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"Mingluan, sister Mingluan is back."

In front of the gate of the city wall, a three-eyed girl with beautiful eyes raised her hand happily and laughed at the approaching Ye Chen trio.

Afterwards, the city gate slowly opened, and more beautiful girls suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Then all the girls flocked around Cuiyu Mingluan, surrounded her and Ye Chen in a group, with different looks and beautiful appearances, like a hundred flowers blooming, Ye Chen was a little dizzy.

But in the middle of this, Ye Chen had never seen a man appear, and he, Ye Chen, a man from the human race, was constantly scrutinized by the pair of curious eyes.

There are even many girls who stretched out their hands and pointed towards Ye Chen's forehead, seemingly curious about why there is no third eye between his eyebrows.

Soon, Ye Chen had a different experience as if he had entered the country of daughters, and was enthusiastically watched by many, many girls, curiously watching.

However, the scene before the city gate seems to have just begun. After the three of them entered the city by boat, Zhou Fang built in the scattered houses on the water, and even more uninterruptedly walked out of the extraordinary women, constantly lifting With a novel look, he kept staring at Ye Chen.

Before seeing Shui Ling City roughly, Ye Chen thought it was just a very ordinary city, but after entering the city, he discovered that the city of the Shui Ling clan, like Venice in reality, is truly a city built on the water. It's just that the buildings in Zhoufang are all Chinese buildings, and the roofs of each building are planted with lush small forest trees, but this is also the unique and unexpected subversive beauty that Shui Lingcheng gave Ye Chen.

The ancient buildings are matched with intricate water trails, which makes people feel a unique harmony, and the reflection of the green roof bushes also adds and embellishes a sense of paradise, as if it makes people feel for a second Entered into a new world, very amazing.

Ye Chen, who has seen a lot of beautiful scenery, couldn’t help but complimented: “What a beautiful place, is this your home? No wonder Mrs. Mingluan is so good-looking. It turns out that she is so beautiful. Yeah."

Hearing Ye Chen’s cross praise, Cuiyu Mingluan suddenly waved his hands in embarrassment, and immediately covered his face to look at the surrounding sisters of the same race, and murmured: "My son is praised, Mingluan is just normal. But the girls of the Shui Ling clan are indeed very beautiful."

"Hmph, sweet talk, Mingluan, you shouldn't bring him back, just look at how many more eyes are staring at him, you are not afraid..."

Suddenly, Cuiyu Mingluan's red eyes mingluan sounded in her heart, and after listening to Cuiyu Mingluan, she suddenly realized that the houses on both sides of the road that the boat passed by were crowded with girls of the same race who were curiously watching Ye Chen. And after seeing Ye Chen for a while, everyone couldn't do without eyes.

In such a scene, Cuiyu Mingluan's little heart thumped, and then he said in a secret voice: "Now, what should I do? I'm back, can I still invite the son out now? And, the family member Sisters, it shouldn't be so easy to like Master Ye."

Hearing this, the red-eyed Cuiyu Mingluan's figure suddenly appeared in front of Mingluan, and immediately looked at Ye Chen with beautiful eyes, pointed at him and said: "Don't be delusional about Mingluan, look at his guy's appearance, don't say anything. Besides, that handsome face is how many times better than the men in our clan? Besides, most of the girls in our clan are good at medical skills, and they haven’t gone out to make trouble. They haven’t seen much in the world, so they are the easiest to be caught. It’s attracted to a man who is too good-looking, isn’t it the same for you to value and trust Ye Chen so much?"

Hearing Red Eye Mingluan's words, Cuiyu Mingluan flushed in panic, and immediately shook his head, seeming to be carrying out a meaningless sophistry.

Just seeing his blushing, red eyes Mingluan immediately hugged her chest and pouted her mouth in annoyance, muttering: "If we don't want to cause riots due to our changes for the time being, I really want to control my body and take that guy out immediately. Otherwise, take many of Ye Chen's wives as an example, those girls in the Shui Ling clan who have not yet married, and I don't know how many will be ruined by him."

During the exchange of consciousness between the two, Ye Chen, who was sitting on the bow of the boat and enjoying the observation of the many girls in the houses on the shore, also fell into a predicament.

Soon afterwards, he finally asked Cuiyu Mingluan beside him to ask the question buried in his heart.

"Miss Mingluan, didn't you say that in your race, although women are in charge, they did not restrain and suppress men in the clan? Why have we been on the boat for so long, have I ever seen a leech male demon?"

"Well, maybe it's because the uncles and brothers in the clan are all cooking. After all, it's almost evening, and it's time for every family to eat."

Cuiyu Mingluan answered carefully, but Ye Chen still had a lot of questions in his heart, and he couldn't help but speak again.

"Then, as you said, the big men are all going to cook, and the boys, why don't you see the boys appear?"

As soon as he said this, Cuiyu Mingluan's face seemed to become a little depressed in an instant, and his emotions did not rise up.

Afterwards, she raised her eyes to see the girls standing in front of the windows of the house and in the corridor~www.readwn.com~ Suddenly there was no sound, and there was a little tear in the corner of her eyes.

After a long time, she slowly revealed the true situation within the Shui Ling clan.

After hearing Cuiyu Mingluan's explanation, Ye Chen's eyebrows also kept beating.

It turned out that in terms of cultivation of the leech clan, its combat effectiveness would be much weaker than that of other monster clan.

Thousands of years ago, it was frequently attacked and disturbed by other monster races.

The monster race has always been warlike, and this has also made the Shui Ling race too much unfair treatment.

Later, their ancestors discovered that they would be injured in any battle, and they would have to be healed if they were injured.

Ever since, they were unable to fight, they used the previously useless racial talents to create a variety of effective medical skills, in order to gain respect and peace.

But this kind of talent for healing races is in the water spirit race, women are much more powerful than men, so in order to survive, the secular idea of ​​valuing women over men was born.

But once this idea exists, it will lead to a certain imbalance, that is, there are more boys and girls.

And with the passage of time, extremely serious cases of female superiority and male inferiority, women outside and men inside have appeared.

Now that the development of the Shui Ling clan has reached such an extreme end, the picture that Ye Chen saw are all women appeared.

But they have to continue like this, because all of this is to survive in this world, forced to survive.

After listening to these words, Ye Chen also fell into a state of speechlessness for a long time, but he did not speak, but a voice suddenly came to his ears: "I heard that Ye Chen is omnipotent, and being happy with you can change Forcing people to live longer, can you help them, so that the Shui Ling tribe can completely get rid of this predicament!"

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