought it out.

"Miss Xun'er, don't be impulsive, we will go in and save people."

The middle-aged man next to Xiao Xun'er said with his hand, waving his hand and bringing the other two fighting sects, frowning and breaking into the imperial city full of black coffin ripples.

However, as soon as they entered, the old man Jia Xingtian, who was still attacking the black coffin, suddenly screamed. Then, a ray of milky white energy light and shadow separated from his body and drifted slowly towards the black coffin body.


The three fighting sects touched their foreheads and sweated, and immediately agitated their fighting spirit with all their strength, resisting the black coffin and contemplating their souls.

However, as they flew in, the power of the soul became stronger and stronger. Soon, a cloud of milky white light emerged from the mouth of a bearded man uncontrollably, and he hurriedly wanted to leave him. body.

When the milky white light and shadow appeared, the bearded man's body trembled violently, his eyes turned pale, and his mouth was foaming, losing his autonomy.

The outer black coffin is like a black hole that specializes in absorbing souls. Anything that exists in the inner space enveloped by the black ripples will be subject to extremely strong gravitation and be forcibly taken into the soul.

At the moment, the middle-aged man in brocade next to the bearded man, with dazzling golden light in his hands, suddenly blocked the bearded mouth, and forcibly sealed the part of his soul in the opponent's body.

However, he had just rescued one person, and the other Douzong companion beside him also began to appear like a big beard. He couldn't control the light and shadow of a milky soul coming out of his mouth, and his body trembled into a coma.

"No, if this goes on, the three of us will die here."

The man in Jinpao who had no spare energy to save another person was horrified to find that his body actually began to tremble, and a sharp tearing pain from the soul immediately made him faint on the spot.

Before he could think about anything, the Jinpao man whose life was threatened suddenly kicked into the sky, and then dragged his two companions like cannonballs, and quickly retreated into the air space outside the ripples of the black coffin.

Once detached, the faintly emerging souls of the three populations ceased to be restless, and they continued to breathe heavily as if they were reborn. They were all wet, and their backs and chests were covered with cold sweat.

"Miss, I really tried my best. This Imperial City of Gama is already dead, and it is impossible to live alone."

"Miss, we... let's go back."

The brocade-robed man and the big beard knelt in the void one after another, looking at Miss Xun'er, who was carrying the colorful wings of vindictiveness, their heads hung down to the extreme.

This matter is their responsibility, but the imperial city like hell, the three of them are dead places that don't want to stay for a second.

"Miss Xun'er, it's not that we don't want to go in, but we can't do it at all. Even if we die, we want to die well, instead of dying like this."

Speaking again, the heads of the three men in Jinpao became more and more apparent.

"Go back? Death? I didn't even see Ye Chen's brother. Are you going to give up like this?"

Gu Xun'er was a little angry. At first, he wanted to go in and find someone for a try. However, at this moment, the strong man sent by another rescue team, within a minute after entering the black coffin ripple field, they all screamed. , Immediately turned into a corpse, falling heavily towards the ground of the imperial city.

The situation was extremely depressing. The only strong men beside the **** woman also knelt in the air, bowed their heads and shouted: "Miss Ya Consort, we should go back, life and death are destined, this imperial city is like a heavenly sting. , It’s no longer a field that I can set foot in. I also hope that the lady is compassionate and forgive me for waiting."

Everyone squatted their heads at the feet of Concubine Ya. The order they received was to bring back the person whom the young lady rescued, but even if everyone died, I am afraid it would be of no avail.

"Miss, please be kind and forgive us."

People kept kneeling beside her, and Ya Fei's pretty face covered by tulle also showed unbearable meaning.

At the moment, she waved her hand and said: "Forget it, you all go back, I will handle the matter myself."

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss. I will wait to inform the family so that the patriarch will send stronger people to save people. As for success or failure, the patriarch must have his own conclusion, and I hope that the lady will not act impulsively."

The seven or eight people kneeling in the airspace of the concubine's Zhou Fang, after bowing their heads one after another, they galloped towards somewhere in the imperial capital under them, just like avoiding the plague, fleeing for their lives.

Regarding this, Concubine Ya, who had the wings of fighting spirit on her back, didn't care, she just quietly looked at the great imperial city that was like a dead city, and muttered: "Ye Chen, I'm here to save you." After that, she slapped her anger. The wings flew towards the interior of the imperial city.

But at this moment, a cold little hand suddenly grabbed her bright wrist, and then Yafei saw that the masked girl had come by her side at some unknown time, and her eyes were relieved: "Let’s get together, go and save Ye Chen. brother."

Upon hearing this, Concubine Ya couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, let's go together."

After speaking, the two flew towards the airspace of the imperial city covered by the ripples of the black coffin. When the three Dou Zong suspended on the other side saw this scene, their expressions changed and they moved, trying to stop the two women. .

But before they approached, the masked girl took out a golden ribbon from the ring and tied it around her waist. In an instant, a battle gas barrier erupted, isolating the three major fighting sects ten meters away. .

"Miss, no, never enter the Imperial City of Gama anymore."

The man in Jinpao was terrified in his heart. He was so anxious that he wanted to save his own lady, but the'Royal Sky Golden Ribbon' gifted by the patriarch, they couldn't break At the moment, they can only look at the lady. Fly into the city of death.

"No, Miss must not have an accident."

The middle-aged man in Jinpao clenched his fists, quickly took out a piece of gorgeous jade pendant from the ring, and smashed it into pieces.

Afterwards, he looked at the distant sky and said, "Patriarch, you must come before the'Royal Sky Golden Ribbon' is broken, otherwise, I will also be buried here for the young lady."

The sadness gradually spread in the eyes of the three big men, holding a short blade, ready to die at any time.

"Ahem, what are you guys thinking about? You can't protect my lady well."

Suddenly, an unfamiliar male voice came up, and when the three big fighting sects who were about to be buried with pride came back to their senses, the figures of Miss Xun'er and the mysterious woman suddenly appeared in front of them from the interior of the imperial city.

Immediately, a large group of black shadows fell from the sky high above the interior of the imperial city, and they stood beside their own lady in a flash.

"who are you?"

Seeing a large number of people flying out of the imperial city like hell, the three men in Jinpao immediately stood up and quickly surrounded Gu Xun'er and Ya Fei with the intention of protecting them.

Being able to come out of that kind of place may be a person or a ghost. They have already missed an opportunity to protect their own young lady. Now, even if they die, they won't be wrong again.

However, as soon as they took a defensive position, Gu Xun'er and Ya Fei pushed the three of them away. Suddenly, they both rushed to the smiling boy who had spoken before, and both shouted: "Brother Ye Chen" "Ye Chen"!

At the same time, the sky over the entire imperial capital was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and immediately above the high altitude, two huge gaps in space suddenly appeared, and then, the gap was walked out of two powerful men with great momentum, all suspended in the sky above the imperial capital.

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