Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 249: The task of capturing beauty, the master of the division

Suddenly, the corners of Ye Chen's mouth, who had just rescued Yun Yun and Medusa and others, moved slightly, secretly asking what was going on.

Finding that the situation was very wrong, Ye Chen waved his hand without a trace, and wanted to put away the third coffin of Nine Fingers Extinguishing Soul above the suspended imperial city.

But soon, he found that he was thinking too much, because at this moment, two extremely strong spiritual consciousness suddenly suppressed the entire imperial capital, so that his small movements were stopped before they were made, and then they struck, It was also two deep and inexhaustible gazes, looking closely.

But soon, two frightening sights collided, and they rubbed each other in the air, which also produced violent spatial distortions and fluctuations, which was terrifying.

"The elder of the Gu Yuan clan, he didn't tell the boy, so I can let people prepare, so that I can receive one or two children."

Among the crowd of black robes on the left, the leading young man smiled slightly, seemingly relaxed, but Ye Chen keenly saw that his calm eyes were mixed with vigilance, as if he was wearing a gorgeous brocade suit on the opposite side. The old man is a great threat.

"No need to talk nonsense, the old man just came to pick up my daughter, but your soul is dead, why come to this Gama Empire."

The old man in Jinfu, who made Ye Chen feel hot and temperamental all over his body, slightly raised his eyes and looked at Gu Xun'er in his arms. He instantly frowned, and then looked at the opposite side with a disdainful look. The young man in the robe was unhappy.

"Haha, the ancient patriarch is free, and the master of the temple is only here to pick up one person, but it seems that the person we are going to pick up seems to have a different relationship."

As he said, the black-robed palace lord looked at Ye Chen again, then turned his eyes to the huge black coffin that enveloped the imperial city and said: "This fighting skill is good, but it is more overbearing than the methods of the great heavenly veterans under my seat. It's worthy of being the newly-rising rare arrogant of my soul palace, and the future can be expected."

Hearing this, the Gu Yuan on the other side couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Xun'er, don't come back soon, and actually hug this kind of vicious person, do you think the rules of my ancient clan don't exist?"

"Daddy, you don't know Brother Ye Chen, he..."

"I don't need to understand, this child can do a city slaughter, and it is not a good kind, you don't come here soon."

The old elder's face sank, and without seeing his movements, Xun'er got out of Ye Chen's arms uncontrollably and flew towards him slowly.

"Brother Ye Chen." Gu Xun'er, who was slightly struggling, looked at Ye Chen reluctantly, and then turned back to Gu Yuan and said, "Daddy, I don't want to go."

Seeing this scene, the black-robed palace master on the side laughed suddenly: "Hahaha, the ancient patriarch, I think Lingnv and the genius of my clan are in love, so why bother to dismantle the mandarin ducks? In my opinion, they two It's a good match."

As soon as he said this, Gu Yuan's eyes suddenly condensed, and he immediately looked at the black robe hall master and said: "Noisy, old man, family affairs, why do you need to be a yellow-haired child to comment on your head? Your family head, didn't you teach you the most basic etiquette? ?"

Having said that, Gu Yuan waved his hand at the opposite side at random, and with his actions, the clouds in the sky were instantly turbulent, and in the air above the capital of the Great Emperor, a huge and boundless palm of vindictiveness appeared, covering the sky and the sun. He slapped the black-robed palace master severely.

Seeing this scene, the six black-robed elders behind the Hall Master of the Soul Hall suddenly shouted. Immediately, the majestic vindictive energy surged from their bodies, and they continued to display their seals in front of the Hall Master Black-robed. With several defensive enchantments, it is as strong as a sky screen.

However, these seemingly indestructible transparent defensive sky screens instantly disintegrated and collapsed when they came into contact with a giant palm of fighting spirit, like fragile tofu, which made people stunned.

When many transparent sky screens collapsed, the black-robed elders who stood in front of the Lord also screamed, vomiting blood, and fell towards the ground.

