Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 517: The son will treat our sisters well

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The sudden transformation of Cui Yu Mingluan, the fierce temperament exuded by the whole person, and the water spirit city that was bombarded at this moment soaring in the sky, Cui Yuling was a little surprised and uncertain.

Because the Cuiyu Mingluan in front of her didn't feel like her own sister, as if she had become another person.

But soon, Cui Yuling noticed the color change in Cuiyu Mingluan's eyes, and immediately grabbed her little hand and said in awe.

"Who are you, dare to occupy Mingluan's body and control her, feeling coming out of her body."

Some speculative Jade Spirits immediately yelled after feeling something was wrong.

The Cuiyu Mingluan in front of her was not only not like her own sister, but also gave her the feeling from the inside to the outside, as if she was controlled by the mind.

However, in the face of her questioning, the color of Red Eye Mingluan's beautiful eyes instantly switched to light green, and immediately changed back to the original appearance, speaking softly.

"Sister, I'm not controlled by anyone. The me just now... is just another me, we are one!"

When it came to the last sentence, Cuiyu Mingluan's eyes turned red again, and then the aura state of the whole person was completely changed to a different style. The cold temperament was like a gust of wind, gently brushing the Cuiyu Lingjiao so soft and beautiful. Cheeks.

"How is it possible, who are you? Mingluan, Mingluan, can you hear me? Who is controlling you?"

Cui Yuling still asked in disbelief, but Cuiyu Mingluan had changed back to the original gentle Mingluan, and looked at his sister deeply.

Later, in Baiyu Village, how to encounter Ye Chen and how to be persecuted by the extremely ugly villagers will give birth to another personality that can protect oneself. All the events that have happened will be slowly described to Cuiyu Ling.

After a long process of speaking, Cuiyu Mingluan also said the last concluding remark: "Sister, now do you think I am qualified to meet Ye Chen and participate in this family plan together?"

Having said that, Red Eye Mingluan came out again, raised his hand and said hello to Cuiyu Ling: "Sister, don’t worry, we will live as one, and we will lose everything. Both soul and body are the same person. So you won’t be in Mingluan in the future When I'm around, I will take care of myself for you, and I won't let anyone bully the slightest bit."

The complicated entanglement between Hongmi Mingluan and Cuiyu Mingluan made Cuiyuling a little bit unable to understand it, but then she attached a hand to Cuiyu Mingluan's eyebrows, and after a period of careful inspection and discrimination in all aspects.

In my heart, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately raised his eyes to look at the younger sister who has two personalities, and smiled helplessly.

"That's the case, that sister seems to have no reason to stop you anymore, but Mingluan, do you really want to do this? In fact, your sister can really bear your share of responsibility for you from childhood to adulthood. , Didn’t we all come here like this?"

Facing Cuiyu Ling's protection from all aspects, Cuiyu Mingluan couldn't help but rushed into her arms, before burying his head tightly in the stalwart peaks, muttered.

"Thank your sister, for protecting me well for so many years, but I will be able to protect myself in the future. And this time, it's different!"

As Cuiyu Mingluan said, she also raised her head and looked at her sister deeply. That moving earnestness was Cui Yuling, and she also felt her essential changes.

Immediately, Cuiyu Ling couldn't help but smile and gently stroke Cuiyu Mingluan's hair, and said with satisfaction: "It looks like our family's Xiao Mingluan has really grown up."

With that said, Cuiyu Ling took Cuiyu Mingluan's little hand, and immediately looked at the space crack that was not far away, and continued: "Then this time, let us sisters face it together."

After that, Cuiyu Mingluan, under the leadership of Cuiyuling, walked directly towards the water world in the space crack, with the heroism of a sister soldier.

Soon, the two Cuiyu sisters passed through the cracks and came to the space above the water world. In an instant, they were attracted by the swaying, frantically trembling ship underneath.

It's just that at this moment, in the space water world, there are still many water spirit girls waiting for help, still in the big ship staring at the fierce scene eagerly.

All of the beautiful faces also showed complex expressions of tension, expectation, and fear.

Because Ye Chen is a man who has been in that big ship for too long, and he is still helping every girl who wants to become stronger without fear of fatigue, just like a little bee who has been working hard.

But the girls who came out of the little bee boat, all walked crookedly, their complexions were crimson, and they showed a very happy and contented look as if they could not close their legs.

This is also the fundamental reason why these girls are waiting and looking forward.

It’s just that, in such a magnificent scene, I have never seen Cuiyu Mingluan in this world, but I can’t help but grasp the hand of Cuiyuling. UU reading said with a nervous red face: "Sister, How long will it take before it is our turn."

Hearing this question, Cui Yuling couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pointed, showing his face and calculating seriously.

"It's been seven or eight days since Ye Gongzi just started his journey from Shui Ling City to this space world, but he only helped less than one-third of the girls in the clan. But Ye Gongzi is in it, as if I found an ingenious method, so the time I calculated earlier may be a lot faster, so because it will take more than ten days and a half a month or more, it should be over."

As Cui Yuling said, she couldn't help showing a hint of red glow on her delicate and pretty face.

I don't know if I recalled the scene of Ye Chen working like a perpetual motion machine, or thought that more than half a month later, myself and my sister should also complete the baptism of life with Ye Chen and feel strange.

"Sister, shall we keep watching here? Why do you feel so shy all of a sudden."

Eyes were staring at the occasional spring scenery of the big boat, Cuiyu Mingluan's entire long face turned red in an instant, and even the white skin covered by the little hands and robe oozes a strange announcement. Red, the whole person was on fire, and the white forehead was also covered by small and dense beads of sweat, which was very wrong.

Seeing her change in such an instant, Cui Yuling couldn't help taking out her Sipa, and after wiping the sweat for her sister intimately, she whispered comfortingly.

"Don't be too nervous, this is a step that every woman in the world will go through. Besides, didn't you say that Young Master Ye is very gentle, I believe he will treat our sisters well."

As soon as the emerald spirit's comforting words were finished, countless waves splashed over the endless water and land, and accompanied by a man's wolf roar, the huge ship on the endless water trembled indescribably... .....

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