Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 518: 6-eared girl, it's our turn

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An overseas place far away from the water spirit clan, Aolai Junior High!

A man with a golden light radiating from his whole body was sitting bored on a boulder near the sea cliff, sipping a bottle of wine.

Although the whole person's expression is unclear, the melancholy and melancholy are constantly radiating from the inside out.

At this moment, a girl with six ears wearing golden armor and long beard and hair was standing secretly in the forest behind the cliff, her beautiful eyes looked at the unhappy golden man with her beautiful eyes, and she slightly clenched a fist.

"Third brother, you are really a sentimental idiot. If you like it, go after it. What's the use of drinking boring wine here? It really makes my sister worried everywhere."

As she said, the eyebrows of the six-eared girl suddenly trembled like a three-pronged flame mark, and then she raised her hands slightly annoyed, and crossed her slender waist that was completely exposed from the chest to the crotch, feeling depressed. 'S continued.

"Also, who on earth is Ye Chen? Would she make Yuena such a perfect girl loyal to her, and she will die? Even if it is my poor brother who has unreservedly shown his unparalleled strength, I want To capture the other party’s heart, it was only one sentence: Are you far behind Ye Chen?"

Every time I think of the words of Gu Yuena, a mysterious and stunning girl who is a guest in Aolai Country, she can't help feeling injustice for her third brother when she is an older sister.

Because, she has never heard of that, there is still such a man in this world, unparalleled in the world!

No matter in the circle or outside, I have never heard of one or two.

But Yuena's such likable girl is because that Ye Chen bluntly rejected her younger brother, and didn't even show her straight eyes?

It was a cruel and ruthless mess, but my three brothers were very fond of Gu Yuena at first sight, so much so that Lian Yuena has already left Ao Lai Country, drinking wine in that gloomy mood. He didn't even dare to chase a step, she couldn't stand the humble sister.

"No, if the third brother loses his fighting spirit in this way, sooner or later he will become a useless person. I have to help him find out who is that unmasked rival in love!"

With that said, the six-eared girl turned and soared into the air, left the coastal cliffs, and flew quickly towards the inland circle.

She wanted to see, Gu Yuena, a girl who was so good that she was astonished as a celestial being, why did she think that Ye Chen, a human man, was her real son? Is her third brother really bad?

Thinking of this, the six-eared girl immediately denied the idea in her heart. She believed that her third brother was no worse than anyone else.

After thinking about it, the speed of its flying speed increased a lot, and then he continued to use the supernatural powers of search and induction towards the place he passed, directly searching for and collecting any traces and news about Ye Chen on a large scale.

But soon, the Liu-eared girl had just passed through the Tushan realm, which is the nearest to Deaolai Country, and had already learned a lot about the name Ye Chen.

It was just that the more she knew, the more she became curious about Ye Chen, because in the information she collected through induction, Ye Chen's name was already mysterious, and she had completely surpassed her third brother.

Even all the fox monsters in Tushan already think that their aunt is an omnipotent god?

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen, you are really surprising."

The six-eared girl who continued to look for the trail of Ye Chen couldn't help muttering to herself after digesting all the information.

After a short while, she turned her direction and continued to speed up and rush towards the area where the Water Spirit Race was.

At the same time, the two sisters of Cuiyu Mingluan in the water world above the water spirit city have already waited for batch after batch of clan girls to complete the baptism and leave this world.

Seeing that there were only the last batch of girls left, the two girls became more nervous at this moment, because it was their turn in one or two days.

But at this moment, an overbearing and unparalleled call, from a distant place that didn't know where, faintly spread into the water world where the door was always open.

"Ye Chen, come out for me!"

The sound does not seem to be loud, but people can tell at the first ear that it comes from a very distant sound transmission, and the cultivation level of the person who speaks is also extraordinary.

Hearing this overbearing sound, Cui Yuling immediately raised his eyes to look beyond the space crack, and immediately muttered.

"Could it be that other strong monsters have come to attack us?"

With that said, she took a deep look at the swaying ship that had been waiting for a long time, and then flew towards the crack in the sky, trying to deal with the powerful foreigners.

But she left, and Cuiyu Mingluan, blinking red eyes, quickly came to Cuiyuling's side, and looked at her with a laugh: "Sister, let me go with you, the future difficulties in the clan, our two sisters People face it together."

Hearing this, Cui Yu Ling couldn't help but smile, and then he took the little hand of Cui Yu Ming Luan with his red eyes, and quickly flew out of the space water world.

It was just that they had just returned to the sky above Water Spirit City, and a golden object full of fiery flames rushed to them at a speed that was difficult for them to look directly at.

Immediately, his red lips moved slightly, but his voice was heard in the ears of the two sisters Cui Yuling.

"I heard that Ye Chen has been living in the Water Spirit Clan during this and called him out. I have something to ask him!"

The long overdue domineering speech immediately heard the two sisters Liu's eyebrows frowning, but here, the powerful suffocation radiated from the six-eared girl who was full of flames in front of her made the two daughters of Cuiyu Ling dare not act rashly.

Because facing the **** girls with red fruits, pretty waists, stalwarts and stalwarts, they all instantly felt fear and awe.

Before they played against each other, the two sisters felt for the first time that this person was definitely not a peerless powerhouse they or even the entire Water Spirit Race could provoke.

If you want to be strong, I am afraid that the other party's fingers, don't say that their two sisters, even the entire Water Spirit Race will be wiped out in ashes.

At the moment, Cui Yuling was also thinking of Ye Chen’s presence, and then pretended to be calm, and said, “It’s not worth what this girl is looking for for Ye Gongzi, but no matter what, the child has no time to see guests now. If the girl really wants to meet, You can temporarily stay in my Water Spirit City for two or three days..."

"Huh? Let me wait? Ye Chen's face is so lawless. But now, at this moment, I want to see Ye Chen!"

The six-eared girl smiled slightly, but under that smile, there was a deep meaning that people couldn't refuse.

Faced with such a tricky powerhouse, Cui Yuling had no countermeasures for a while. She could feel that even if the girls in the clan who had been baptized to become stronger were swarmed, it would not be one of the six-eared **** girls in front of her. Recruit the enemy.

But Ye Chen really didn't have time, and he couldn't get out to see him right away.

When the Cuiyu Spirit was at a loss, the red-eyed Cuiyu Mingluan on the side looked at the six-eared girl and raised his eyebrows and said: "Ye Chen is very busy and very busy now. If you insist on meeting, I am afraid it will be impossible. unless......."

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