"Who is that ancient patriarch? Even the Soul Palace Heavenly Sovereign can't beat him!"

Yunshan behind Ye Chen stared at the scene ahead, his heart trembled.

He was fortunate to have seen the Heavenly Sovereign of Soul Palace once, and his memory was extremely profound. He immediately recognized the identity of the black-robed elders who had fallen to the ground. This was why he was so shocked and trembling.

You must know that the soul hall Tianzun, any one can be the strongest person at the Dou Zun level, and the Tianzun strong person of this level is actually vomiting blood when he is slapped with his hand. Although he is not dead, he is also injured. Light, these scenes are really amazing.

Who is Gu Yuan?

Ye Chen curled his lips and said in his heart: That is the pinnacle of the dignified nine-star fighting sage. Although it is just a random shot, but there are so many powerful people in the world, who can take the blow of the strong standing on the top of the world?

As I was thinking about it, the arrogant soul died before, and at this moment, looking at the huge grudge palm that filled the sky, his face was so black that he immediately roared, and his hands kept standing in front of him and said: " Ten thousand souls return to the market!"

Without thinking about it, after the seal of Soul Miscarriage was completed, he raised his arms high into the sky, facing the overwhelming grudge palm to greet him.

When the soul is flying into the sky, the dense black shadows continue to split from their bodies. They are of different shapes and thousands of postures. They all raise their hands and rush to the giant palms of fighting energy, just like thousands of troops and horses. huge.

Immediately afterwards, a'bang' burst into the air, and then the bursting sound was endless. At the moment, Ye Chen only saw the black shadow split by the soul dying out of the ten thousand souls to return to the ruins, and the fighting spirit filled the sky. Under the suppression of the giant palm, it burst and dissipated in an instant, continuously spreading noises.

It was almost crushed, and all the tens of thousands of powerful dark ghosts and ghosts were scattered and disappeared in a flash, but at any rate, the soul of the five-star fighting saint is not going to eat dry food, when his ten thousand souls are exhausted. , That overwhelming grudge palm, was also crushed by its impact and was not palm-shaped, and it was difficult to form.

Seeing this, Hun Miesheng couldn't help spitting out a deep breath. However, at this moment, the aftermath of the fighting energy that had collapsed and almost disappeared suddenly formed a small slap when it fell, and slammed his face violently. Soon, a bright red palm print appeared in everyone's eyes. It was not that Gu Yuan made another move, but was hidden in the grudge giant palm, and he had planned for a long time.

In this situation, Gu Yuan was like an adult who was bullied by a child. He was full of scheming and froze his soul out of existence.

"For the face of the Emperor Soul Heaven, the old man will forgive your nonsense today, but if there is another time, it won't be just a slap."

Gu Yuan glanced blankly at Soul Die, then turned his eyes to Ye Chen and said: "And your kid, if you dare to hit my daughter's idea, don't blame the old man for bullying the weak." After that, he said. Taking Gu Xun'er and a group of ancient clan powerhouses, he directly tore a huge gap in the sky, walked in, and soon left the Jiama Empire.

Looking at Gu Yuan who was leaving, Ye Chen couldn't help but chuckle: "I don't need to make your daughter's idea, but if your family Xun'er makes me make an idea, what should I do? Alas, it's really hard to be a human being!"

Shaking his head, Ye Chen put away the third coffin of Nine Fingers Destroying Soul, and then looked sideways at the Hallmaster of the Soul Palace, with a vigilance in his eyes.

This soul can't beat Gu Yuan, so he won't look for people like us to let go.

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Chen patted Yun Yunxiang on his shoulders and said: "Yun'er, you take Yafei and the old sect master to the imperial capital prison quickly. Yanran and thousands of disciples of the Yunlan Sect are there. , Go and save people."

"I'll stay here to accompany you, the palace master seems to..."

"Hush, just go, I'll deal with it here."

