Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 563: Surrender to me

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Ye Chen said that the red-haired prince's complexion was pale when he heard it. He originally thought that the man in front of him was coveting the beauty of the princess, so he wanted to make use of it from this point.

After all, like Ye Chen, someone who can deal with thousands of armies is also a good powerhouse. If he can recruit an army under his own hands, he can also make Xinchao Nanguo a good warrior.

It can also play a significant role in the future, the great cause of commanding the entire world in the circle.

And after using it, such a perfect and powerful container is also a treasure loved by the companions.

However, he didn't expect that Ye Chen refused so decisively, he didn't even think about it.

"Could it be that this son's dream is no longer a woman and right?"

Staring at the smiling and leisurely Ye Chen, the little red-haired prince was suddenly unsure of what this man wanted in his heart.

Just when he was thinking about it, a voice faintly spread from the bottom of his heart.

"It doesn't matter what he wants, just take it, let me and my companion directly erode his heart, isn't it all right? Until then, this kid will naturally be used by us."

With the voices from the bottom of my heart, a black light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the little red-haired prince.

After that, the corners of his mouth also slowly curled up, and immediately raised his hands, he shouted to Ye Chen.

"Since you are unwilling to cooperate, the emperor will have a hard time fighting."

Having said that, the little red-haired prince waved his arms forward and continued to shout loudly: "Take this son, the future glory, wealth, and women's rights will be inexhaustible."

As soon as the sound fell, the hundreds of demon generals who surrounded the two of them high in the sky, who had long been watching Ye Chen jealously, burst out one after another.

With great demon power, the magic weapon in his hand was surging by the wind and thunder of their dance, and they attacked Ye Chen.

The strength of the demon generals is really not comparable to those of the demon soldiers. At this moment, once they work together, a large tornado dance suddenly surges between the sky and the earth, and the momentum is extremely powerful.

But hundreds of demon kings were activated, and the aura that inspired them surged, causing the soldiers besieging the sky by their side to almost be lifted, some of them turned on their backs, and all of them swayed as if they were a little unsteady on their feet.

Because of this, no matter in the sky or underground, many enchanting soldiers began to cheer their generals.

"The general is mighty, takes down the traitor, and captures the former princess alive."

"The general is mighty, takes down the traitor, and captures the former princess alive."

"The general is mighty, takes down the traitor, and captures the former princess alive."

The besieged soldiers from the surrounding area roared in unison, and the voices of hundreds of thousands of people were even more earth-shaking.

With such a mighty momentum, Huandu Luolan and the others, who had been doubled by layers, looked a little abnormal, especially the Poison Lady. Under the mighty roar and roar, everyone seemed a little dumb.

It is really a crowd of hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, it is too shocking, even if the Poison Lady has been in a high position for many years, at this moment, she is completely unable to scream at such a huge scene.

Among the few people trapped right now, Ye Chen was the only one who was attacked by the group, still floating calmly in the air, raising his eyes and frowning, and looking at the little prince who showed something wrong with his expression.

And, the old poison emperor who was held in front of the formation for a long time without making a sound.

At this moment, Ye Chen also felt that in the predicament, hundreds of thousands of troops might not count at all, and the secret situation hidden under this predicament might be the root of the chaos in the South.

"Take it to death, you can leave it to Lao Tzu to enjoy your disdainful glory and wealth, hahahaha."

While Ye Chen was thinking about it, a demon commander who had already rushed to the side suddenly carried a nearly one-meter-long sword and slashed towards his front door.

Under one move, there was nothing left to speak of, and between the grinning faces, the ambition that was revealed was even more unconcealed.

At the same time as the one-meter-long broad knife was hacked, Ye Chen's whole body was also hacked and killed by more magic weapons, and the situation was unavoidable at this time.

But at this moment, a sound transmission that made people feel quite distorted and awkward suddenly rushed into Ye Chen's ears.

"Don't want to die, Ye Chen, I know you still want to live in this world. There are so many things that you can enjoy in the world. Why should you die here just for a princess?"

"Say, say that you are willing to surrender to me and give me your control. I promise that you will be immortal, control the world, and run wild in this circle. Whatever you want, I can be satisfied. You can do whatever you want."

"Give up, don't struggle, you can't resist an army of hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, only surrendering to the deity is your best way out."

The sound in the ear was constant, but it was only for a moment, but when the sound fell, a black vague shadow, also silently passing through the siege of the demon generals, rushed directly into Ye Chen's body.

Seeing this weird scene, the red-haired little lord's smile suddenly became exuberant, and he whispered: "erosion, success."

After that, he wanted to raise his hand, UU reading to stop the attack of the demon generals.

Because it won't take long for the human man in front of him to become his own, his companion.

However, when the little prince’s arm was just raised, the vague black energy that gradually diffused from Ye Chen’s body suddenly seemed to be absorbed by a powerful black hole, and then immediately retracted again. Ye Chen's body.

After that, Ye Chen, who had been standing still unmoved, also slowly raised his hand, and Yu Kong shook it!

The seemingly slow action in the eyes of everyone, but it was completed in an instant before hundreds of demon generals attacked.

Such a weird scene, let alone hundreds of attacking demon generals, suddenly shocked in my heart, even the hundreds of thousands of troops who watched the battle saw such a weird picture and felt extremely puzzled.

But then, even more weird and confusing situations appeared one after another.

I saw that after Ye Chen held it in his hand, there were countless transparent flat folds that stretched across the sky and tens of thousands of miles between the heaven and the earth, where Zhou Fang had nothing, and spread directly with Ye Chen’s fist as the center. Above the sky.

And at the moment when the transparent folds that looked like a crack in the sky appeared, the hundreds of demon generals who attacked in a group, the incomparably swift attack issued by them, suddenly stopped in everyone's sight for some reason.

As if being frozen, every demon commander still maintained the ultimate move of vigorously swinging, but the attack that was originally all-encompassing stopped strangely and unpredictably.

The most obvious thing is that it still cuts down to Ye Chen's front door, the one-meter-long broad knife, here is only less than two or three centimeters in front of Ye Chen, and he almost touched Ye Chen in one fell swoop.

It's just that it's a little bit worse, just like the gap between heaven and earth, becoming out of reach.

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