Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 675: Convenient?

Realizing that his Azure Cloud Sword was trembling faintly in his own hands, he didn't think Ye Chen rushed in front of him as a character's magic blue, and his eyes suddenly revealed a dignified color.

As a **** with a realm as high as the golden immortal peak, the heavenly king, he wondered who the kid who rushed in front of him was, and the strange flame bursting out of his body made him feel extremely hot, as if stretching out. In the Palace of the Thirty-Three Heavens, it was close to the old man's alchemy furnace, and the flames were amazing.

Obviously, the boy in front of him didn't even gather the fairy bones. How could he have such an ability to use the ground fairyland cultivation base to forcefully break through the Nantian gate guarded by the four golden immortals. If this boy is not a lunatic, it is possible. There is someone behind.

But no matter who the backer is standing behind the opponent, today's Nantian Gate must not be allowed to pass.

He quickly distinguished a simple stake in his heart, and immediately Mo Liqing turned his wrist holding the Qingyun sword slightly, and Yu Kong pulled out a burst of thunder roaring sword flower.

Immediately, the Sky Thunder Snake that was suppressed by the gorgeous emperor flames swelled more than twice in the wind in an instant, and immediately outside the huge Nantian Gate, the power of thunder was like the tide of the sea, surging in layers. 'S trembling towards the turbulent Emperor Flame.

In just a few seconds, the difference in the essence of power has already been manifested. Although the sky and the gorgeous Emperor Flame have suppressed the initial Razer, with the immortal power injected by Mo Liqing at this moment, this situation of positive suppression has come to a sudden. The Razer side dumped.

And Ye Chen, who maintained the output of Emperor Flame, faced the sudden-strength Thunder Snake, his swiftly flying figure also stopped in front of the Nantian Gate, and his entire body was strongly suppressed, making it no longer possible. Go forward half a meter.

The difference between the two realms of cultivation is difficult to make up with ordinary techniques. Ye Chen knows it well, but he just wants to get out of the heavens and get rid of the overly evil thoughts of the Queen Mother.

Face the four heavenly kings who are far higher in their cultivation and win the battle hard? He is not crazy.

"Boy, no matter where you came from, you should just grab your hands early, Heavenly Court, in fact, you can just go as long as you say it is? Don't be obsessed with it!"

Mo Liqing’s eyes flashed bright cyan light, holding a long sword, he was controlling a large area of ​​Thunder Snake to suppress Ye Chen’s movements, but it was not too aggressive, and in the last sentence, it seemed to exist. With a reminder.

"This Lord of Heaven, I am forced to come to the Heavenly Court. Would you please raise your hand and let Yemou go back to the Mortal Realm?

Don't provoke anyone who can call me here at will. If you have any opinion on you, that would be bad. "

Ye Chen's words seemed to be begging for mercy when they first heard it, but when it came to the back, the threat could not be concealed.

Also, with his knowledge of the fairyland cultivation base, how could he break into the heaven through the Nantian Gate silently.

is it possible?

Of course it is possible, but that kind of opportunity will only be one in ten million.

The Mo Liqing brothers looked at each other, and everyone knew this truth in their hearts.

But the more they knew, the more they couldn't help but suspicion, the words in Ye Chen's mouth: You can call them to the heavens at will.

There are only a handful of people who can possess such unpredictable methods to not disturb anyone in the huge heaven.

The Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, plus an old monarch in the palace, all have such methods.

As for some other people who can also achieve this kind of magical powers, I am afraid that they also have this ability, and they don't have the courage.

After all, above the heavenly court, anyone who enters without permission is guilty of a serious crime.

Some other great gods, who would dare to be like this and take a mortal monk to heaven?

But, the more I felt that the person who summoned Ye Chen was extraordinary, Mo Liqing's heart became more depressed.

Whether it is the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, or the Taishang Laojun, it is not his story that just listens to the loud heavenly king to provoke.

Once any one is offended, it must be in the huge palace, and the four brothers will be difficult to mix in the future.

Mo Liqing and the other heavenly kings were thinking and frowning, but Ye Chen took advantage of their hesitation and continued talking.

"It's convenient for pedestrians, you can do it yourself, you guys don't want to let me go."

Ye Chen increased the volume a lot when he said no. When Mo Liqing heard it, there was a burst of light in his eyes. Then he turned to look at Ye Chen, his eyes kept beating towards him.

Seeing him coming to ask for clarity, Ye Chen also slightly nodded, and immediately a burst of emperor flames all over his body suddenly melted the flames with his body, completely transformed into the emperor flames, and rushed towards the south gate.

Seeing Ye Chen doing this, Mo Liqing also instantly understood, and after blinking at his other three brothers, he instantly looked hideous, sword-turning thunder, and started facing the Mantian Emperor Flame in all respects. Full offensive.

On the side, the three heavenly kings of Growth, Duowen, and Guangmu each used their own magic weapons to soar into the sky. Together with their eldest brother, they began a covering attack against the emperor flames that charged in the sky.

Suddenly, the sound of humming at Nantianmen shook the sky, and countless dazzling and colorful fairy powers were also shocking and rippling like the sky and the waves, and they continued to spread crazily outside.

Soon, a group of huge energy groups enveloped the entire Nantian Gate.

And the roaring attacks of the four heavenly kings have not diminished in the slightest, and they are constantly attacking in the unclear energy group outside.

It was also outside this earth-shattering battle that a cluster of light and transparent flames had crossed the boundaries of the Southern Heaven Gate and began to drift towards the mortal realm under the clouds.

"Finally, I'm going to escape.

Hum, I, Ye Chen, is the kind of person who gives up a man's true color for the sake of the future?

Queen Mother, right? Wait, the heavens can't tolerate me, and Yemou will definitely be able to break out of the world in the Mortal Realm.

In the end, together with my second and third younger brothers, I will give you this heavenly palace feast, "to help you"! "

In order to avoid the accidental appearance of a man without losing his body, Ye Chen also planned in his heart, not to stay in the heaven.

Although the mortal world is so big, there is no immortal power surge, but there are not a few powerful people.

As long as he has perseverance, Ye Chen felt that he would definitely be able to learn a good skill, and then come back from heaven.

But it's a pity that Bodhi Patriarch and Queen Mother are two treasured places for practicing shortcuts, and he has no chance to meet again.

"Goodbye, Tiangong."

Ye Chen, who turned into a cluster of transparent emperor flames floating outside the Nantian Gate, couldn't help but look back, and finally took a look at the sky full of red clouds and the brilliant and colorful heaven as a farewell.

But just as he flew outside the Nantian Gate, and was about to fall into the mortal world, a sound of vicissitudes of life came from the sea.

"Don't fight, send that Ye Chen to Dousing Palace."

At one point of the sound, the energy of the four great heavenly kings and several people who were ‘fighting’ fiercely was immediately dissipated by the sound that seemed like an ordinary sound.

Mo Liqing and the others also quickly knelt on the ground, bowed their hands in the air, and instantly became too honest.

But this was not over yet, the sound of the vicissitudes of life had just begun, and another soft drink of anger suddenly resounded from the high and far reaches of the heavens.

"Four heavenly kings, people in this seat, where have you been left behind?"

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