After making a wink at Yun Yun and letting them leave the high altitude quickly, Ye Chen then sternly said with his hands towards Soul Destruction: "Earth Evil Division Hall Human-level Dark Pavilion disciple, see the Hall Master."

Ye Chen didn't look up, and Ye Chen didn't hear any answer. After a long time, a powerful hand suddenly pressed his shoulder, and a cold voice came from his ear immediately: "Disciple Ye Chen, you kill my soul palace The two law protectors should be sentenced to death immediately according to the rules, but the master of the hall now gives you a chance to designate you as the master of the sub-temple of the evil earth, giving you endless glory, but there is one thing you must do, otherwise the master of the sub-temple Don’t tell me if you can’t do it, I’ll take your life personally.”

Hearing that, Ye Chen's body trembled slightly, the hall master of the branch hall, that in the soul race, only the powerhouse of Dou Zun level can serve, even if you are the pinnacle of the nine-star fighting sect, it is absolutely impossible to sit on this position.

"The disciple obeys, please also ask the hall master to express it."

Ye Chen responded loudly, pretending to be excited.

Upon hearing this, the fire of revenge suddenly appeared in the eyes of the soul: "The daughter of the ancient clan patriarch, at this moment is practicing in Canaan College, I order you to go to Canaan immediately, and be sure to win this girl’s heart within three years. , This hall master will have great use in the future."

"Please don't worry, the lord of the palace, I have a close relationship with that Gu Xun'er, and I promise to live up to the entrustment of the lord."

After saying this, Ye Chen suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and when he got up, the Soul Extinction and the Soul Hall Tianzun on the ground disappeared, and only this sentence came from the sky: "Dry Ye Chen, you are extremely talented. Outstanding, if the task is successfully completed, I will personally report to the patriarch of your merits. At that time, the patriarch of the Heavenly Emperor will definitely reward you and help you achieve supreme cultivation."

Yin Luo, the entire space above the imperial capital could not sense the traces of the aura of the souls extinct, so he should have completely left.

However, before Ye Chen could breathe a sigh of relief, a imaginary figure with an invisible face suddenly appeared in front of and immediately opened his mouth and said: "Ancient Ye Chen, don't forget your true mission. , After becoming the head of the sub-temple of the soul clan, I used this bell to contact me for all important news received. The ancient clan leader is very optimistic about you. If you can make a great contribution to the ancient clan, the matter between you and the young lady may be true. It can be done."

Xu Ying handed a delicate bell made of purple crystal and talked endlessly, but Ye Chen didn't mean to take it. Instead, he curled his lips and said: "I said this clan elder, I am no more than a disciple in the ancient clan. That's all, you don't have to be so tempting to see me, and I am already the sub-temple master in the Soul Hall, and I can climb much faster than the ancients."

Hearing this, the imaginary figure froze in place, and didn’t know what to say. After a long time, he slowly said, “Ahem, I’ll discuss this with the patriarch Gu Yuan. After all, now you have an extraordinary cultivation base, and you deserve it. Better treatment. But then I will talk to the patriarch, but you, don't forget your heart, after all, Miss Xun'er seems to have moved her sincerity to you. You will not let her down."

"Hey, hey, come out with some practical benefits anyway, just take Kaoru here to draw me a flatbread, are you embarrassed?"

Ye Chen stared at the phantom and couldn't help but put his **** to him, his face full of anger.

Seeing this, the old ghost of the clan seemed to feel embarrassed. Then he took out his hand from his waist, took out a slightly broken book and hurriedly handed it to Ye Chen: "This is a heavenly fighting skill. Today, I I have given it to you, so you can practice cultivation."

After throwing the book into Ye Chen's hands, the imaginary figure slowly dissipated, and after Ye Chen flipped through the so-called'Heaven-level Fighting Skills', he couldn't help but explode and said: "You ah Who are you fooling around? This is also considered a heavenly fighting skill? Hey, clan elder, don't run, say good points, you can't be so perfunctory..."

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