Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 511: Jade Spirit's Sorrow

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Ye Chen's face was dumbfounded by the sudden voice. Even the experienced him had never heard of such an exaggerated request.

What does it mean to ask him to help this banshee's many Shui Ling girls, and what kind of tiger-wolf words like liking, is it that Ye Chen is regarded as Taishan Reservoir, and he really thinks he can output endlessly?

Seeing the many girls who were like a daughter's country, Ye Chen couldn't help but shudder. Although he was very strong, if he really wanted to help, it might not be impossible to give him enough time.

But once this is done, there are so many complicated processes here. If this is left, it will take several years to completely break away from the sea of ​​women and get out of this water spirit city?

Although I don't know who is speaking, Ye Chen will say in secret: "You can help, after all, Miss Mingluan is my friend, but this method has to be carefully considered."

Ye Chen's sound transmission came out slowly, and soon after, the sudden voice rang again.

"Thank you for your kindness and willingness to sacrifice his life to save my Shui Ling clan."

"Hey, wait, when did I say I was going to die?"

Ye Chen hurriedly returned, unconsciously speaking out, but the sudden voice did not ring again.

And Cuiyu Mingluan on the side looked at him curiously and said, "My son, what are you talking about sacrificing? Is anyone talking to you?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help nodding, and then approached Cuiyu Mingluan's ear, wanting to tell the incident he had just encountered.

It's just that he just leaned against Cuiyu Mingluan's ears. Zhou Fang's countless leech girls staring at him were also chattering at the seemingly close two people to talk, and they were all curious about their relationship.

Cuiyu Mingluan obviously heard something ashamed, and her pretty face instantly turned red. When her eyes turned red, her jade hand directly touched Ye Chen’s chest and said, “This is in the Shui Ling Clan, don’t you The chaos has ruined the reputation of Mingluan and me."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile: "If that were outside, would we be able to mess around?"


The red-eyed Cuiyu Mingluan glanced at Ye Chen with a smirk, and immediately wanted to make a few moves with it, but due to being in the water spirit city, and a green shadow came from the sky, it landed on the boat in a short while. Red Eye Mingluan also took the initiative to hide soon after discovering the incoming person.

"Mingluan, Hugh is rude."

Cuiyu Mingluan, who had replaced consciousness, immediately blushed and let go. Ye Chen also took the initiative to step back. After pulling a distance away from it, he raised his eyes and looked at the stranger with a familiar tone.

I saw the woman standing in front wearing a long green tube top dress, and a thin red silk ribbon was tied around her chest, making the already broad peaks more eye-catching.

The appearance is similar to Cuiyu Mingluan. The black hair is long and straight, and the snake-shaped hair ornaments are worn. The overall feeling is more mature and dignified.

There are two centering bangs on the forehead, and a third blue eye on the center of the brow.

While Ye Chen was observing each other, the woman in green was also looking at him intently, but before the two could speak, Cuiyu Mingluan on the side quickly introduced it.

"Sister, this young man's name is Ye Chen, and when I went to find Xiaocui, he passed through dangerously, and he saved me."

"Young Master Ye, this is my sister and the king of the leech demon clan, Cui Yuling."

After speaking, Cuiyu Mingluan found the two people who were still looking at each other. Soon she helped Xiaocui to leap towards the house beside the waterway, and then handed Xiaocui to the other leech queens. Only after returning to the boat, red lips lightly opened and wanted to continue to say something to ease the atmosphere.

After all, Ye Chen was brought into the Shui Ling clan by her, and she was also a human man. This was the first case, and it was normal for her sister to be unhappy.

However, Cuiyu Mingluan hadn't spoken yet, but Ye Chen slowly said, "You are the one who spoke just now? I think we have to discuss it in detail, and we can't be too arbitrary."

"It's me, but this is not the place to talk, go to my house."

Cui Yuling smiled and said, then with a wave of his hand, the boat's rowing speed became several times faster, and it kept moving towards the tallest building in the city in the water.

Seeing that there seemed to be something secret between the two of them, Cuiyu Mingluan couldn't help but walk to Cuiyuling's side and asked her in a low voice while pulling her sleeves.

"Sister, what are you talking about with Ye Gongzi just now? Is there something important to discuss? Can you let me know a little bit?"

Hearing this, Cuiyu Ling touched Cuiyu Mingluan's hair, and immediately his eyebrows moved slightly and said: "This matter, you will naturally know later, but Mingluan, you seem to be a little different from before."

"Sister, actually I..."

Cuiyu Mingluan just wanted to confess his experience in Baiyu Village, but Cuiyuling shook his head slightly and said, "When we get home, let's talk more about it."

After this, the boat became quiet, and shortly afterwards, it was before arriving at a towering building located in a single piece of water ~ ~ Ye Gongzi, please come with me. "

After Cuiyuling's simple words, he took Ye Chen and Cuiyu Mingluan into the ancient building in the water.

Compared with the waterway and city path, after walking into the quaint buildings, the various decorations and layouts inside are also slightly different from the houses in Tushan and Beishan.

The tables, chairs and benches inside explain the entangled structure of many small logs with green leaves. They are deeply embedded in the floor. Once you enter it, it is like walking into a giant tree trunk. Everything is like the original ecology.

The building was very quiet, without any servants or other people. When Ye Chen settled in the hall of the building, the others closed with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, Cui Yuling looked at Ye Chen with beautiful eyes, and couldn't wait to ask: "Since Ye Gongzi has promised to help, why can't he stay for this period of time and'remove' my clan girl. Although I I also know that this method is a bit demanding for you, but my Shui Ling clan can’t wait long, so please think twice."

Cui Yuling's directness made Ye Chen speechless for a while, and then he spoke a little later.

"Ahem, this matter is very important. In fact, if you want to enhance the overall strength of your Shui Ling tribe, one exercise is enough? Why does the girl have to let me die? Emmm, let me explain first, it's not that I can't do it. But once this matter spreads out, it will inevitably cause serious damage to the reputation of the Shui Ling clan."

Ye Chen's words are also very simple, but after hearing this, Cui Yuling laughed at himself, and his expression became complicated and sad.

Then, looking at Ye Chen faintly, he shook his head and said sadly: "Does the son think that my Shui Ling clan medical skills are unparalleled in the world, and I can't get a few top-level exercises? Talent..."

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