Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 562: The woman in the world, can't she catch her with her fingers?

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With Ye Chen's words, the Huandu fell like a spring breeze, and the thoughts that he had just almost rushed away to kill him also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

And at this moment, seeing Ye Chen's handsome face with a faint smile, Huan Du Luo Lan was in a daze, and said in her heart.

"Yes, I am no longer alone."

Seeing Ye Chenshi who was calm and composed, as if everything was under control, Huandu Luolan couldn't help but stretch out lush and softly, hugged Ye Chen tightly, and leaned his head on his chest.

There is no words here, but Huandu Luolan's full embrace also entrusts all hope to Ye Chen.

The poisonous lady on the side couldn't help clenching her fists tightly, and immediately looked at the darker and darker sky, and couldn't help but groan in her heart.

"I don't know if there is any chance to repay my gratitude tonight. If so, my poisonous lady is willing to contribute everything I have, and I also want to make Lord Ye Chen satisfied. This is the smallest point I can do, right? ."

Looking deeply at Ye Chen who didn't panic at all, the Poison Lady stood beside the princess in silence, looking at the hundreds of thousands of air and land army that surrounded them with extreme earnestness.

With just this look, she once again felt a deep sense of powerlessness. She didn't know what Ye Chen would do to solve the countless number while ensuring the safety of His Majesty the Poison Emperor and the tens of thousands of people. The army of thousands.

"Ye Chen, don't do it yet."

Suddenly, a faint sound transmission came into Ye Chen's ears, and immediately, I saw Li Jianwen sneaking close to him, and his beautiful eyes surged and continued to sound transmission.

"Let’s postpone the little prince for a while. I have notified the Dao League patrol envoy near the Southern Kingdom. Now that the Southern Kingdom is in such a state of chaos, I believe it will not be long before the Dao League will mobilize and completely quell the chaos in the Southern Kingdom. ........"

"Thank you for your kindness, Sir, but Yemou thinks that there is no need to be so troublesome."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Chen interrupted her, and immediately saw Ye Chen pat Huandu Luolan's jade back.

Huandu Luolan also understood very well. After actively letting him go, she broke away from her arms and was then supported by the poisonous lady.

Just as soon as he left Ye Chen, Huandu Luolan hurriedly grabbed Ye Chen, who was slowly floating in the air, and said.

"You have to be careful not to get hurt. If it doesn't work, just... go by yourself, don't worry about the mess of our Southland, after all, you have nothing to do with Southland..."

"A man must do it, and, princess, what are you talking about?"

Ye Chen looked back at Huandu Luolan, and immediately hooked her little Qiong nose with a smile.

"Your Royal Highness, don't forget, you are now my Ye Chen's person, isn't your business also my business? I'll take care of this mess."

Hearing this, Huandu Luolan grabbed Ye Chenyi's small hand and suddenly released it.

There was also a smile from the heart on her face, and the weight of the previous moment disappeared without a trace, as if at this moment, even if she died with Ye Chen, she would not feel how scared of death.

And Ye Chen, who got away, also slowly flew to the little prince of the Southern Kingdom, with a smile in his eyes.

"It's not bad to have such a plan, you."

Hearing this, the little red-haired prince suddenly laughed and said, "Haha, you are also very good. It’s about time now. You can still have the courage to talk to the emperor like this. I really don’t know if you really have a certain victory. Sure, it’s...stupid. For a woman, it’s really worthless to fight against the emperor’s hundreds of thousands of troops at the expense of life."

With that said, the little red-haired prince couldn't help but turn around, pointing his finger at the ground surrounding the entire imperial army and said.

"Boy, you and my sister rushed all the way to the imperial capital. They passed through the siege, but killed a lot of the emperor's soldiers. I want to come, my sister doesn't have that ability. You did it, right!"

"Well, that's right."

Ye Chen nodded, and when the little lord saw this, the smile on the corners of his mouth suddenly became stronger, and beside him, the black-eyed soldiers holding the old poison emperor also kept smiling.

Immediately, the little prince suddenly waved his hand, and his eyes kept surging.

"Be loyal to the emperor, the past hatred and grievances will be wiped out. Do you like my stupid sister? I can also give her to you and let her abuse her, even..."

With that said, the little red-haired prince suddenly pointed to the tens of thousands of people under his neck who were held by the knife, and then raised his hand and waved vigorously towards Zhou.

"What kind of woman you want, the emperor can satisfy you. You can go up and down in the southern country, and anyone who likes to your brother can go to it at will. And in the future, when the emperor circles the world together, whether you want a southern woman or Terran Huajiao, Tushan Fox Demon, etc., etc., I can let you choose at will, 365 days a year, you can also have different partners every day."

"Be loyal to me, Brother Ye, as long as you are willing to listen to the emperor's orders, I can give you everything you want in the world except for women."

The more he said, the mood of the little prince became more and more high, and the fertile conditions offered became more and more Not to mention that Ye Chen hasn't answered anything yet, there are dozens of people around the city outside of Huandu. Among the Ten Thousand Army, it was already too noisy.

When a man lives in a lifetime, he can have inexhaustible women, wealth, and rights, and his life goal has reached the end.

At this moment, His Majesty the new emperor has already stated the conditions of such an ultimate ideal, and promised one person, how could such a grand occasion not cause them, soldiers and soldiers who rebelled against the southern country for fame and fortune.

Even after the little red-haired prince said this, there were hundreds of even promoted and powerful anti-thief generals, all flew out of the army, and quickly came to the little prince, all of them all. Snarled in unison.

"Your Majesty the new emperor, I am willing to swear allegiance to the new emperor to the death, and the sword will not hesitate. I only hope that your majesty can make that promise and also promise to our soldiers and soldiers who follow you. If possible, from now on, The life and death of our soldiers and soldiers is the new emperor with one word!"

After all, hundreds of powerful demon generals also knelt down on one knee towards the little red-haired prince, showing their bold loyalty.

The little prince who saw this scene also raised his head and laughed.

However, when he finished laughing, his eyes were always focused on Ye Chen who was not far away, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had predicted that under these conditions, no one could refuse.

But under his gaze, Ye Chen, who had been speechless, suddenly looked back at the hundreds of demon generals behind him, turned around and looked at the confident little prince, shook his head slightly and smiled.

"Do you think that this emperor's stunning face, the world's most beautiful and beautiful woman, can't be captured by all her fingers?"

"So what does the promise of the little lord have to do with me!"

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